border lily of the valley cries // new comer


im bigger than my body
May 17, 2024
It had been over a few days now- or maybe less than it was untelling. At first it was suppose to be a joke and surely they’d come back. There was no way they had been serious about the whole thing- right? There was begging on it for certain for the black and white cat but as the day turned to night, then another night and then they got fed up waiting. This idiot probably got themselves killed or something by a fox or dog!

A roll of cerulean hues came from a dark face as they traversed through the sticky, muddy ground. The city was behind them now and there was more and more anticipation eating at their chest as the shaped moved along. The scent of these clan cats was growing stronger with each step taken and ears flicked back against a triangular skull with annoyance. Surely they hadn’t been victim to these cats right? They werent that wild to kill off someone?

Lotus’ tail flicked back and forth behind her as the she-cat came to a slow stop. The border of this Shadowclan was just mere tipping steps away from her and she narrowed her eyes against the light filtering through the trees. This place was darker and marshy, with much wet land and mud so she couldnt really see a reason to be here. Wasnt it cold? Wasnt hunting hard? Was it really worth it for dearest father?

Shrike had said something about that of their father having another child- or children really but that was too specific for their own good. The black molly twitched their whiskers slightly and looked around the pine trees and underbrush. Should she keep walking? She didnt want to cause a stir for anyone really but she just wanted her stupid sibling back.

The idiot had been serious She thought in agitation and huffed outwardly to no one. Lotus wondered how they got in there, how they had been able to join so fluidly that they’d be gone for so long. It didnt feel like they had died, surely Lotus would feel a shift in the world if their sibling died some where, so where were they?

Lotus sat down where she stood and suppose she could just wait patiently for someone to come to her. Respecting ‘borders’ and what not or something like
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She wonders if this was how SkyClan felt, having kittypets bounce up to their borders, batting their eyes and swinging their heads wildly, asking, " Is this where we can eat for free and have fun in the sun all day? " Frolicking through the forests with their... jangly collars, or whatever. Scaring the prey with their clumsy selves. At least ShadowClan at least had a good moon or so of full bellies before the bountiful times had to end... and of their own volition, of that. What irony.

At least these cats were a little more respectable than your average kittypet. This one sat keenly at the border, whereas she imagines a kittypet would have pranced right over... Sharpshadow makes a face as he approaches. Even though he knew he was only doing what he's meant to, he feels like he's incriminating himself, standing here... Forestshade's stupid self had already made him in accomplice when it comes to her stupid loner - recruiting scheme. Maybe Chilledstar didn't care, but Chilledstar wasn't the only one she was worried about...

Sharpshadow comes to a stop slowly, keeping a weary eye on the stranger all the while. " Hi... suspiciously Chilledstar - looking stranger, " dubiously, he greets. His gaze would trail towards that of his clanmates, wondering if they were thinking the same thing that he was... " What do you want? "
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“I just don't understand why you would volunteer to do more work” there was a playful edge in Shrikes tone as they trudged through the wet marshland alongside Nectarsong. While they weren’t particularly a huge fan of the idea of shadowing someone they had to admit that this warrior was pretty alright. They'd been trying to pry out a reaction from them rather than the general politeness that they seemed to uphold. This endeavour just made the recent joiner more chatty than anything.

As they opened their maw to continue these attempts a familiar scent brought whatever taunt they had lined up to a halt. “I uh- do you mind if we go swing by the border?” it wasn't necessarily unease in their inflection, rather than confusion. They don't wait for an answer and change their direction towards the border that they themself sat at recently. This was something that they did often, abandoning whatever they were doing to follow a new whim. Though there was more thought taken into consideration when around Nectarsong compared to when they would do this to their littermates. It wouldn't look good for them if they just ran off so they tried to keep a normal pace.

Sure enough, their nose wasn't playing tricks on them. A familiar black and white molly sat beyond the border line, recognition is clear in their eyes as they hold themself back from the urge to jump and tackle her. Instead they squint at Sharpshadow but move to be beside her wanting to keep a respectable distance as they didn't want to teeter too close to the metaphorical edge of ShadowClan's territory.

“Took you long enough Lotus!” Any energy for taunting they originally had for their mentor was swiftly angled towards their littermate. They could already tell that she was not happy with them, yet to Shrike it kind of felt like a game. At least, now that they knew she was healthy and safe. A row of sharp teeth is flashed in a wry grin, other than their initial taunt they decide to keep quiet. They didn't particularly want to stir up any trouble, they noticed that kind of behaviour had a very low tolerance, they could reserve further comments for later.

  • OOC. @nectarsong mentor tag <33
  • Shrike│Bio
    They / Them, Loner , 27 moons {ages on the 1st},
    A long haired black feline with low white spotting and hazel eyes.
    Jagged x NPC
    Speech, #ad744a, thoughts, attacking
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

"what's this about someone looking like– oh."

any sense of emotion fades from them. they have another sister, it seems. they look over at shrike and they close their eyes. why me? why now? why another? they flick their ears back and forth with a sigh. this seems so ridiculous. four loners, all related to them because their father. stupid idiot. stupid fool. no telling how many more there is around because of his stupid cassanova behavior. they still don't understand their mother for loving him. after everything, even when she was dying. she still loved him. unfair. unfair. unfair.

"you're the last one right? no more of you? if you're here to join, come on. I don't have all day and I really just want to finish this patrol."

no anger. no sadness. no happiness. nothing. numbness. void. they don't feel anything. maybe later, maybe when they have time to process. but they can't do this now. they just sigh, closing their eyes. why are they here? why are they all here? what was so interesting that they wanted to be here with them? clan life? chilledstar? serpentspine? they don't know. it doesn't matter. they cannot deny their family. not now. not ever. they did have a weakness.

"let's go then."

———————---***ALL OF MY FEELINGS ARE GONE***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    46 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking / looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
The first cat to approach was rather- interesting to say the least. She had never seen someone like him before with their silver and black coat, silvery eyes and a rather- disgruntled disposition. Was it common for clan cats to be this way? Some of them had to be a bit nicer otherwise how would her stupid sibling ever get through? Lotus opened her mouth to speak, "Suspciously? That has to mean something" She commented back to this wiry haired cat as she has yet to meet this 'Chilledstar' and see what they looked like, "I am here looking for-" Though words didnt get very far as a familiar black and white pelt came into view with a cheer greeting.

Her fur bristled along her back and she had to keep her tongue in her mouth as the molly wanted to snap, or hiss, or something at this idiot of a cat. How could they just leave! Without her too! They left her behind to worry for a whole few days and now acting like everything was honky-dory? Not on her watch! But Lotus was unable to lash out at her sibling when this other black and white cat came into view looking- tired. Annoyed? Maybe both? She couldnt right tell from where she stood but it made her paws prickle with anxiety slightly. Though she could also be over anazlying things as well- she tended to do that a lot.

Though this cat responded with a numbness to their tone, about joining and wanting this patrol over. Lotus flicked their ears back and gave a small furrowed brow, well this wasnt exactly the mood she'd expect to meet. Anger would've been better in all honesty but alas that was now too passed. Still, she wanted an answer to her bubbling question that left her lips before she could stop them, "Youre Chilled then? I'm-I'm Lotus" She had never had an older sibling before but Jagged had spoken about Chilled a lot- so surely this was them? She wasnt sure and part of her wanted to turn back and say nevermind to the whole ordeal- but she pushed it down.

Instead, blue eyes fixated on the figured of their sibling, "Oh i can join now?" Of course it was rhetorical and then got up from where she sat to step over the border with a lash of her tail. Lotus then tried to run at Shrike with a sheathed paw raised, aiming to just swat them on the shoulder or some where, "Excellent! Shrike!
  • [ooc]
  • Loner
    25 moons
    AMAB Transfeminine (she/her)

    healing power play allowed
    powerplay peaceful actions okay
    ping if needed in a thread
  • 36771566_Iu89GXUTthVwZTL.png
    Lotus is the half-sibling to Chilledstar, sister to Shrike, Rook and Ripplestream.

    Mate to no one

    Lesbian Polyamorous

    Borderline Personality (likely to sabotage relationships)
An animalish snort leaves her at Chilledstar's comment. They could be pretty funny when they weren't trying to be. The leader's ears are enough of a showcase of everything going in their head. In their defense — (And who was arguing with them? Only her) Sharpshadow would be pretty embarassed if it were her unknown siblings showing up at her clan unannounced. And it'd be pretty awkward to tell them to go away too, yeah?

Well, he'd do it if he was in charge. (That's a lie, he thinks. And he's not in charge for a reason)

At least they weren't unpleasant so far. Having strangers accepted into their clan so easily made her skin crawl, but it's not like Shrike gave a damn with all that yapping they've been doing. What is almost absolutely some dumb sibling - fighty commentspins a number of conspiracy theories into life. How many of them were there? Four? Five? Eight ? Twenty? What if they're just a colony of black cats, slowly pushing ShadowClan away from the inside - out? It's not too hard to be a black cat without being Chilledstar's kin. She was right here.

That's stupid, of course. Smogmaw would probably cough up a hairball on her for how stupid that is. But — it's just too easy, isn't it? It's just so damn easy. She wonders, if she hadn't grown up with her, if Forestshade would've deemed her ShadowClan enough to be let in. Not like he would've ever come to this dump if he hadn't been born here.

Of course, while he's thinking about all of this, he's standing completely still like an elder that forgot what they walked in a room for. Chilledstar number four (?) is talking at him. " Uh. "

And then it's over. They're in. Awesome. Sharpshadow stares at absolutely nothing. " Welcome, I guess. "
"It is a warrior's duty to teach new Clanmates, whether they be an apprentice or a rare warrior-aged joiner like yourself." Nectarsong explains to Shrike, ever-patient demeanour turning to confusion as their shadow turns tail and meanders towards the border ... towards a cat who could be their twin. Is their twin, from the amicable way they greet this strange cat named Lotus. Sharpshadow is there, looking just about as confused as Nectarsong feels. As Chilledstar accepts Lotus into the Clan without a second of hesitation (as if to get it over with) the tortie point comes to a halt beside the lead warrior with a glance her way. Was this ... wise?

Pink tongue swipes across pale jaws as Nectarsong stifles an unbidden yawn. Oops. Blinking to their shadow, Nectarsong gestures with their tail and meows kindly, "Come now, Shrike. We've a patrol to finish, yes? You and Lotus can catch up at camp."

  • NECTARSONG ✧ they/them, warrior of shadowclan

    — "a lithe tortie point with gentle blue eyes."
    — single ; shadowed by shrike
    — speech is in #749E99
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.


It should be surprising that Chilledstar had given the approval for Lotus to come in so flippantly but they had gathered that there was something going on with their half sibling. Maybe if they were… at their normal attitude? whatever that could be, then maybe it would have taken a little longer for Lotus to be allowed to cross. At least no one was outwardly nasty to her they supposed.

Shrike feels their fur bristle knowing that nothing was in between their sisters wrath and them now that the illusion of a border was gone. They debate just turning around and running but they weren't going to look like a coward. Tail lashes as their littermate swats at their shoulder “Lottie! That is not how you greet your sibling” they gasp in mock horror. playfully aiming to swat a sheathed paw at her shoulder in retaliation “rook and ripple are gonna be so excited to see you! Oh right, Ripple is Ripplestream now. It's a clan cat thing” they prattled on excitedly.

Nectarsong ends up being their saviour in this moment, an excuse to avoid their sisters wrath and their own excited babbling for a little longer. They frown all the same, not wanting to part ways, then reluctantly moving away from their sister to stand by their mentors side. Does this stop them from lightly tapping Lotus's face with their tail? absolutely not, there's a wide smug grin as they do so. “Right, yeah, patrols. I'll see you later sis! Don't do anything I wouldn't do!” they call out before turning their attention to Nectarsong. “Are you sure it's duty and not just because you enjoy my company?” they ask the warrior with a chuckle, continuing their earlier conversation.

  • OOC.
  • Shrike│Bio
    They / Them, Loner , 27 moons {ages on the 1st},
    A long haired black feline with low white spotting and hazel eyes.
    Jagged x NPC
    Speech, #ad744a, thoughts, attacking
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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Reactions: Lotus☽ and wolfie