like the bough of a willow tree | flame

A few days had passed since the incident with the boars. Their presence was unsettling for all of the clan but Flycatcher had been shaken after the incident with Roeflame and Burnpaw. Whilst everyone had been fortunate to walk away live, Roeflame's injuries and Burnpaw's bravery weighed heavily on his mind.

The venture outside with Flamewhisker was meant to be peaceful, but after a simple question had been asked as to how he was doing, Flycatcher had spoken at length of how the incident had troubled him. "I just kept thinking about what I would have done if Roeflame's injuries had ruined her life as a warrior, or if Burnpaw had never come home. I would have never forgiven myself if anything happened to either of them on my watch." Flycatcher concluded. He had a serious expression as he shared his fears, but it relaxed when he finished and turned to look at his mate. "Sorry, Flame, I didn't mean to talk your ears off," He said with a smile. "This was supposed to be a peaceful walk and here I am hashing out my grievances with the boars." Flycatcher paused a moment to jump over a fallen log, waiting for his mate join him before speaking again. "How is Acornpaw's training going? I'm sure if Cloudyfur's training is anything to go by, I'm sure she's shaping up to be a fine young warrior."

Much like himself, Flamewhisker had been a mentor to several apprentices now. It was at times tiring work but incredibly worthwhile to see the young cats they had trained stand before the clan and receive their warrior names. Flycatcher was lost on his thoughts for a moment when a sudden snapping sound caught his attention. He tore his gaze away from his mate and found his green eyes staring at the form of a boar. In regular circumstances, Flycatcher would have advised they just back away and leave it in peace, but this boar already seemed agitated. And upon spotting the two cats, its agitation only seemed to grow. It made a snorting sound and then began to charge them. Mercifully, there was a small distance between them and the boar but there was no way they could outrun the beast. "Quick! Quick!" Flycatcher urged, nudging his mate. "Up the tree!"

Making sure Flamewhisker was following him, Flycatcher made a quick jump towards the nearest tree, easily sinking his claws into the bark and beginning to climb to the safety of a branch.
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It wasn't often that they got to spend quality time together, and even more so now with the boars running rampant. Even on just a simple walk, the threat was still very much there...these were beginning to rank right up there with the dogs. least they could outrun the dogs for the most part...these creatures seemed to have abnormal speed and strength. She had asked her mate how he was doing, guessing that he was still shaken up after the most recent incident, and it turned out that she was right. He unloaded on her, and instead of responding to each sentence, she simply pressed her pelt against his. He had always listened to her rambles, her worries...the least she could do was try to be as supportive as him.

He apologized for talking her ears off, and she simply smiled. "You can talk my ears off any time." she responded softly, attempting to brush her nose against his cheek. Him venting his fears was better than what she had been doing... she had been keeping most of her worries to herself lately, and after, her outbursts at Sunnyday, she had realized just how unhealthy that was. "The most important thing is that you all are alright."

Next, he asked about Acornpaw's training. "It's going well. I've shown her the borders, and we have done some hunting practice. I'm planning on introducing some basic defense moves here in a few days. I haven't taken her out as much as I want to, with the boars running around, we've been keeping most of our training close to the camp." She leaned her head against his shoulder for a few moments and closed her eyes, taking a minute to enjoy the sounds of the birds above them, when suddenly she felt him tense. "Bug?" she asked, opening her eyes to see what was going on.

Her muscles instantly tensed, and her blood turned cold. Ahead of them stood one of the creatures...she heard it snort, and without much warning, it started to charge. The fur along her spine rose, and she hesitated for a moment. Quick! Quick! His urgent voice broke her attention, and she ripped it away from the boar. It was much closer now...She spun around on her feet, and raced after her mate towards the nearest tree. Her heart was racing...her ears roaring. Her rear end braced to leap, but the jump was misjudged. When she should have stuck, instead, she slid back down. Oh no! Her eyes rounded in terror...she could feel the hot breath of the boar now...she was going to die.

I'm sorry Flycatcher...I love you..

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What happens with Flamewhisker seems to happen in slow motion. From his perch on the tree he watches as Flamewhisker follows him, bracing herself to jump up and join him, only for her to start sliding back down the tree. His wide-eyed expression matches her own and Flycatcher feels his heart hammering in his chest as he watches his mate slip closer to the boar. "Flamewhisker!" He cries out.

His following action takes but mere moments. He does not think in that moment, he only acts. Flycatcher bunches himself up on the branch before launching himself off of it and dropping onto the boar below with outstretched claws. It's quite a reckless idea in truth, and as he falls, Flycatcher is almost vaguely aware of how life-threatening this is. But despite his awareness of the situation he knows he would not have stayed on that branch to watch Flamewhisker fall and be mangled by that boar. As he lands on the beast, he makes sure to sink his claws in as much as possible. His presence on the boar's back is felt almost instantly, with the beast snorting and grunting in a mad panic, before attempting to kick him off. Flycatcher held on like his life depended on it - which in this case it most certainly did - before finally his grip is weakened and he is sent flying as the boar succeeded in bucking him off. Flycatcher tries to brace himself for the landing, but as his paws briefly touch the ground he feels something ping in his leg, and rather than land upright he winds up in a heap on his side. He is too winded and afraid to even dare to move. Luckily for him, the boar appeared to have been spooked by his surprise attack and had since retreated further into the undergrowth. It was safe for not but probably not wise to linger long...
She is mere moments away from death...she can feel it. Death hadn't managed to claim her yet, but there was no outrunning it this time. Her body wants to tense, but she forces herself to relax...hopefully it would be quick...she didn't want Flycatcher to see her suffer. The sound of the boar crashing through the undergrowth was all she could's heavy breathing and snorts blocking out the rest of the world. She closes her eyes...waiting for her final breath. Please Starclan...send my kits to fetch me..

What had felt like a lifetime, had really only been just mere seconds. Too much time seemed to pass by, and she began to grow suspicious. Had she already died? That was quick...Hesitantly, she opened an eye, and saw her mate riding on top of the boar. Her other eye flew open, and she leaped to her paws, her body begging to help...but there was no way to help. It had happened so fast, she hadn't even known he had jumped out of the tree. She watched helplessly as he was flung around, before he was ultimately thrown off, landing on his side. Her paws begged to run to him, but she kept her eyes glued to the boar. Her mate was still he would be alright...if it didn't run off, she would distract it. However, she didn't need to, as it turned and ran off.

As soon as it left, the red Molly rushed over to him. She stopped beside him, lowering her head to help him up if he needed it. "You mouse brain, you could have been killed!" she cursed him, but her eyes were dripping with tears of relief. She hadn't wanted to die, but she wouldn't have been able to live with herself if something had happened to him. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"


He's lay there for a while before the familiar red-furred form of his mate appears. Flycatcher gives her a weak smile. "Hi," He said nervously, at the same time as she cursed him for his actions. Flycatcher takes her cursing in good stride, however, noting that despite her words she is shedding relieved tears over him. Flamewhisker asks if he is alright and he inclines his head to the side as he ponders his question. "Considering I got thrown from a boar I don't feel too bad all things considered. Maybe a bit winded but otherwise okay. What about you?"

As he waited for her answer, he attempts to rise to his feet, suddenly wincing and struggling to put his weight on one of his front paws. "Huh, guess I must have landed funny," Flycatcher noted, looking at his mate with a worried expression. His frown only deepened when he could hear snuffling in the distance, growing noisier. "We have to get back up the tree. I can jump up to the tree but I might need you to help me up on the branch."
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Hearing him speak, she closed her eyes in relief. He seemed to be alright, thank Starclan. Part of her imagined throwing herself at the boar in rage if something had happened to him, but now without a boost of adrenaline the thought scared her...those things were too big and bulky to even try to hurt. She blinked some more tears away, and pressed her nose to his chin. "All I care about is your safety...I'm fine." she said quietly, waiting a few moments before pulling away.

She watched as he tried to stand, and she let out a small gasp. Was it broken? What if they had to run? She hardly had enough time to process the words before the familiar grunting and snorting came back into earshot. Her gaze drifted to the undergrowth, then whipped back to her mate. "Are you sure?" her voice strained, and she held his gaze. The last thing she wanted to do was leap into the tree and leave him on the ground alone, even if it were for mere seconds. What if he slips like I did? Her legs trembled nervously, then she eventually gave him a nod. She had to trust him...and if that boar tried to hurt him again she would let it have it.

Bunching her back legs, she jumped up the tree, this time scaling it with ease. She made sure to sink her claws in extra tight this time...they couldn't afford for her to screw it up again. She positioned herself along the branch, waiting for him to join her.


Given his current condition, Flycatcher could not fault Flamewhisker for her doubts. He had scarcely walked on the injured leg much less tried to jump on it. Still, it was the only thing he could think of for them to do, knowing they wouldn't be able to outrun the boar should it have tried to charge them.

"Guess we'll see," Flycatcher shrugged, trying to hide his nerves. He watched and waited as Flamewhisker jumped into the tree, successfully getting on to the branch this time. And then it was his turn. Unfortunately for him, his leg hurt considerably, and his first attempt to run and jump hurt him so that he stopped just before the base of the tree. Knowing he couldn't stay on the ground, he made a second attempt, gritting his teeth and trying to ignore the pain. This time he landed on the trunk of the tree, and was just about able to inch towards the branch Flamewhisker was perched on before the pain returned. Flycatcher made a pained sound and then looked towards his mate for the help he had requested before.