private like the stars miss the sun in the morning sky / elmbreeze


for you, i’d steal the stars.
Jul 14, 2022

It was not often Echolight found herself on the border that faced the horse place, though not entirely intentional- the entire area simply felt eerie, haunted.
Today though, something inexplicable had drawn her towards it, though scarred paws don’t dare venture to the edge, the calico molly would drift alongside it, the hunt that had taken her outside of camp that day slowly waning to a mere afterthought. Echolight had always prided herself on her intuition, and today it dances sparks along her spine with each pawstep she takes, but she cannot explain it.
The wind blows Echolight’s first clue in her direction, the breeze that ruffles dappled fur carries a foreign scent- one the Windclanner almost recognizes, she feels soothed by it for a moment, motivated to continue her investigation despite shedding any naivety towards the dangers of venturing like this long ago- Echolight knows there is no threat at the end of this trail.
Stopping just short of the scent line, a singular powder blue hue drifts the land just outside her bubble for a moment, stepping back when there isn’t even a twitch of life.
She turns, but the breeze again wraps her in the eerily comforting scent- the one the calico feels as though she should remember-
“No.” Echolight doesn’t even realize she has looked back until she is met face-to-face with a ghost. It wasn’t possible, not now, after all these moons.

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It had been nearly two whole seasons since Elmbreeze had last walked these lands. Despite the time he had spent away, his faith in StarClan had never wavered, nor had his belief that one day he would see the lands around his home again. One day he would see Echolight again and finally meet the kits whom he had so desperately wished to meet.

It took months of building up trust with the twolegs who had eventually taken him in before Elmbreeze dared make his escaped. As a clan cat and a rogue before that, he had been raised to distrust and fear the twolegs, but his owners had not treated him poorly, nor had the fat ginger tom he had shared their nest with. Elmbreeze had been eager to leave but a small part of him felt bad when he finally did so. Literal moons had passed since then with Elmbreeze focused on surviving and returning home, never quite knowing if he was going the right way. During that time, he had plenty of time to reflect, to wonder how life had changed in the clans and if he even wanted to go back. He feared RiverClan would not accept him again, especially knowing he had sired half-clan kits, and WindClan seemed even more of a risk with Sootstar in charge. Elmbreeze eventually conceded that taking residence in the barn at the horseplace might be his best chance. He wouldn't be a clan cat per se but he would be close to his family, to his kits and Echolight. If they wanted him that was. If not he would simply move on and return to the wandering ways he once had moons before the clans even existed.

After moons of wandering, he meets a few friendly rogues who speak of clans living in the woods and he knows his journey is at an end. Home was upon the horizon.

Elmbreeze travelled past the impressive Highstones and continued on until he reached the Horseplace, the smells of hay and the other animals that made their home here familiar, though he had not smelled them in so long.

A few days had passed since he had arrived and Elmbreeze took his time to rest - truly rest - whilst also investigating the barn. There are a few barncats there already and they tolerate him for the most part, so long as he doesn't get in their way. Not even the twolegs seem to mind his presence here, surprised to see a new face but cooing affectionate words to him none the same.

Elmbreeze ventures outside for the first time in days, finding the warmth of the sun and a gentle breeze on his pelt. He is wandering close to the fences that separated the barn from the border with WindClan when he picks up a strangely familiar scent. It is brief and so Elmbreeze does not initially think anything of it but when he hears a voice speaking his head swivels in the direction of the sound, blue-green eyes going wide with shock.

"Echolight!" He gasped in surprise. His eyes travel over her form, feeling the same familiar rush of warmth and affection for her as he had done all those moons ago, where the two confessed their love for each other over the moonlit moors. Echolight is older now and carries herself with a different posture but is no less beautiful to him. Elmbreeze wonders if he still lives up to her memories. He doesn't think he had changed much personally, though was skinnier and his pelt lacked its once notable glossiness from his fish based diet. "Is it really you or is this another cruel dream?" Cautiously, he took a step forward but then hesitated. He feels shy and awkward and more strangely ashamed, as though he knows he was a disappointment for her abandoning her and their kits all those moons ago. "I never thought I'd see you again."