pafp LION WALTZ | playing 'clan'

Apr 26, 2024

"Um, Wolfstar, where should we attack first...?" Merlinkit mewled behind the light-colored kitten, timorous voice like a diffident leaf, shaken even by the mildest of winds. She always found herself shying away from the spotlight, though it was more of a choice than anything forced upon her. Today, Wolfkit wanted to play 'clans,' so Merlinkit tailed along like a good sister. The blue tortoiseshell sepia stayed just in the shadows of her more outgoing sibling, resigning herself to always play the second advent, and thus had happily assumed the role of deputy. Waddling paws straddled her to a position right next to Wolfkit, like she stood just next to the sun itself, though took care not to allow fragile fur to burn and immolate like wax. "I-I am Merlinkit, the fearsome deputy of Thunderclan! Um, uh, I'm not really sure what else deputies say... Oh, sorry! I mean Merlinsong. Or was it Merlindawn? S-Sorry, I don't really remember..." The meek molly mewed with an intonation that pooled just under her breath, and she simply waited for the more brash Wolfkit - or Wolfstar - to take the helm in their adventures. Bowing her head as if in shame, golden eyes stared at the ground. That was embarrassing... and totally not what a deputy would say! Ugh, I'm never gonna be a good warrior if I can't even make a simple speech.

( Please wait for @WOLFKIT )

Wolfstar's kitten-blue eyes surveyed the horizon (camp), an innocent pride shining on their smile. The center of attention was neither a bother nor a want for the young cat, so, when asking to play a game with their sister of the shadows, taking the reigns had felt as natural as breathing. A drawn-out hmmm escaped them as they looked for a target of WolfClan's attack, each den a worthwhile reward for any up-and-coming legends. Wobbling forwards, the sepia cast a look backward to their sister, their Deputy, tail lashing impatiently as they awaited her introduction. I am Merlinkit, the fearsome Deputy of ThunderClan. They frowned, soft gaze growing wide as if wounded. 'No no no you've got it wrong! It's WolfClan! I'm not Thunderstar, I'm Wolfstar!' The difference between the name of their home and the name of their leader was lost on the kitten, but, they did not protest, finding it did not ruin their game nearly as much as they thought it would. Within an instant, the slight was forgiven. "It's Merlinsong!" They announced with a sunny smile, needle-like claws flexing against the earth as they imitated a hunter's crouch. "StarClan honours your hunting and words."

StarClan honoured them with nine lives - so many lives that the likes of BasilClan would not threaten them! They squared their paws and stanced up awkwardly, turning their head to a bush within their domain, where a great many monsters emerged and retreated throughout the day. "As Leader of Wo- FunderClan, I declare war on..." They lowered their voice, a childish urgency within their tone. "The bush." The bush, where all warriors slept, the bush that the young were forbidden from looking in lest their eyes be turned to stone. They had heard so many tales about why they couldn't intrude on the grown-up's sleep, but with too many lives and a fiercely loyal Deputy by their side, anything seemed possible in this land of make-believe. "Deputies... tell it to give up and not fight... I think."


( 𖤓 ) the fact that wolfkit -wolfstar- has chosen merlinsong as their deputy is an arrow that strikes right through basilstar's very heart. he stands facing the two, his siblings, his very life's blood, with crumpled grief on his face. merlinsong stands by wolfstar's side, blue tortoiseshell fur mingling with cream sepia, while the green eyed leader of basilclan stands alone. behind him, the bush, mighty and terrible, but an ally all the same. within it, thousands of basilclan warriors lie waiting while their lone leader, deputyless, faces the enemy. "merlinsong!" he calls, voice booming (squeaking, really) across camp. "you have sided with wolfclan! you will pay for this, my sister!" he attempts to emulate the official speech that howlingstar and the lead warriors use. "w-wait, wolfkit- er- star, i thought you were wolfclan, not funderclan," a paw comes up to pause the game, confusion overtaking the little boy's face.

it doesn't really matter, and he'll shrug when his sibling responds, closing his eyes to get back into character. "ahem! well, i appoint..." basilstar glances around, eyes frantic, and settles on russet striped fur, accented with snowy patches. a regal sight, alight with flame in the sunshine. thunderclan's real deputy. "i appoint flamewhisker as my deputy! basilclan is strong! we will protect our camp!" he blinks wide eyes at the queen, begging her to join in. they must defend the bush and its warriors inside.

  • // @Flamewhisker summoned hehe "#FAC966"
  • 81393563_8O53Igoh9sDSoNx.png

    a cream ticked tabby with high white, and green eyes. a tall boy sporting a chaotically ruffled coat of pale cream tabby. darker ticked stripes flow down his fur, and band around his legs and face. his chest, stomach, muzzle, and most of his tail are white, he has verdant green eyes that sparkle with mischief.
  • Love
Reactions: Flamestar
It seems the younger kits have taken to creating their own Clans. Shroudedkit is not unfamiliar with the game of 'clan', but he'd never quite found his place in it. How was he supposed to fight as a warrior, or heal as a medicine cat, if the kits were not allowed to play rough? One could say he lacks imagination, but he just sees it as.. unrealistic.

But.. as the kitten grew, his tastes seem to have shifted. Shroudedkit was close to becoming an apprentice now, and the idea of warriorhood was becoming more intriguing by the day. Today, he supposes he will indulge in the little game of 'clan' - but as he sits by and listens to their first declaration of ranks and wars, he only becomes confused.

"BasilClan.. Wo-FunderClan.." he mumbles, half to himself, and half out loud to nobody in particular. "FunderClan" had declared war on a bush, which was.. interesting, he thinks doubtfully, but.. well, realistically, BasilClan had the advantage. "I wanna join.." he begins, but stops short - he is only mumbling, he realizes. Louder, he fixes: "I wanna join BasilClan. They have a real warrior as a deputy, so.. they sound cooler."

So, now he was part of a Clan, but what was his role in this game? "Am I a warrior, or what?" he questions as he takes a place next to the smaller Basilkit- Basilstar. "You need to name me. Like Wolfstar named Merlinsong. I'm not good at making stuff up."
  • SHROUDEDKIT ━━ penned by ixora
    ━━ 5 MOONS,, ages every 10th
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none
    ━━ MENTOR to none
    ━━ HEALTH ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎ | generally healthy​

  • speech is #E4D6CE


Her sibling's cheery voice made it hard for Merlinkit to remain embarrassed for long, as though Wolfkit's smile dealt the sun itself, in brilliance and spirit alike. The light-colored feline had always been more outspoken than she, more boisterous and adventurous than the kitten who shirked away at mere shadows that simply stood tall above her. "Oh, yay! M-Merlinsong. Um, thank you Starclan." The blue tortoiseshell nodded her head, soft smile edging the frays of gossamer, kit-fluff face. Azure eyes turned towards the bush that Wolfstar decreed an enemy, whose yawning maw withheld teeth of thorns and snags, and it beckoned for her to leap into her mouth to be chewed into a pulp! Merlinkit shivered, a faint mew slithering out of her muzzle. Boyish voice boomed with the might of thunder, king's tone rounding in tumultuous song - not really, it was just her brother Basilkit. "Hey! That's, uh, unfair! You can't have Flamewhisker as the deputy!" She pouted. Shooting a wide-eyed glance at Wolfkit, as if their strategic genius would avail them to win this imaginary war. That sense of unfairness had been exacerbated by Shroudedkit deciding that he wanted to join Basilclan instead of Wolfclan (or Funderclan? She had lost track a while ago...), and a stiff tail lashed back in forth, the tip crimped and waving like a flag of sorts. "Um... We declare w-war!" Attempting to mimic how she had seen the warriors stand proudly, she bunched her legs together and held her head high. Do I look cool? I hope I do!

⁺˚⋆。°✩₊When she had padded out of the nursery, the last thing she had expected was to be flung into war. I appoint Flamewhisker as my deputy! Basilclan is strong! We will protect our camp! she blinked in surprise, but what else could she do? She was no longer the deputy of Thunderclan, but the newest deputy of Basilclan. Basilstar had spoken, so she would obey his command. Besides...she couldn't say no to those blinking eyes!

The queen padded towards the group of kittens, and gave an exaggerated bow in front of her new leader. "I will serve Basilclan the best I can." she spoke, her eyes glittering playfully. Wolfstar was the leader of Funderclan, with Merlinsong as their deputy, and it seemed Shroudedkit wished to join Basilclan. She sat back and waited for Basilstar to name his newest warrior, finding herself intrigued to see what name the kit would come up with. She quite liked the name Merlinsong.

She watched as Merlinsong change her position, trying to mimic that of a warrior. We declare w-war! Flamewhisker let out a gasp, trying to seem threatened. "What should we do, Basilstar?"

  • FLAMEWHISKER she/her, deputy of thunderclan, 32 moons, ages on the 20th
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    widowed mate to flycatcher / / mother to: falconheart, stormfeather, sparrowpaw, sunkit, mothkit, scorchedkit, and squirrelkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    link to toyhouse
    penned by Icey !@icefang65 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.