private listen to that caw | flora


chain of memories
Apr 8, 2024
જ➶ There were so many faces to meet and she still hasn't gained all of their names yet. But she has been happily walking around and talking to them. Really she feels like one of the clan already. But she knows she has a ways to go before she gets one of them names and can call herself a true warrior of Skyclan. Even now she is bounding back and forth, excitedly trying to put a paw in what others are doing just to he helpful when she pauses after a moment. She really doesn't know the layout of this camp, nor where she will sleep. Forest green eyes flick about and she looks at some of the areas she sees cats lounging by. Yet she doesn't want to assume anything and so instead of just walking around meandering she opts to go up and ask a fellow Skyclanner. "Pardon me, can I take just a wee bit of your time?" It's polite to ask and when given the go ahead she smiles lightly with appreciation. "I ain't been here long. Got here just a few moments ago actually and I was wonderin' where I'm supposed to lay the old kester if I stay in camp a night?" Knowing the dens that they have seems like a good start and then she remembers her manners.

"Oh! I'm right sorry, hon. Name's Winona. I came to Skyclan cause I heard all kinds of tales floating around." Tales that stocked the flames of adventure back into the ranch cat after the long move from the wide open sands and shrubbery. Flicking an ear of a pesky fly she then watches the campsite around her. Wondering what else she will end up learning today.

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Flora had become fixated on enjoying the shadows that the camp casted when the sun was high. Paws outstretched and head pressed against them while she watched a small colony of ants marching in a straight line. She wondered if they had a system similar to the Warriors of Skyclan, did they have ranks? different kinds of ants? Were Daylight Ants a thing?

A tufted ear flicked in Winona's direction as she spoke, she lifts her head to properly look at the cat beside her, a recent joiner! She hadn't gotten the chance to say hello yet so this was a great opportunity. “Of course! What's up?” she moved from her lounging position, to sit in her regular slouched posture, but she was attentive at least. The mention of needing help brought a spark of excitment, Flora had perfected learning which den was what last moon! Practically an expert if you asked her. “Oh, that's so easy! You don't look like an Apprentice soooo I think you'd be put in the Warriors den!” She rose to stand on her paws, grinning at the barn cat. “Winona is a pretty name! I'm Flora, is Skyclan shaping up to be what you expected?” She didn't personally have much to compare it to since she hadn't heard the cats of the neighbourhood talk about Skyclan until after she had joined.

“Did you ever hear about how some cats think Skyclanners eat other cats? I got told that 'kittypets' think that once but I've never heard that before!” she shook her head and chuckled. Her fluffy tail lightly tapping Winona's side as a sign of friendly gesture “anyways! I'll show you around, we could start with the Warriors den? Since you might sleep there in the future!”