little big girl - pondering apprenticeship

Howlkit and her littermates would be four moons old soon. And with that came the next milestone in their lives - becoming apprentices. It was a strange idea to think that they would be apprentices soon, that they wouldn't be able to laze in the nursery all play games all day as they had before. They would be expected to learn to fight, to hunt, to learn the ways of ThunderClan. And maybe SkyClan too? Howlkit assumed they would be given mentors here as they spent most of their time here, but she wondered if their father would grant them mentors in SkyClan since they were half SkyClan and spent a considerable amount of time there as it was. That would mean a lot of extra training but in Howlkit's opinion that just meant they would be extra skilled warriors in the future because they would have double the training!

"I wonder who Emberstar will pick as a mentor for me," She muses, looking around at some of the cats flitting about the camp. "I hope it's someone cool!" She adds with a wistful sigh.

Fireflykit absolute abhorred the idea of becoming an apprentice for two separate Clans. While he did share the excitement that they would become more skilled apprentices, who knew the way of both Clans, he couldn't help but struggle with the idea of constantly having to train. And with two mentors, nonetheless. He lifts his head from his paws as his sister speaks in excitement, wondering who her mentor will be.

"I hope it's someone with patience. StarClan knows you need it, stinky." Fireflykit chuckled softly as he teased his baby sister, sitting up to examine the warriors passing by. Would he get someone like his father, patient and understanding? Or someone like Crimsonbite? Leafshade? "Maybe they'll stick me with grumpy old Leafshade?"

Roepaw had been feeling more like herself again lately, despite the sickness she had to overcome, and the grief that still lingered, the vibrancy had returned to her step, the glow was back in her expression.
Even Robinpaw couldn’t tear her down again- Roepaw had decided on that during her sleepover in the ferns.
With Flycatcher drifting about somewhere, Roepaw was stuck entertaining herself in camp, which made her far more susceptible to catch on to a rambling kittens muses.
Making her way over shortly after Fireflykit’s teasing, Roepaw took a seat nearby, recalling her first moon of apprenticeship fondly… or the first half moon at least.
"There’s plenty of great mentors in Thunderclan!" She hummed towards Howlkit. "Flycatchers great, maybe we’ll get paired together or something" she mused for a moment, Roepaw supposed she wouldn’t mind having a co-apprentice.


Oh, the chitter of kittens- ever-pleasant, always like birdsong! And how they had been blessed recently with so many innocent eyes, yet unawares of the horrors crafted by the world and so eager to meet those hellish, star-void beasts. But ThunderClan was different to the world he had known before, he had to fervently remind himself. There were cats here so eager to protect, to teach- not once had these children been cast before something they did not understand. And what a way to right his failings it would be to care for one of these children, to impart his wisdom!

Strolling over, the gilt-eyed tom cast his attention to Little Wolf's children, nodding along as young Roepaw spoke. He doubted Emberstar would be eager to set such responsibility upon her only lead warrior, though he believed so strongly in Flycatcher's ability that no lack of faith left his maw. "Perhaps the Stars shall dictate that I should mentor one of you!" A cheerful chime, he settled old bones beside Roepaw, head tilted just a smidge.

I hope it's someone with patience, her brother says. Realistically a patient more temperate mentor would be good for her and help control her more impulsive tendencies. But Howlkit heard patience and immediately equated it with slowness and boredom. In her mind, she wouldn't be able to have much fun with a patient mentor. When Roepaw joins them, she turns an inquisitive ear to the apprentice. "Flycatcher's fine I suppose," Howlkit responds, not really having enough of an opinion on the lead warrior to say whether he'd be a good choice or not. He was nice she supposed and always treated her and her littermates nicely whenever he saw them but she could not say much else about his character. Still, the prospect of having a co-apprentice was intriguing, and Howlkit had to admit that might be fun.

And then Trufflepelt appears and suggests that maybe he would be chosen as one of their mentors. It's an intriguing prospect, and oddly, one Howlkit doesn't find herself entirely opposed to. Sure, Trufflepelt was old but he had a funny way of speaking to others and she was sure he would be a veritable font of interesting stories and anecdotes. "I'm not sure if Emberstar would let you but it would be an honour to have someone as wise and as old as you teach me," Howlkit answered, surprisingly honest.
The mentor aspect of the clans wasn't exactly too far off from what they had in the mountains, she supposes. She had helped 'train' a few children to be good hunters, and had been trained by a good man, so perhaps this means she does have experience, hmm... She brushes her tail against the ground as she walks over, curious with the conversation as she sits besides the apprentice and older warrior. Howlkit mentions it being an honor to be trained by Trufflepelt and her whiskers twitch in amusement, a kind smile pointed towards him.

"Leafshade isn't that grumpy, is he?" she flicks an ear as she looks back to Fireflykit, head tilting. She hasn't the slightest clue on who the tom was outside the occasional patrols, but if it were bad enough to make even the kits giggle about it, then perhaps she should make a mental note. "I think Emberstar should give you Trufflepelt, he's pretty cool." she also unfortunately doesn't know him well, but, er- older people were always full of wisdom and she was sure he was no different... also, she sucked at small talk.
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Morningkit, like Fireflykit, is not looking forward to becoming an apprentice. She has seen them coming back from patrols at the end of the day, looking worn and exhausted, practically collapsing into their nests only to be up at dawn and doing it again. Besides, part of that will entail her sleeping by herself, away from Little Wolf, and she isn't sure she could bear it. She's so comfortable in the nursery with her mother and Sunfreckle, her littermates and Sunfreckle's kits -- why would she ever want it to change?

On the other paw, she knows ThunderClan needs "strong warriors." She hears her grandmother say it, hears other cats say it. Her father says it in SkyClan. Every Clan needs "strong warriors." And she does not want either of her Clans to be without.

Howlkit muses about mentors, and Fireflykit declares he'll get stuck with Leafshade. Morningkit smiles at her brother and shakes her head. "Oh, he's not so bad. Howling Wind likes him." If her grandmother likes someone, they must be a good cat, right?

The five of them have attracted some of their olders Clanmates' attention. Roepaw says there are plenty of great mentors in ThunderClan. Morningkit tilts her head. "What about SkyClan?" Her voice is soft and hesitant. Some of the cats in ThunderClan are often strangely avoidant in talking about their father or his Clan.

Trufflepelt pipes up, saying StarClan may seem fit to give one of the kits to him to mentor. Morningkit almost wrinkles her nose in confusion. Isn't Emberstar the one who decides that? But she doesn't have time to think, because Howlkit rudely says she doesn't know if Emberstar would pick someone so old. Morningkit's jaw drops. "Howlkit, you can't say that!" She shakes her head in despair at her sister.

Sunspirit, newly-named, pads over in mild defense of Leafshade and Trufflepelt. Morningkit blinks up at her. "I'm sure we'll be happy with anyone," she says, her voice quiet in apology for her siblings.

- ,,

The longhaired and dappled tom dragged himself out of the nursery with a tongue curling yawn and a quiet blink at the sound of little voices rising up in question about their futures and he smiled warmly before padding over. It was a little upsetting, truth be told, to see all the kits leaving the nursery all at once and growing up so quick but he'd be lying if he wasn't looking forward to resuming his usual duties and having the freedom to leave camp. Well, he had about another moon due to his troublesome daughter and her trek to the thunderpath but...soon. Anyways.

"I'm sure SkyClan has plenty of good warriors who might mentor one of you as well if it came down to it." The red tabby leaned down to give Morningkit a gentle head bump beofore glancing out at the other spirited little kits present and Roepaw who was certaintly well on her way to being a warrior in due time as well. He had no idea how to feel about two clans having kits together in such a way that their future was unclear. Would they stay here? He was sure Howling Wind would be quite adamant they did, but what of their father? What if one of them would have preferred staying with him? It certainly made things confusing and a little awkward but thankfully SkyClan and ThunderClan were on good terms so perhaps it would all work out for the best.

"I'm sure Emberstar will pick very good mentors for all of you. She knows what she's doing and if she doesn't well-" He gave a hearty laugh, "Howling will make sure she knows about it!" They made a good team those two, Emberstar had her endless optimism and kindness and the older molly kept her grounded and focused when she got a little too ahead of herself. You wouldn't find a better leader and deputy pair. At least in his opinion.

"Goodness, does this mean I'll have a moon of being able to stretch without accidentally kicking a kitten? Finally. All the space for me and Stars knows I need it."


He supposed his visage did seem ancient to these children, only moons into their life! To think that once he had been that young- in honesty, the cinnamon tom could not remember it. At Howlkit's words, to which Morningkit offered an exclamation of despair, Trufflepelt's mirth made itself clear in a closed-mouth hum of a laugh, the verbal antics of the children amusing him. How he wished they could stay in this world and feel no suffering for all the time they lived here... he knew such a dream was near-impossible, but he had always believed all suffering was cruel. Perhaps StarClan's plan for him involved protecting those who knew no despair from ever experiencing it.

At the mention of Howling Wind's certainty to ensure quality in their teaching, Turfflepelt offered a slow nod of agreement. "Ah, yes- Howling Wind is your grandmother, is she not?" Another laugh slumbering behind tusk-teeth presented itself. "You can therefore count on only the cream of the crop of mentors, I would imagine!" He had faith StarClan would guide these kittens to greatness regardless, but an extra boost from their kin would surely aid them.

Howlkit's eyes widened in surprise when Morningkit scolded her for calling Trufflepelt old. Howlkit couldn't understand why she was so huffy about it - it was true after all! And besides, she didn't mean anything bad by it. She thought his age was a good thing. Luckily Trufflepelt doesn't seem too offended by it either which is a small relief to her as it means she doesn't have to figure out a long-winded apology. "See even Trufflepelt knows I didn't mean in it a bad way!" Howlkit laughed at Morningkit.

At Sunfreckle's mention of SkyClan mentors she found herself going back to that train of thought. "I don't really know the SkyClan cats that well," Howlkit admitted, "Daisyflight would be cool! Or maybe Thistleback - yeah, he looks tough! I bet he'd teach me some good fighting moves."