Anyone who's seen Eveningkit interact with her siblings would know she is not one to ignore the signs - and of course, with someone as loud as her, it's rather difficult not to have your eyes (or ears) focus on her. The signs being: anything that suggests Twinklekit, Horizonkit or Shellkit are not having a good time fuels her to act accordingly. Riverpaw and Pebblepaw to an extent too, but they're older and they're boys, so she doesn't feel as strongly about not interfering or getting up close and personal. (Nevermind the fact that Horizonkit is, by all accounts, a boy as well. He's different, he gets to experience the benefits of having shared a nest growing up beside her Royal Highness.)

Maybe the heart and soul of the game gets to her today, makes her blind to any and all signs. There's surely streaks in the ground by now due to the tussle her and Twinklekit are having. Messy, dirty, but triumphant.

It doesn't even matter what the game started out as; maybe they were imagining themselves as other cats, fighting over a strip of land like they see their older peers do day after day, or maybe it's just to see who can keep this up for longer and thus receive boasting rights. Either way, the two are but a tangle of limbs by now, rolling over and around one another as they "fight".

"Ha! Take that!" An excited yowl splits the air. Eveningkit got Twinklekit locked in, front paws holding onto that little forehead with ferocity, hindlegs glued to white-soft belly.

Surely nothing to worry about.