- Dec 8, 2022
- 488
- 109
- 43
She understands why Ternstar didn't.
If StarClan had denied Mapletuft of Leadership once— turned up their noses and decided they would rather pluck a queen from her kittens than give Mapletuft nine lives, there was no reason to believe they'd change their minds later, really. For a little while there, Mapletuft had essentially been a seat-warmer, and thats... not a position something like deputy should ever be reduced to. At least, Sharpshadow had thought that at some point, but now he's here, doing essentially the same thing. If anything, Ternstar's testing some theory... taking a gamble. The term replacement only had its most cynical of meanings, right now.
He hadn't gone looking for her... No, he hadn't wandered over to ShadowClan's graveyard with the knowledge that she would be here; armed with the proper words on his tongue to say... something; anything, really. Maybe the vague wonder of how is she doing had twisted fate, or something. He'd be more warm to the idea of fate wasn't historically cruel to ShadowClan. Why would they honor a cat with shadow in his name? Why would they bless a cat that they had rejected less than a moon ago?
Dumb luck is what it is.
" Uh... hey, " an amazing icebreaker from her... Nettles crunch underfoot as she makes her way to Mapletuft, eventually stopping just a few paces behind the former deputy. It's not like it was his fault. It's not like he owed her anything... StarClan must've had the same thought, he guesses. Sharpshadow can't find it in him to apologize, not when they're practically sharing a trench. He just wants her to know... that he sees her, or something stupid like that. " I just— uh, " he stumbles. He probably should've thought about what he was going to say before he started flapping his gums. " I just... feel bad for you. " Is pity what she'd want if she were Mapletuft?
If StarClan had denied Mapletuft of Leadership once— turned up their noses and decided they would rather pluck a queen from her kittens than give Mapletuft nine lives, there was no reason to believe they'd change their minds later, really. For a little while there, Mapletuft had essentially been a seat-warmer, and thats... not a position something like deputy should ever be reduced to. At least, Sharpshadow had thought that at some point, but now he's here, doing essentially the same thing. If anything, Ternstar's testing some theory... taking a gamble. The term replacement only had its most cynical of meanings, right now.
He hadn't gone looking for her... No, he hadn't wandered over to ShadowClan's graveyard with the knowledge that she would be here; armed with the proper words on his tongue to say... something; anything, really. Maybe the vague wonder of how is she doing had twisted fate, or something. He'd be more warm to the idea of fate wasn't historically cruel to ShadowClan. Why would they honor a cat with shadow in his name? Why would they bless a cat that they had rejected less than a moon ago?
Dumb luck is what it is.
" Uh... hey, " an amazing icebreaker from her... Nettles crunch underfoot as she makes her way to Mapletuft, eventually stopping just a few paces behind the former deputy. It's not like it was his fault. It's not like he owed her anything... StarClan must've had the same thought, he guesses. Sharpshadow can't find it in him to apologize, not when they're practically sharing a trench. He just wants her to know... that he sees her, or something stupid like that. " I just— uh, " he stumbles. He probably should've thought about what he was going to say before he started flapping his gums. " I just... feel bad for you. " Is pity what she'd want if she were Mapletuft?

A large, scrappy feline with pessimism seemingly baked into his bones. It's clear she doesn't make much of an effort to maintain herself, though the namesake of her coat would likely stand out either way.