
The unknown has always scared him. His entire life, short as it may be thus far, he has hesitated to do just about anything. His first steps, his first words, they always came second to his littermate. Camp was something he had not been eager to explore at first, icy cold fear gripping his heart and his lungs when he had been practically pushed into it the very first time but now? Now he cannot imagine being cooped up in the nursery all day, not when he could be sitting in the sunshine bathing in its warm glow. There would be none of that today.

Heavy clouds had filled the sky blocking out any hope of seeing the sun and with them they had brought a new experience. Rain. When the first drop of water had hit him he had cried out like he had been struck. 'It's okay Graykit' someone had said 'It's only rain' but it was cold and awful and it reminded him of some distant memory that he couldn't quite place... It made him feel lonely.

So he had retreated to the nursery to press himself close to the other kits, waiting for the storm to pass huddled close to cats he cared about. They made the awful feeling go away. The rest of the day passes in a blur, spent the best possible way. Napping.

When he opens his eyes, sunlight is filtering in through the nursery entrance again. Morning had passed, and the sun hangs high in the sky, boasting it's strength as it breaks through the cloud cover to once again bathe them in it's warmth and light. Rubbing his eyes with the back of one of his paws, he makes his way from the nursery along with the other kits, only when he put his paw down it touches something. Wet and slimy, the creature wriggles beneath him. Immediately, all of his hair stands on end, his claws come out impaling it. Awful. Awful terrible disgusting creature. It thrashes about on his claw even though it should be dead and when he lifts his foot up to inspect it that only serves to horrify him more. "HELP!" he lets out a screech, terror making him act without thinking "HELP ME! GET IT OFF! GET! IT! OFF!" he flails his paw about wildly, desperate for it to no longer be stuck to him and luckily, he gets his wish. The worm goes flying off his paw and, to his horror, hits someone else.


  • 5RlyhZs.jpeg

  • KXcjaby.png
    A plush coated kitten with a pelt marbled in varying shades of gray and white. He has dull green eyes and a tall stature. Most of his personality can be described as carefree though some also say that unmotivated is a more than apt term. His trust and love is easily won through praise but he will do little work to receive it.
    easy in battle + no formal training
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Eveningkit doesn't mind the rain. It's just another type of water after all, and as the future best warrior of RiverClan, she has to be okay with all types of water! Her first swimming lesson had went, well- swimmingly, and she has no trouble withstanding it even when it's a bit colder. Rain is a bit more annoying, especially when it lands on her nose or whiskers, but that wouldn't be a problem.

The problem is that when she's all wet, dirt clings to her pawpads and fur, and she can't stand the feeling of it. At least when she gets out of the little stream that encircles camp, she can sunbathe right beside it to avoid that issue.

The rain? You can't avoid the rain.

So, Eveningkit had spent most of the day crouched by the nursery entrance, willing the dark clouds to part with her very scary glare. The gloomy weather seems to stick to her like an ugly second skin, sapping all her energy and motivation to play.

Her method works and the sun shines once again. Graykit is beside her when she bounces up from her sulking position, and her eyes glimmer when she looks at him. How he managed to sleep so much during the day is beyond her. "Come on, let's go!"

Eveningkit hisses at the squelch of mud underneath her. She hadn't thought about that... but there's no way she will go back down. She will just have to wait until it dries.

"Graykit, what do you wanna-" Her question is cut short when she realizes he is no longer by her side. She whips around - she has to find her playmate really fast as to not waste more daylight -, and is promptly met with something slimy slapping her cheek.

Eveningkit stands frozen, her eyes wide, stuck on Grayit's bristling form. Only her eyes move downwards to stare at the culprit.


"EW." Her muzzle wrinkles as she stares in disgust at the creature- but then she's curious, leaning in close to sniff at it. "It's so gross." Nothing she says matches her actions, not when she reaches out a paw to prod at it. Looks like it just wants to get away.

Finally, the moment is broken and she erupts into laughter. The absurdity of the worm clinging to Graykit first only to get thrown into the air is too funny. She's barely able to keep her eyes open because of the series of giggles, peering up at Graykit from her crouch. "Look at you! You're twice your size!"

  • 3rauDdy.jpeg
  • OOC -
    DAUGHTER TO Lichentail x Hazecloud
    SISTER TO Horizonkit & Twinklekit & Snowflakekit
    ADOPTIVE SISTER TO Shellkit & Pebblepaw & Riverpaw

    ✦ Pale grey point she-cat with yellow eyes.
    ✦ Penned by ˏ 𝙠𝙖𝙧𝙢𝙚𝙣 ´

His eyes fly open wide as he watches the worms journey through the air and it is with complete and absolute horror that he watches it hit Eveningkit directly in the face. No no no no no. This was the worst possible thing that could happen to him ever because now Eveningkit must surely hate him, she probably thought he had done it on purpose but he hadn't. It wasn't his fault the stupid worm decided to fly that way, it wasn't his fault that she just so happened to be there! But he doesn't want Eveningkit to hate him forever so he opens his mouth to apologize only to stop short when, of all things, laughter escapes her jaws.


He can't believe it. He had just hit her in the face with a worm and she was laughing. She wasn't angry like he had expected her to be, like he would be if someone hit him in the face and for a moment he just stands there, jaw parted with an apology still hanging on the edge of his lips but confusion and surprise rendering him speechless. "You're not.. You don't hate me?" he asks, voice cautious as if he's waiting for the other minnow to drop, as if suddenly she would decide that she did in fact hate him now but no, she points out the fact that with his fur standing on edge he looks twice the size he normally does. Heat rises to his cheeks and suddenly he feels self-concious but Eveningkit's laughter is infectious and he can't help his own awkward laughter that breezes past his lips "Hah... yeah that thing gave me a good scare" he admits and then turns to try and speed up the process of getting his fur to lie flat by giving the hair along his spine a couple of quick licks before he turns back to look at his friend "I'm sorry for hitting you in the face with a worm, I just wanted it off me" he had been panicking, not thinking, but he's glad that she doesn't seem angry at him, at least.

  • 5RlyhZs.jpeg

  • KXcjaby.png
    A plush coated kitten with a pelt marbled in varying shades of gray and white. He has dull green eyes and a tall stature. Most of his personality can be described as carefree though some also say that unmotivated is a more than apt term. His trust and love is easily won through praise but he will do little work to receive it.
    easy in battle + no formal training

Laughter still has her in a chokehold when Graykit recovers from his shock. It forces her hysterics to an abrupt halt, catching in her throat, and she stares at him like he's just grown another head.

"Why would I hate you? Silly." The statement is a matter of fact, no nonsense, no room for argument, and she has a bounce to her step as she approaches him to give him a playful flick over the ear. "Unless you ask because you meant to slap me in the face with it..." she suggests, eyes glimmering and suggesting that this too is just a joke.

Now that she's calmed down, she helps brushing Graykit's fur flat with a careful paw, humming as she does so- and then freezes with the knowledge that her paw is still dirty. She resists the urge to wipe it on Graykit again just to get rid of it; his pelt is all dark and brown anyway.

"So you don't like worms." Eveningkit declares unhelpfully. It really doesn't take a genius to figure out. She whips around to look at the worm again, now at a respectful distance from them. It starts moving again and she has to wonder if it's all dizzy from having been thrown around. "Oh, I know! We can scout the camp for more worms and I'll throw them into the stream for you so they don't attack you again." And her, by extension.


  • eImZnzu.png
    ────── SHE/HER ✦ PENNED BY KARMEN ✦ 04/15

The dirt stands out out on Eveningkit's pale fur, unmistakable in the way it sharply contrasts. When she reaches out to brush his fur flat he freezes, absolutely stunned by the gesture. He doesn't even mind that her paw is unclean, doesn't care that she leaves some of it behind on his own gray shoulders. It was perhaps the nicest thing someone who was not blood related to him has ever done for him and it is staggering. He even finds himself smiling at her words, grinning like an idiot but she really truly does forgive him and it is such a simple thing but... "I would never!" He says a little too quickly, pale green eyes widening in panic before he realizes it's a joke and she's not serious. "Oh.. haha" he laughs when he realizes she's only teasing him, letting himself relax "No I uh I think you're safe unless your name is Snowkit" he says with a snicker as he imagines how his littermate would react to such a thing. She probably wouldn't be as forgiving as Eveningkit was being and a wrestling match would probably ensue in which the loser would be forced to eat said worm. Thankfully, his den-mate didn't seem to have any intention of doing that.

His gaze follows her to where the worm still wriggles about on the ground, despite the hole he had pierced straight in the middle of it. If it were any other creature it would be dead. It should be dead. The sight of it makes him shudder. "They're freaky" he says with a nod to his companions words. He wasn't afraid of them but they made him feel... weird whenever he looked at them.

At Eveningkit's suggestion, he glances at her sideways, a huff of air escaping his nose and a smile once again lifting up the corners of her mouth. "If you're sure, but remember no take backs! You can't back out once we start okay?" if she left him cleaning up worms by himself he's not sure if he could find it within himself to forgive her.

  • 5RlyhZs.jpeg

  • KXcjaby.png
    A plush coated kitten with a pelt marbled in varying shades of gray and white. He has dull green eyes and a tall stature. Most of his personality can be described as carefree though some also say that unmotivated is a more than apt term. His trust and love is easily won through praise but he will do little work to receive it.
    easy in battle + no formal training

Graykit's flank doesn't move even an inch as Eveningkit's paw drapes over it, and she wonders if he actually stopped breathing just then. He isn't screeching her ear off to stop though, so she takes it as invitation to keep going. There's a lot of things the other kits can raise their voices for, but this time, she is being totally innocent.

In further kit-like innocence that makes everything so simple and easy, she doesn't think twice of the little stumble in judgment Graykit does, thinking she had been serious. Instead, she simply grins at him. A toothy grin that reaches so wide her eyes almost close. It's truly devilish.

And then it's gone in a flash, moving to focus on the task at paw. The worm looks even worse, now that the moment has passed and she has to voluntarily touch it again.

But Graykit makes her stick to what she promised. "Okay, okay, promise!" Her voice is much more enthusiastic than what her face betrays. "Watch this." Eveningkit puts one paw to one side of the worm, the other raised in the air; same way as her rear, thrown skyward as she readies herself.

She swipes.

It's a big one, packing way more of a punch than really necessary, a bit of loose mud getting caught on the tips of her paws as she does so. The worm flies again. She had directed it towards the stream, but she failed to realize that she might not see whether it actually reaches the water...

"Where did it go?"