twolegplace Little bit of everything || o. SkC border patrol


|| The King ||
Jul 28, 2022
@REDSTORM ! @angelpaw and @Howlpaw , non-clan cats feel free to post before tagged ))

I keep trying to find me

Excited pawsteps came to a halt at the edge of the border nearing the twoleg place and Skyclan's territory, her green gaze glittering softly before she looked back at the other three, Redstorm and two other apprentices, the young warriors tail flickering as she turned to face them. "Okay! Lets split up into pairs of two, Redstorm and Howlpaw you go to the left and, Angelpaw and I will go to the right. We're only here to remark the borders, if we come across any kitty-pets try to act friendly, no starting any fights. Once we're done, regroup back here" she stated whiskers twitching slightly with a slight nod. She was tasked with a small patrol however, Redstorm was a strong warrior and she was sure that them splitting up only for a few seconds or so would not be a bad thing, they were only checking the borders and then heading back after that.

Her tail twitch as she awaited for the others response to her suggestion, seeing if they'd object or put in their own suggestions as to what to do, her tail raise high and ears perked slightly, and despite the nipping of the cold air the young she-cat was full of eagerness and seemed almost unbothered by the bitter cool air that blew into their furs.

Howlpaw had never been to the twolegplace before. With a SkyClan father, she had heard of the place long before she had joined SkyClan proper. However, whilst her SkyClan had a more positive or neutral opinion on the place, ThunderClan cats most certainly did not. Sparkstorm leads the way and Howlpaw dutifully falls in alongside her mentor, amber eyes staring at her surroundings with a curious expression. When the warrior suggests splitting up, Howlpaw nods and looks to Redstorm. "Have you been here much?" She enquires, tilting her head as she asks her question.

Where was he? He had been wandering the twolegplace having gotten lost in his exploration. He had a few scuffles and it showed on his raggedy lilac pelt.

He came out on top for most of them, others he had to run from. But it did wonders for his confidence.

Perhaps the tunnels weren't the sanctuary he had thought them to be. Out here, he was free. He was growing. It was showing on him now, he actually looked like he had muscle now.

That was all well and good. But where was he!!!!!

He hopped up onto the fence just in time to see the Skyclan patrol.

Skyclan!!! That means he's near familiar territory!!


Skyclan. Windclans enemy, Skyclan.

".....Hello, Skyclan."

He just crouched on the fence awkwardly. What was he supposed to say? All he could do was try not to seem aggressive. Which...
He was good at, honestly.


Snorlax is about to head over to the pine forest, actually, the grey tom trudging his way to SkyClan earlier than usual. His twoleg had stuck him outside today, for reasons unbeknownst to him, and, well... what else was he meant to do? Nap?

But, it seems, by the group that approaches, that SkyClan has brought itself to him. Snorlaxmoon blinks in a dreary confusion, head tilting to the side.

"What are you doing here?" he asks. Weren't they forest-born, this patrol before him? He doesn't recall any of them having to go back to the twolegplace, at least. And this pale tom that stands with them, Snorlaxmoon doesn't even recognize him! Maybe he's a new suntime warrior, like Snorlaxmoon is, just one he hadn't met yet.

He blinks once more. If they'd met him here, then...

"Am I in trouble?"
  • Haha
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