private little boy blue // howlingstar


i have good judgement
Jul 5, 2024
Twilightkit could be called bright. The child, second oldest of his brood, clings to knowledge but does not obsess over it. He does not ask why very often and prefers to take what is given to him as fact - perhaps because neither of his parents are great at entertaining the wandering minds of children. Nightbird less so than Raccoonstripe, though he will begrudge neither parent, for it is a shortcoming he does not perceive.

In any case, the point of the matter is that he is smart. He knows that his grandmother is his grandmother through Raccoonstripe - the lead warrior's mother, then. Which means, factually, Berryheart had to be her son, too. The little tomkit had been nestled by the warm, coarse fur of his grandmother's side while she enjoyed one of her meals. And though not often talkative, he lead the conversation freely.

"... And Raccoonstripe said that one day, I could bring a mouse to Berryheart. That he'd like it if we shared a meal..." Twilightkit trails off. He looks towards Howlingstar, a tall ear twitching, before he turns his head slightly. "You... named Berryheart, and Raccoonstripe - like how Raccoonstripe named me Twilightkit but more, right?" The suffix is what he refers to. His tail lashes, rattling akin to a snake when the words don't come as easily. "Did you have a name like them? ... Will I?" Another pause, and narrowed eyes, almost accusatory towards his leader. "Would you be giving me my - 'more' name?"

As the matriarch enjoys her meal with her grandson at her flank, her tail swishes to and fro contentedly. A low, rumbling purr reverberates within her, the kit can surely feel the vibrations where he lies pressed against her. A patient ear flicks down to listen to him talk; a habit, now, as this is how she spends most of her free evenings. With her son’s children, the legacied kits of a pair of her own lead warriors. Yes, just like Burnstorm and Roeflame’s kits, and Flycatcher and Flamewhisker’s, she knows they have great things ahead of them with such big pawprints to fill.

So, Raccoonstripe had told Twilightkit about Berryheart, then. A soft, sad smile graces her lips as she pauses her eating and looks down at the little tom, eyes squinted. “That’s lovely, my dear,” She murmurs sweetly, doing well to hide any grief. “I know he’d love that. He would have loved you.” She has no idea her son had told him the same thing. The topic switched quickly, to one of names, now. Her ears twitch and she cocks her head to the side. “Warrior name,” She corrects gently, her tail flicking his ear playfully. “The leader before me, Emberstar, gave Berryheart and your father their warrior names. I was born with one similar: Howling Wind.” She smiles and leans down to meet his gaze more evenly. “One day, I’ll be able to give you yours. When you’re all grown up.”