private lion's roar // scorchstreak

Cottonpaw's limbs itch as she readies herself. She's been Wolfsong's apprentice for a couple moons now, however before him was Scorchstreak (and before them, Icebreath, however that chapter is closed, healthily or otherwise.) Guilt only eats at the grey furred she-cat when she spies her former mentor, which is a testament surely for how guilty she truly feels. It's not her fault StarClan has called on a different path for her - yet all the same, it's not wrong for Scorchstreak to feel disappointed. Cottonpaw just about compartmentalized all she felt in the time that the other was gone. However upon her return, in addition to her gaining a new apprentice... it all returned and with the force of a thousand badgers.

Maybe it's time to talk.

Cottonpaw stills by one of the tunnels, having scented the multicolored lead warrior heading her way. She's almost proud of herself, having maintained some of her tunneling skills thus far. Her tail lashes once she catches sight of the other, her smile finding her face, "Hey, Scorchstreak - I know you're busy, but..." she tilts her expression away. The other is not known for being coy or entertaining such behaviors, but she can't help it, especially as the uncertainty and guilt resurface in her veins, "I just wanted to chat. No, um... to thank you, actually. We weren't paired up for long, but you took care of me and made sure I didn't make any more stupid mistakes in the meanwhile. I don't think I ever thanked you, so..." She trails off, ears folding back for a moment.

When she does speak again, she tries, "I think you'll do Pinkpaw well. She's... certainly a piece of work, but at least she won't be stolen away from you." She regrets the joke almost as soon as she says it, feeling it in poor taste.​
The tunneler spots Cottonpaw and nearly turns back the way they’d come. It is no secret that Scorchstreak has been avoiding their former apprentice; they don’t see a reason to hide it. Their failure, the stars deciding that they weren’t a suitable mentor for their leader’s child, still weighs heavily on them. Just the same as Icebreath, they had not been good enough to mentor her to warriorhood. Cottonpaw hadn’t even remained a tunneler—perhaps two mentors failing her had been the catalyst that set her path elsewhere.

Still, the calico knows that they cannot sidestep Cottonpaw forever, especially after returning from the journey. So when the younger WindClanner smiles at them, asking to chat. She’s right, Scorchstreak is busy, but the lead warrior supposes that they can spare a few moments to speak with her. "Cottonpaw," they greet the other with a dip of their head, their flat expression giving way to surprise as the girl says that she’d like to thank them. For what, they think bitterly—they can imagine that they might receive some thanks for their part in helping retrieve the lungwort, but they don’t need it. Despite all their efforts, Cottonpaw’s father still died.

Cottonpaw surprises them once more by thanking them for their mentorship, if only for a short time. They scoff, fiery eyes narrowing, but some of the tension in their shoulders fades. "You don’t need to thank me. I only did my duty as your mentor. I hope that Wolfsong has been doing his duty, as well. How is your training with him?" They wonder how the tom is balancing his kits, his position in the clan, and his apprentice. Her chest seizes with fire as Cottonpaw makes light of her own transition to the path of medicine, but Scorchstreak’s face manages to remain relatively neutral. Only the slight twitch of her lip gives away her displeasure. Still, she sighs, golden gaze sliding away from the apprentice and off to the side. The calico doesn’t doubt that she can work Pinkpaw into the picture of a capable tunneler, but still worry nags at her. The girl seems so set on not being a tunneler. "If Pinkpaw has her way, she’ll be a moor runner by the next meeting."