Little bird || yarrow

Jul 28, 2022

So I walk alone down the darkest roads

Wasn't long before Ravenwatcher would notice a little kit following her about the camp, or perhaps it had been more-so of a coincidence than anything. Dark blue eyes flicked towards the chocolate kit as she hummed a bit before tilting her head and turning to face Yarrowkit with her poker face before sitting down and tucking her tail over her paws. "Might I ask, what are you doing?" she would ask smoothly, her words cool while keeping her gaze down on the Betonyfrost kit...what is with these little scraps of fur? Remembering how Comfreykit had offered to help her with rebuilding the dens and now this kit dared interact with her?

Her gaze drifted towards the sight of the nursery before looking down at Yarrowkit once more and sighed slightly. "Shouldn't you be off...playing with the other kits?" Her words were slightly blunt as she spoke, not really big in kits following her around, especially when their mother would not be too happy with such interactions with the dark-furred warrior, besides did they not have anything better to do? She let a soft sigh out before pulling on a strained grin, "You're about to be an apprentice, lemme guess, you're going around and asking any warriors if they'll be your mentor," her words were in a slight tone of a joke but it would perhaps be difficult for him to realize she was messing about due to her monotone voice while the tip of her tail flicked coolly.

@Yarrowkit ))