private lilac tours and snowy whiskers & Sedge


he looks like just a dream
Nov 27, 2022
The blizzard seemed to take such a turn that even Windclan couldn't stand to be out in the snow, and had retreated to the tunnels in camp for shelter. It was strange to go from sleeping under the stars all the time to that of confined tunnels and winding slopes, but they made it work. Moving snow proved to be harder than anything else and prey was just as scarce and it didn't help that the sickness in camp was still rampent. Though it seemed more under control than it had been the last few weeks- Dandelionwish was trying his hardest really. Still, it was frustrating for a lot of them and thigns were tense since the raid on Skyclan.

Nutsprout hadn't been in the patrols for the fight, choosing to stay home and watch over the sick, and he was in the midst of camp pushing piles of snow aside with his shoulder. His paws felt numb and his nose felt like it was frozen from all the snot leaking from it, "I cannot wait for this to be over," He muttered to himself with a shake of his lilac coat. The tomcat gave a small sigh and rubbed at his nose with a cold paw, trying to get some feeling back into it though it was a massive failure.

The militant cat shook his head slightly, twitching a curled ear, and then headed for one of the tunnels that had been made into a den of some kind. Nutsprout settled down in a nest comfortably and shivered slightly, fur bristling at the chill down his spine, and wondered how Ghoststrike was holding up. Puffcloud and Nineteen seemed to be doing alright, but the grey tabby was the only sick one in the group. It worried Nutsprout but he wouldn't dare say that out loud neither.

Resting his head on his front paws, he stared out into the dark tunnel in thought. Things were only going to get worse with the blizzard and he wasn't sure if any of them were ready for it. ​

Leaf-Bare was certainly becoming more of a nuisance every day that carried forth. It seemed as if each day grew colder and colder, the snow that piled into the shallow ravine of their camp now in large piles to clear pathways so their clan mates could maneuver through the makeshift path ways. It's usual blank canvas of purity now stained from the sand and soil that lay frozen underneath.
Sedgerunner lay at the mouth of the medicine den, it's secure layer of shelter providing as much warmth as it could muster. She watched silently as more snow flakes billowed in the wind, each flake falling lightly onto the ground. How much more could they take? Sometimes, she wished that she could take shelter under the thick pines of ShadowClan or the massive oaks of ThunderClan. At least they had a bit of shelter to hide from the snow instead of taking the brunt of it like WindClan. But—what of during the New and Green-Leaf seasons? She couldn't bare the thought then of being trapped under woven branches, being shielded from the warmth of the sun and open sky. Though, a small part of her yearned for it. At least there—there she could hide from the world and maybe even hide from her own looming thoughts.
Sedgerunner sighed, silently watching the near barren camp with an empty gaze. At this very second, things seemed to be peaceful.

Nutsprout was busy shoveling snow out of the way, frost covering along ridges of his back. She parted her maw to speak out, to greet him at least, but only a heavy sigh came with a dropped head onto splayed out paws. Why would he want to talk to her, anyways? It's not like they were best friends. She knew of the former Rouge through some formal and casual interactions, but nothing intimate. She watched him with virdian eyes, feebly wiping away at the moisture on his face before finally leaving his post and settling into a crevice in attempt to rest and warm up.
Was it just her gaze being hazy, or did the tom seem like wasn't actually here? The way his brow furrowed and the glazed over look in his eye. He seemed to be thinking about something. Sedgerunner's prominent ears twitched, their tips feeling lightly numb from the cold. She wanted to get up and lend a paw, perhaps someone to talk to would help him out? Like he'd even talk to you, hare-brain. You may as well be someone else's lining in their nest with how useless you are. The warrior gritted her teeth, jaws clenched so hard till it felt as if her teeth would crack under the pressure. Why, just why did she have to think like this? It felt as if a demon resided within her mind, entertaining themselves by constantly poking at her insecurities.
Sedgerunner buried her head under her paws, her ivory claws slipping from their sheaths and stabbing into her chilled skin. Please just leave me alone, she pleaded to herself, praying her anxiety would listen this once. She pulled herself up into a sitting position, tightly curling her cedar colored tail over petite paws. Just go talk to him, a silent urge pulled at her chest. With a deep breath, she slowly glided over with a lowered head and pinned back ears to prepare herself for the possible chastising she'd receive. "He-Hey, Nutsprout. You—uhm, you doing okay?" She called out to him, her voice almost whisper to not disturb her clan mate.
✦ ★ ✦
There was movement that disturbed the snow and he tightened his curl on himself as to not be stepped on by whomever was entering. Though there was no pawsteps passing by and instead he picked up a voice, almsot a whisper but he could pick out his name. Curled ears perked up before Nutsprout lifted his head to look behind him, sage green gaze blinking a few times to adjust to the brightness of the outside world. A small tilt of his head followed as he recongize that of Sedgerunner; a rather lanky chocolate she-cat. He had seen her in passing before and they have gone on a few patrols with each other, but otherwise she was a moreso mystery than anything else.

A litttle chuckle left his muzzle in amusement, "Am I okay?" He echoed back at her rather sweet words. It was nice of her to care though he didn't understand what brought it up, and he looked to the sleeping bodies of the other cats. Nutsprout rose to his paws from his nest and nudged her towards the entrance with his muzzle, "This is were we can talk without a catch trying to claw our eyes for distrupting beauty sleep," There was a twinkle of amusement in those sage green eyes and he gestured for her to sit with him at the tunnel entrance.

"I am..I will be alright," Nutsprout finally answered her question as he settled comfortably, "I worry for Ghoststrike, he is sick in the badgers den and I swear if that stupid man dies on me I'ma kick his butt when I get to Starclan," That Scottish drawl laying on thick as he talk with a smile on his face, and a gesture of his paw while he talked.


She manages to smile sheepishly at the tom as he answers her, watching him rise from his nest. Nutsprout always seemed to be a friendly face, even for being in a militant group before joining WindClan.
He echoes her question, confused by her words. Sedgerunner opened her maw to usher am apology, but it snapped shut as he placed his muzzle along her flank to escort her outside. She audibly gasped at his touch, blood rushing to her head immediately as blood roared in her ears. The warrior stiffens, the fur along her spine prickling as if lightning zipped through her. She manages to stumble out of the den, her paws tripping over one another until she stops at the entrance. What was that? Why did she just suddenly forget why she was here or how to move for that matter?
Nutsprout begins to speak again, but she barely hears it. Only his muffled voice reaches her ears as she stares at him for a moment too long before she realizes. "Oh! Uhm—" Sedgerunner desperately fumbles her words, immediately dropping her gaze from the tom and onto the ground. "Y-yeah. I hope he heals quickly. This sickness is g-getting brutal." Her cheeks flush with embarrassment, thanking StarClan silently for getting the gist of what Nutsprout was saying without making a complete fool of herself. "I-I remember seeing him when I went to see Dan-Dandelionwish. I think he was sl-sleeping, though."
✦ ★ ✦
The lilac tabby nestled down into the entrance of the tunnel and looked at her as she spoke, giving a small nod in understanding. She did have a point he did go see Dandelionwish, or well maybe now Vulturemask, and was resting well in the badgers den. Nutsprout just couldn't wrap his mind around loosing Ghoststrike to something so stupid. He had been having these strange feelings over Ghost and it was starting to annoy him. It was like the answer was there but it was just out of reach, just on the tip of the tongue.

There was a furrowed brow at the chocolate she-cat and he gave her a soft look, "Are you alright, there? You seem on edge," Nutsprout didn't want the she-cat to have a heart attack with how jumpy she seemed to be. Was it something he said or did? Nutsprout had a habit of invading others' personal space on accident as he was just use to talking and touching casually. The lilac tabby feared he had crossed a boundary with her for a moment but then gave a small shake of his head, "You don't have to be nervous around me,"

A small smile was offered towards the chocolate furred cat and then looked out into the snow as it cascaded downwards. The sky was dark with clouds blocking out any semblence of the sun, "Do you think the blizzard will end?" He questioned to her and glanced at her from the corner of his eye.
