pafp little do they know & chatting thread




———————————Thunderclan | they/them | 5 months——————————
Short, stubby legs traversed through the heavy piled snow with excitement beaming in pale blue eyes. In cream tabby jowels was that of a small insect, black in color and very much not alive anymore as it swung from the young cats' jaws. It might not be prey but it was something they had caught! "Granwa!" The word was muffled by the bug and it didn't seem to slow down the apprentice as they got closer to the medicine den with their tail waving out behind them. Littlepaw had just returned from their walk with Hollow Tree and Dreampaw, and had wanted to bring something back for their grandmother; Howling Wind. While it wasn't anything like food or a flower, it was still something that the short apprentice was very excited about.

They pushed through the wilted plant entrance to Berryhearts' den and they looked around for a moment in excitement before spotting the familiar pelt of Howling Wind. Littlepaw scrambled over to her with those pale blue eyes wide, "Granwa!," They spoke once more over the bugs body but then seemed to realize it was rude to talk with your mouth full, "Grandma Howl! I brought you something cool!" Littlepaw gestured with a small cream paw at the bug that was now laying on the medicine den floor.

"Its a black carpet beetle! They're usually in hibernation right about now with all the snow and stuff, but I found this one in the rock pile! Isn't that cool?" The young apprentice spoke excitedly, almost out of breath with how fast they were talking, "They're usually reddish brown in color, but this one if entirely black!" PAle blue eyes glittered with their excitement and this tail practically wagged behind them, "Its super rare, and I had to show it to you,"


[penned by wolf].
Howling Wind lifts her head from her paws as sunlight filters in through the shifting lichen curtain that drapes across the cave's entrance. Her ears prick up with interest - it's Littlepaw, one of the apprentices her daughter has taken under her wing. She offers a smile, drowsy with poppy seeds at the lesson given to her. "Oh, is that so?" She mews softly, hardly retaining the descriptive info. Regardless, it's good for cats to have hobbies, even if the deputy can hardly comprehend it. A throaty purr rumbles within her throat as she peers closely at the beetle, resisting the urge to scrunch her nose. She's never been the biggest fan of bugs, but at least this one's dead. "Did you hunt this?"
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The pipsqueak is insistent, toddling toward Howling Wind like their life depended on it. Wolfwind remembered when her legs were that little. Okay not that little but it felt pretty damn close at the time. Nosy, Wolfwind follows after them, he has to know what could possible be so important. Rousin' her from her bedrest for what?

And when she sees her, she stops. She's frozen. Every day, Wolfwind flip-flops. She can't decide how to feel. She's weak for her misery, but her misery makes her weak. Howling Wind might have nine lives someday. How close was it to not having been soon enough? Would the stars really do that to her? Wolfwind blinks. Any color in her eyes must've drained. Whatever. "Yeah? How d'you know how rare it is?" Playful banter in another realm, maybe, but it only comes out dull. "You've lived for what? A season? Not ev'n two, i bet."
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