private LIONHEART ;; hollykit


A bundle of fur rests beside him, though he cannot see the way her eyes are wide with curiosity as he stares owlishly into the air in front of him. Fireflypaw knows she is curious, knows that she wants to ask questions. He'd been in a bad mood lately, but for his new siblings he would temper his irritation and soften. They had done nothing to earn his ire, only exist in a world where nothing is ever fair. One day, he thought, one day they would learn just how cruel this world is. And when that day comes, I'll be there to lead them through the dark. He is awfully aware of the cruelties of this world, that one day he may end up in the dirt where Mother would claim his body- his soul returning to the stars so he may be with his family.

"You're staring, Hollykit." He chuckles softly, kneading his paws into the ground as he lowers his massive body to the ground. Scarred eyes turn to the direction of the small kit, a small smile on his lips. You would be proud of them, pa. He thinks to himself, a soft breeze pushing through his pelt and rustling his whiskers. "What are you thinking, hm? It's okay to be curious, to ask questions."
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𓆩 ♕ 𓆪 "You're staring too!" comes the kit's quick justification, an excitable squeak. "But not at me or at anything." Her half-brother's eyes turn upon her, yet do not settle. Unfocused and cloudy; they seem to look through her, almost, as if to something beyond. She cannot help but glance behind her in bewilderment.

He doesn't find answers over his shoulder, in the icy blues of Fireflypaw's eyes, nor the pink trails of scars that frame them. He scrunches up his nose in confusion. But Fireflypaw invites questions, with a voice that that bleeds the soft shades of his smile through it. She leans forwards as he implores her, eager to ask once she's been given permission. "Your eyes are all -" The kit waves a paw in the air to gesture at them, unsure of the right words. "Like a cloud, but not a cloud that's gonna rain," is what he settles on. Milky blue-whites strange and staring. "What are you looking at?" He doesn't seem like he's looking at her.

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  • HOLLYKIT ⚔︎ she / him, kit of skyclan, three moons.
    a small, fluffy kit with mottled fur and deep green eyes.
    bobbie x blazestar; littermate to lionkit & candorkit.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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"Am I?" Fireflypaw hums softly, amusement evident in the flicker of ghostly blues. He is unblinking, still staring past the kit and yet right in his direction. Patiently waiting, patiently listening to the questions the young child has. She compares his eyes to a cloud yet to rain, and yet this is the first time Fireflypaw has heard someone describe his eyes after his blindness. "Does it scare you, Hollykit?" He asks curiously, and somehow, he doesn't feel bothered by the gesturing- he can't see it anyways.

What are you looking at? He asks, and Fireflypaw rolls his shoulders as deep laughter ricochets in his chest. "Everything, and yet nothing. You see, I cannot see like you can. A long time ago, I hurt my eyes and haven't been able to see the world around me." He leans his head down further, face right in front of the kit's own as if to make a point. "But I can smell you, and I can hear you- so life isn't so terrible." He shrugs, satisfied with his explanation. It was easy to explain what it was like to be blind to children, especially with the idea that had popped into his mind.

"Let's see.. Close your eyes, and keep them closed. Take in the sounds of the forest, the rustling of the trees.. The smell of milk from the nursery. This, my dear sibling, is what my world is like through my eyes. Dark, and yet beautiful."

𓆩 ♕ 𓆪 The kit nods fervently at Fireflypaw's first question, blissfully unaware that he can't see it. At the second, she perks up. "Nope!" Hollykit chirps in response, and is confident in the answer. He leans a little closer, a sparkle alighting his own verdant eyes. "I'm not scared of anything," he whispers, infusing it with all the theatricality that a great hero would.

Fireflypaw laughs at her question, and Hollykit brightens at the sound. Sits patiently through their explanation. Everything and nothing. It sounds like poetry. He likes the way Fireflypaw talks, the way they explain things. Eyes that can't see, from some old and great injury. It reminds her of mama. But - ah, hold that thought. Before she can make the comparion, they're telling them to close their own eyes.

Hollykit does so readily. The world turns to pitch and he lets the words wash over him for a moment, pausing once Fireflypaw has finished speaking. "Eee-verything and no-thing... It is beautiful! I like the wsh-wsh-wsh the leaves do," He can hear the rustling, the soft chitter of insects. Smell the distant milk, the pungent leaves that decorate camp. They all blend together into a muddy mess; he can't tell one from the other. After a moment of concentrating, he speaks again. "Oh! But, but there's so many! So many sounds and so many smells,"

She peeks one eye open to look at Fireflypaw again, as though to ensure he hasn't vanished while she was distracted. It shuts again quickly. "You must be reaallllly good at smelling and hearing. For me it'd be all - bump!" She strides forward, confident of Fireflypaw's legs in front of her. Whether she collides with them or not, she dramatically pulls back as though having horribly bumped her head. Stumbles, a bit, then falls to the ground, with legs splayed and tongue sticking out.

  • 78595156_PHu3ouPV70uRxD0.png

  • HOLLYKIT ⚔︎ she / him, kit of skyclan, three moons.
    a small, fluffy kit with mottled fur and deep green eyes.
    bobbie x blazestar; littermate to lionkit & candorkit.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
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