pafp LITTLE APRIL SHOWERS \ fishing trip

Fernpaw had been practicing tirelessly, lined along the shore day-in, day-out. His father knew how much he was striving for success, and had been a great support- but Fernpaw knew now that he couldn't just rely on things happening for him because he was good-hearted. Success was a struggle. Maybe not for everyone, but it was for him. And he had faith, with Mudpelt's encouragement, that he'd get there. For now, though... he'd sit among the other apprentices, warrior-aged but student-named.

Paired with Squishpaw today, he did his best not to distract the other apprentice, focussing mostly on his own technique. A scoop of the paw, and he fetched another meal- next to him lay a pile of four, now. "Personal best," he cheered under his breath. Luminous green eyes flitted to the calico she-cat beside him- when she met his gaze, he offered her a typically bright grin. "How's it going for you?" he asked, ears angled with genuine interest. If there was anything he wanted, it was for no other apprentice to flounder in the shallows like he had.

\ please wait for @Squishpaw !
penned by pin

Squishpaw was steaming under the sun and found herself thankful for her short fur, as curly as it was. The lack of conversation so far also left Squishpaw bored and discomfited. It was so easy for her mind to drift off; interactions with clanmates served to keep her grounded. She had a miserable little minnow next to her, and the apprentice felt ashamed when comparing her catch to Fernpaw's. Further proof of his dedication and training, Squishpaw thought, and more proof that Squishpaw had a long way to go to prove herself to her clan.

"It's going okay," Squishpaw told Fernpaw with an uneasy smile in his direction. She turned her attention back to the water and winced as the sparkling water nearly blinded her. Yeah, this was miserable, even if it was better than land hunting in this weather. Squishpaw sighed and blinked her eyes to try and adjust just like she'd been doing for the last however long.

Okay, she couldn't do this.

"I'm bored!" she announced while slapping her paw on the ground. "And I can't see the fish past the sun in my eyes." Her tone betrayed her young age as she borderline - if not straight-up - whined. Her tail lashed in agitation before she noticed and stilled it, but she didn't bother to perk her ears where they had flattened against her head.​


Poppy peered at the two apprentices, having been showing @CHICORYPAW how to fish, while the others practiced what they already knew. She hoped that her apprentice would be able to make friends with the other two, and could honestly see it happening... Fernpaw was soon to become a warrior, and Poppysong herself couldn't wait to see the outcome of the tom's adult life. She saw him going places, just not which ones.

She smiled warmly at them before correcting Chicorypaw on her position over the water. The molly's shadow had fallen over the surface and she could see the fish start to panic, swimming in ragged zig-zag patterns beneath them. "If you'd like, we can fish next to those two?" She asked, tilting her head towards the two a few fox lengths down the bank.
walk "talk." thought
penned by helly

She looks out the corner of her half-lidded eyes at the other cats present. Fernpaw, Squishpaw, and Poppysong along with her apprentice. They are all talking, all making too much noise. She sits crouched by the rivers edge, paws gripping the bank as she peers over into the water below, careful to not allow her shadow pass over the water. Just like her mentor taught her. No matter how badly she wished for it though, the fish would not come for her.

Her ears flick backwards as Squishpaw whines, loud and annoying. It reminds her of the sound of nails on rock and Dipperpaw wants to tell the other to be quiet please, but something in her holds her back. Instead she opts to keep her mouth shut, to not say anything at all. Her ma had always told her 'if you have nothing nice to say then say nothing' so that is what she did. Squishpaw probably did not want to hear how her name reminded Dipperpaw of mud between her toes, or how her voice was more annoying then a fly buzzing in her ear. No. Instead she turns to Fernpaw, looks at the fish by his paws with eyes full of longing (why couldn't she catch fish like that?) and she says "Nice catch." in her usual voice, subdued and quiet.
Salmon’s out taking a walk, her mind wandering to distant places as she stumbles upon the apprentices and Poppysong. She draws to a stop, blue eyes observing- she doesn’t quite want to say but she doesn’t want to leave Poppysong alone with so many apprentices and thus she begrudgingly steps forwards. Her tail waves in greetings as her ears twitch slightly nervously, though the reason is well hidden. “Lookin’ good.” comes her own quiet voice, a compliment to match Dipperpaw’s one. Fernpaw had many fish besides him and he was shaping up to be a nice warrior.

But alas- Squishpaw seems frustrated, which in turn frustrates Salmon with her high-pitched whining and complaining. A deep breath drawn in and she’s good enough to offer advice, trying to remember when she had taken Cranberrypaw out. Patience is needed, something Salmon (for the most part) lacked when it came to kittens and apprentices. “Move further, either left or right, over the water. If you angle your head right the sun won’t be as harsh. Easier said than done, though.” Salmon flicks her tail again with a dip of her head, eyes fluttering shut as she moves to settle just a bit away from the group, crouched over her own patch of water. She’s careful not to let her taller frame loom over the water unless she wants to not get anything.And be careful not to shuffle too much near the water. You’ll scare them away.” she murmurs lightly, taking note of Squishpaw’s now stopping tail.

  • -> salmon ,, salmonshade
    -> cis female ,, she/her ,, 30 months
    -> warrior of riverclan ,, former marsh grouper
    -> fluffy & dainty chocolate tortie smoke with low white and blue eyes
    -> “speech, ff91a4” ,, thoughts
    -> lesbian ,, single
    -> smells like warm flowers & freshly cut grass

As more cats joined her and Fernpaw, Squishpaw became more self-conscious of her poor catch. Her shoulders hunched and she stared hard at the water, trying and failing to keep her ears from flattening as the compliments for Fernpaw from Dipperpaw and Salmonshade rolled in. He had earned his praise, after all, from moons of work and today's proof of skill. Squishpaw just wasn't there yet, and one day she would be, that was all there was to it.

She blinked rapidly. Yes, there was no reason to worry.

Suddenly there were words spoken to her, gentle and useful. Squishpaw lifted her head quickly to show she was listening and nodded at careful intervals. She moved as suggested, tilting her head this way and that until the sun was no longer blinding. This was an immediate morale boost and Squishpaw wiggled happily. But don't shuffle too much near the water. Squishpaw winced. It was probably too late now.

"Should I move to a different spot?" she asked Salmonshade. She was anxious about the answer, but she meant her words earnestly. She wanted to learn, even if she hated the idea of messing up badly enough to warrant moving to somewhere new. But maybe a different spot would offer something more than minnows? She glanced thoughtfully at the shallow water and weighed the idea in her mind while she waited for further advice.​

Dovethroat was a strong swimmer, but that—rather embarrassingly—did not translate to fishing acumen. Among the most water-loving of the warriors, Dovethroat was probably one of the worst fishers. He had not quantified some sort of way to measure who exactly sat in what order, but he was a decently sharp mind (though that, of course, was hard to quantify, too). Regardless; he could tell that he was not the best. His experience with failure catching fish was more than enough proof for that.

Walking past the group, he actually stops to consider Salmonshade's advice. Though he is not part of the trip to go fishing (the reasons why he would not be brought were pretty thoroughly outlined above), he stops walking and peers into the river.

"Wow," he murmurs, evidently impressed by Fernpaw's pile of food he has amassed.


Poppysong watched all of them as Salmonshade gave some pointers to poor Squishpaw as the girl tried her best to practice and get better. She nodded along to Salmon's words, poking her own apprentice with a paw to pay attention to the warriors words. It was basic knowledge, but still something that everyone needed to know at some point, especially within Riverclan's ranks.

She glanced at Dovethroat, a smile on her maw while she continued to watch their continued training session.
walk "talk." thought
penned by helly

He'd not been expecting such a crowd- it was only fishing, after all. The most abnormal thing was not the gathering around him and Squishpaw, though... it was the sound of a few compliments thrown his way. It was not as if no-one ever complimented his hunting skills- his mentor was always quick with praise paired with kind eyes. But... Fernpaw was not used to being anything notable. To trying hard and seeing results; before, he'd just focused on the far future. On the moment when he caught it, that sweet reverie, instead of the moment.

His gaze was warm when it found Dipperpaw, then Dovethroat- wow, the latter had said. Fernpaw didn't think anyone had said that to him before, their tone impressed. "Thank you guys," he said, his voice teetering on the edge of being overemotional. The grin on his maw was a beam to rival sun-drops, bright and encouraged, soul-touched. Still, beside him Squishpaw was growing frustrated- and Fernpaw couldn't say that he didn't empathise. He'd been there- in fact, he was just struggling past there, now.

Salmonshade gave advice, while Poppysong watched on with a small smile. He was in no place to give Squishpaw advice over a warrior- but when she suggested moving, and Squishpaw asked to move to a different spot, Fernpaw felt a slight drop of apprehension in his stomach. What if he wasn't as good, somewhere else?

Swallowing down those fears, he kept his smile thriving. "We could find a tree, if you want," he suggested, gaze sweeping over the gathered faces. That's what everyone had always told him- hide your shadow, and that'd keep the sun away as well. He could not deny, though, that part of him wanted to stay here.. the part that was buzzing at being praised.
penned by pin