private like termites too wood // Termitehum // bees to honey

Jan 5, 2023
The medicine den was growing very old very quickly. Being stuck in camp had lost its flavor too and they were more than just willing to say eff it and go about their day as a normal warrior. Though they knew Dawnglare would come from the depths of the camp just to bother them about it once more. So they decided to stay in the medicine today plus they just didnt feel good enough to talk to anyone anyway. The sunshine warrior seemed to lack her lustrous petals that she wore like a proud mane around her neck. There was a dark cloud of gloom hanging over the young cats head and it was only worsened with her recent interaction with Chrysaliswing.

They had thought they could explain, that they could tell him what happened to them and get some sort of comfort from a friend- but of course none of that happened. Instead she got a verbal lashing from the venom viper that was the orange and black tomcat. He had confirmed everything they had been thinking and they couldn’t help but feel like their friends and family felt the same. Did she really not try hard enough? Did she abandon her clan? He had been right- she hadn’t been there during times of plagues and rogues. She hadnt been here to help find herbs nor fight off intruders.

No instead she had been busy turning down wrong alleyways, getting into squabbles with other cats and running from dogs. The twolegplace was rather insane and a maze of buildings that all looked the same. Honeysplash was certain it was just pure luck that had brought her to Skyclan once more. Not her own directional skills, not her efforts, just luck. Stupid, fickle, luck.

Honeysplash growled softly to herself and dug claws into he soft moss of her nest. Her ears flicked back against her head and she moved her gaze from the den entrance, she had been glaring at it. The cream and white warrior flexed her claws a bit and promised she would work harder. She had to prove Chrysaliswing wrong. That she was enough for the clan, that she deserved to be here and could make it work. It was just a matter of time before she got better and she could start working again, be out there making a difference.

The young warrior then laid her head down on her paws, now for only for another few hours before the sunset and the next day would come. Or so she hoped. ​


failed to be charming

⁺₊ ⋆✩ Termitehum is sick of the medicine den. They've been sick of the medicine den for a long time now.

It stinks of death, of rot, of bitter medicine and terror. She'd been trapped in there moons ago, gasping for life and waiting waiting waiting for a cure that would surely never come. It's a testament to little more than her stupid, stubborn kindness that she keeps returning. For her father, leg twisted, felled like an eagle with a broken wing.

For her best friend, curled and small in their nest. Head buried in her paws. Termitehum's heart aches.

They set the thrush near their friend's nest. "Na-" No, wrong name. Can it still call her that? That token of timid friendship? It's been so long. It's been so long that Bananasplash has been gone, and she's come back all torn to tatters and with brightness dimmed, same as Termitehum feared all those moons ago. Here lies the manifestation of all her terrors. It's better than never coming back at all, but...

"...Honeysss-splash..." She feels as if she doesn't quite know this new cat. Her best friend. She approaches cautiously, as she does most things she doesn't understand. Swallows around the lump in her throat. Hesitates. Keeps her head down, her spine curved. Reaches a tentative paw forward and then stops, so close to touching. "Hh-how... Mm..." She doesn't know the right words to say. "Are you oh-hh-okay...?" They settle on, soft and imploring. Stupid question, she's clearly not. Termitehum almost cringes at their own voice.

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  • TERMITEHUM 𓆣 she / they / it, warrior of skyclan, 21 moons.
    a willowy black molly with white patches and intense.
    superstitious and cowardly, yet quietly kind despite their fear.
    dragonflywing xx earwigtuft, littermate to chrysaliswing.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
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-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- A voice startled them slightly as they had been deep into their own spiral of despair that they hadnt heard the other cat approach. The young warrior lifted their head up from their paws and then up into orange eyes. Termitehum. She had been sick too, in the medicine den alongside herself and the others like Slate or the apprentices- but they had left a few days ago. Now free to do as they pleased, as she so jealously thought.

Honeysplash took a moment in processing what it was Termitehum had asked her. She was just so out of it, her mind felt like it was running a mile a minute on nothing but spite. The young warrior then adverted her gaze from orange hues and she wanted to say she’d be okay, like she had been doing, but something about the black and white warrior. Her best friend.

This thought made cracks show in her stronger facade, her lip quivering and she shifted in her nest to face her friend better. There was so much laying on her mind, so much fear and depression she had been keeping inside. Her fears being confirmed with Chrysaliswing didnt help either. It was unfair, so unfair-tear dropped from her muzzle down onto her paw.

Termie-,” She tried to keep her voice even, to keep her sorrows at bay, but she could feel herself crumbling like a kitten who got caught in a a lie. Her best friend- someone who understood her, someone who cared. Honeysplash swallowed thickly, sniffling a bit, “I-i-…I’m not okay..,” She whispered the last part and her voice trailed off softly, before she lowered her head and tears started to run freely down her cheeks.

Honeysplash had tried to be strong for so long. Through the whole kidnapping, being lost in twolegplace for moons, fighting for her life every waking moment that sometimes she didnt even sleep. Now she was just a failure to Skyclan. She missed the plague, the rogues, she would’ve missed Blazestars’ death too if she had been lost any longer. Was she even worth her warrior name?

She gave a sharp intake of breath and burrowed her face into her white paws, “I failed everyone,”

  • HONEYSPLASH she/they, Warrior of Skyclan, 24 moons.
    A lithe, cream tabby cat with high white and green eyes.
    Younger siister to Orangestar, Applefrost and Apritcotflower and littermates with Blueberrybounce and Cloudberrythorn // Former mate to; Quillstrike
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by youwolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.