private listen close ;; iciclefang


"I just don't understand how you can hold your breath underwater without getting it up your nose. That is all, Iciclefang." Hyacinthbreath murmurs the words loud enough for the young warrior to hear, though she maintains her respectful tone as she treads water. She wishes so desperately to understand and perfect her technique, but it seems next to impossible with the way she keeps floating to the surface every time. Her buoyancy is her greatest enemy, it seems. "Perhaps I shouldn't hold my breath, then maybe I'd sink more? Would that allow me to swim easier?"

A paw reaches out, catching the side of the banks before she pulls herself onto dry land. Her pelt over the moons had taken on a shiny sheen thanks to the diet she'd adapted to, the fish oils doing their job to allow water to roll right off of her body in quick dips or rain. She's thankful for the newly acquired ability, her ability to swim still lackluster but the basics had been easy. "I want to get better at this. In case something happens, and I'm needed in the water." Her accented tune rings with frustration, but not towards the warrior. If she can't get this right, what use would she be?

Turning towards Iciclefang, she waits for a word of advice- or an insult masking some, at least.
❝ there are wounds inside me, gaping holes of disconnect.
can you drown inside your own body? can you suffocate within this mind? ❞

Why had she agreed to teach a WindClanner the ways of RiverClan? She feels a bit resentful still towards the former WindClan lead warrior, though she at least can begrudgingly admit Hyacinthbreath is trying to adapt. Her swimming isn't good -- hell, a five-moon-old Clanborn apprentice can do better -- but she can keep her head above water, which is more than the rest of the Clans can say for themselves.

She sighs. "I don't just sink, you know. I have to swim my way to the bottom. Don't be afraid of getting water up your nose." She fixes the blue and white she-cat with an icy stare befitting of her name. "And keep your wits about you while you're under. One strong current can sweep you away and disorient you. Not even I'm strong enough to save you from a bad current."

She slips again into the deeper side of the river, her legs churning beneath her. With a pointed glance at Hyacinthbreath, she propels herself beneath the surface of the river with all four limbs, then rises with another churning of her paws.