private Listen and learn, it is time for prancing || Frostfam

A lot has happened this moon and boy, was Frostbite exhausted from it even if he wouldn't show it. Two traitors ousted from their ranks, Two cats he would like to see dead on the thunderpath or mauled by his claws. Just thinking of them lights his blood on fire. Thinking of all the things they did right under their noses... This clan needed to shape up. He was doing his best to rally the clan, to get them to grow closer and unite, but it wasn't going to happen in a day. There was work to be done, and he would rise to the challenge. First things first, though, he would check on his family. His beloved kits, as well as Flamingmoth, their father.

The snow dusted the ground and chilled the air, a cloudy sky dispensing a calm flurry to the world below. He had told those he sought to join him this afternoon, and he waited patiently for them in an out of the way spot in camp. He wanted to know how they were, how his kits training was coming along. How their mentors were treating them. He would not be like other parents in this clan. He was here for his kits and he made sure they knew he loved them dearly and that they could come to him with anything.

As they approach, he gives a small smile. "It's getting to be quite cold, Isnt it?" He comments as flakes peppered the land and his pelt as well. "Tell me, how have you all been doing lately? Has your training been going well?" He asks his kits. "And how have you been, Flamingmoth?" He addresses their sire.

Seeing his kits always fills him with a sense of amazement and longing. Amazed at how big they had gotten so fast, and longing for the days they were small, snuggled up against him as he curled around them in the nursery where he could protect them from harm.

@POPPYPAW @Muddypaw @DEERPAW @Ptarmiganpaw @Flamingmoth.
Deerpaw has come to two very important realisations in the past day.

Firstly, they have solved the faint and nagging sense of difference they feel that distinguishes them from their siblings: their littermates' pelts are thick and long, and Deerpaw's own is neither of those things. They are considerably colder than their thick-furred siblings, and that chill may be contributing to their foul mood. They've been standoffish since the discovery, envious looks tossed towards their longer-furred kin when they think none of their Clanmates are looking. Last night in particular had been miserable.

Secondly, the fault of their lacking fur lies squarely on Flamingmoth. They don't know how inheritance works, what forces beyond their comprehension dictate the luck of the catch when it came to kits looking like their parents, but Deerpaw is pretty sure that if Flamingmoth had longer fur then they would too.

As such, when Frostbite gathers his kits and their sire together for a catch-up, Deerpaw shoots the red tabby tomcat a foul look when they think he isn't looking. The torbie's expression is still compressed into a frown as they join their long-furred kin, tail wrapping tightly around white paws and limbs pressed to their torso as if that would help them retain some of the warmth they've generated by walking across the camp.

"Training is progressing well, I believe." They inform Frostbite with a nod, pale eyes fixed upon him. "Roosterstrut has been a passable mentor so far. We're out in the territory a lot more than I was with Speckleshade ... I feel like I'm learning."

As for how they're doing ... Deerpaw decides not to comment. Their littermates would snag their parents' attention soon enough with more charming tales, and they would be spared from having to share their thoughts on the apprentice den gossip after Granitepelt and Siltcloud had been exiled. There's little peace and quiet now: even if Wheattail had been given her warrior name, Smogmaw's kits had joined them and the nests were as noisy as ever.

ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 Deerpaw speaks with an astuteness Poppypaw finds admirable. Much like their namesake, they were sleek and wise-eyed and cool in temper, she would have to commend Frostbite for his choice, though they should not be surprised that their in-all-ways-impressive father would have the foresight to bestow their sibling with an admirable name.

They adored their family with all the affection they contained within their soul, and so they couldn't help but purr continuously as they sat between siblings, a habit that harkened back to their infancy. Deerpaw seemed to collect themself tightly, and Poppypaw—ever-willing to be of assistance—scooted closer to them, pressing their fluffy self against their mottled sibling and wrapping their tail around them.

"Living is for learning..." they say in their gentle monotone when Deerpaw falls silent, "There is much to be learned, and I worry there is too much to discover before it is time for us to die..." It was a tragic thought to reflect on... that there would be things left a mystery when it was time for them to go.

Perhaps this was not the subject Frostbite was asking after but Poppypaw, of course, had no complaints about the quality of Frostbite's training—the man is capable and star-guided in every way—so she shared what was on her mind instead, "...Recently I've learned that worms possess five hearts. We have yet to come across another creature with so many."

They did not want to touch upon the horrific acts of their former clanmates, it was heart-shaking to even think of the crimes that had been done to their dear friends among Shadowclan... The thick smell of blood encroached upon her mind, and she closed her eyes to rid themself of it. No. It was best not to linger upon the things starlight could not reach.

  • OOC: mobile post !
  • poppykit - poppypaw
    — agender they/she. 6mo apprentice of shadowclan
    — ??? ; child.
    — a tiny, fluffy white and dark red tabby cat with pale, wraithlike blue eyes
    — smells like mushrooms, dust, and foggy night air
    — deaf in left ear
    — sounds like lain iwakura, with a flat yet childlike high-pitched tone
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack, 'poppypaw'
    — icon by mercurial, fullbody and pixel headshot by dejavu
    — penned by eezy
  • disclaimer: poppypaw is not always operating completely within reality! they are affected by some delusions and may see, hear, react to, and interact with things that are not actually there. most notably, she will believe herself to have interactions with starclan as a whole and specifically, the deceased shadowclan apprentice Poppypaw. these are not reflective of ic reality and are not real interactions with starclan or deceased characters! this is not an attempt at powerplaying, godmodding, or metagaming.
————————————————————⊰ 🤎 ⊱———————————————————
Muddypaw didn't have much of an opinion on recent events and if he did it mimicked whatever Frostbite felt because he trusted his father's instincts more than he trusted his own. Granitepelt and Siltcloud were bad, terrible, awful cats and he hoped they never had to see them ever again. If he felt any worry or fear that the two exiles might turn up and cause issue then he didn't show it - it was unlikely he was very concerned since his head was often more fully of needlessly useless thoughts than anything substantial.
"Sloerunner says I am too indefatigable, whatever that means. I think it means I'm a good hunter." He paused to examine his foot, raising that white paw up to chew a bit of dried mud from between his toes before setting it back down to happily skirt around Deerpaw and race ahead. His training was going about as well as could be expected, his mentor was a tired older tom who struggled to keep up with his eagerness to parade about and did his best with how easily Muddypaw got distracted. Sloerunner was not cruel but he was strict enough as he could be without being too aggressive, he'd learned early that the chocolate tom responded better to more constructive means than anything akin to outright hostility - which was great because if he'd been too mean then Muddypaw would've run straight to Frostbite and the white tom was not known for being very merciful to bad parents or mentors alike.
Deerpaw's commentary is boring as always and he traipses along without a pause, Roosterstrut seemed nice but he was also kind of boring too in a good way.

Poppypaw's remark on worms gives him enough interest that he pivots back around, white paws dirtied as he gamely bounces back to his sister to shove his head into theirs in a light forehead bump, "I must be a worm, I bet I have at least SIX hearts!" More hearts meant more bravery, no wonder worms came to the surface to wiggle around exposed - they had no fear! "Garlicpaw and I found a worm that had a bajillion legs the other day! It was just under a rock!"
Rocks held such mystery and allure, you could flip one and find so many new things like snails and spiders and little frogs huddled into burrows.

  • dgli6r9-7f1f880c-0b3e-4af3-8d28-00e451d53bd4.png
    —⊰⋅ Apprentice of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ LH Chocolate w/low White & Blue eyes