camp LITTLE DOVE | moving into the nursery

Aug 14, 2023
After Gentlestorm's general fussing and advice, she departed from her friend to prepare a new nest. Caving to the reality she was becoming more of a hindrance to daily tasks. She was rapidly nearing her due date, and the pointed she-cat was now plump around the sides. Morning sickness had eased up and turned into soreness. Causing her back and paws to ache with every stride. Spotting her destination the warrior shuffled in through the entrance.

Unlike some of her peers, the molly was excited to move into the nursery, a small joy in the fog of depression. Her only regrets being the halting of Softpaw's training and the eventual need to discuss an alternative mentor.

Getting thrown to the back waves of socialization was odd, and spending so much alone time. Grizzlyjaw had been her constant, and now Honeydapple was left to prepare by herself. Secretly, she still walked the same paths, and kept her sense heightened. Hoping to eventually spot familiar wily tufts or piercing eyes. The thought made her throat tighten with grief and her jaw clench around bedding. It seemed her beloved really was gone. Thankfully, most clanmates were aware of her sorry predicament and opted to leave her be. In her solitude the Thunderclanner could absorb herself into life as a new mother. A part of her would always hold onto the hope of Grizzlyjaw's return, but for now, she would prioritize the life of her kits.

Tentatively, she dodged around the usual hustle and bustle of the den, minding not to step on any rowdy kits or resting parents. The soon-to-be Queen had selected a quiet spot. Right near the corner of bramble that made up the back of the nursery. Honeydapple had her eyes on it for a while, and with nest in tote, she could finally settle in.

Placing her mouthful to the ground, she eagerly rested on tired haunches, ink-dipped paws neatly sifting through the old bedding and replenishing it with fresh stalks of dried grasses, mosses, and carefully selected feathers.

Here she could decorate her birthing nest with all the love in the world. Heavily-bagged eyes blinked thoughtfully as she wondered what her little ones would look like. Maybe they'd look as pale as herself or decorated in grays like their father? A bittersweet smile played on her splotched muzzle. She had often daydreamed of Grizzlyjaw once again doting over their second litter, the intimacy of preparing little ones' first bed. Creating a warm welcome into the cold world of clan life. Slumping, she sighed tucking in the last tendril, and her face fell. Now all Honeydapple had time to do was wait.
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Having been in isolation most of her life, alone with Father, the life-cycle was a beautiful thing that Thundergleam had never witnessed before. She knew she had once been a kitten- remembered in fleeting hazes being Thunderkit, her Father's rheumy eyes gazing fondly down upon her, brimming with kindness and reverence for the little prophet he was raising- but she had never known kittens as she did now, and had certainly never seen the birth of them. Father had told her though that in Clan culture, their queens were very valuable and respected- they performed an important job no other cat could do. The nursery was suffocating for some, but... she imagined raising children was a great honour, a wonderful warmth, that repaid for moons of idleness.

A mouse was clasped in her jaws as, sylph-silken, she slipped through the entrance of the nursery. Eyes softened in the dimness, welcoming the lack of light, a respite desperately needed. "Greetings, my friend," she purred, softly setting the mouse down at Honeydapple's paws, her gaze full of sympathy. Anything to alleviate the pain of a missing mate... that wrenching, crushing pain surely felt. Suffering was torturous if left to fester. "I brought you a meal... though, I would be happy to fetch you something different if you have a particular craving."
penned by pin ☾
Howlingstar watches from afar as the pregnant queen finally makes her move into the nursery. It is later than she would have liked, and despite her pressuring to move into the nursery Honeydapple for some reason still hadn't made the switch. All she could do was order Raccoonstripe not to put her on any patrols so as not to over-exert herself. Now, though, she is happy to see her finally placing her nest, but her heart aches with pity for the other. She knows how she feels. She had lost Gray Wolf when she herself had been pregnant, and it is a pain she doesn't wish on anyone. Now, two litters will be in the nursery without fathers. She has every bit of faith Flamewhisker will be there to help the other through this.

She slips inside the den just behind Thundergleam, nodding at the other she-cat in approval. She has learned ThunderClan's ways alarmingly quickly, and she is pleased to see her taking her duties seriously as she brings fresh-kill to the queens. "Do you have everything you need in here, Honeydapple?" She follows up the other's statement, peering gently at the mottle-faced warrior. "More moss? Water, perhaps?"

they don't need to be here for this. it's not that they don't care that the warrior is now to be a queen. it's just that they don't know honeydapple that well. it's a fault of their own. they don't spend a lot of time socializing. they hardly wanted to make nice. they didn't want to be around so many cats, or deal with the idea of having to be nice when they just wouldn't be. they're known for their curt attitude and quick witted remarks. it's just what they do. but their mentor insists for them to help out. do something other than spar with another. do something other than sulk around and bitterly stare in the direction of their rival who lazes in the sun while they work and work. their paws ache, but they do as they're told. that's what they've always done.

"i've brought you some prey, honeydapple. hope you and your kits like it."

she knows not how far along the queen is but she also doesn't care enough to ask. kits are the only cats that are even afforded a small amount of her kindness and that's because kits most often do not know better. the dual eyed apprentice suddenly is very aware of howlingstar standing near and she tips her head on respect. she doesn't want to say a word but against her better judgement, she does so.

"hello howlingstar. I can help get her whatever she needs."

no. they don't want to. they're exhausted. they've been up all night, and now... it's too late. they don't take back what they're saying. they're not a liar, so when they say they can, they truly can. they just simply do not want to, but if they are told to do it, then they shall do it. they always do as their told.

She hasn't noticed the Honeydapple jolted upright, solemn expression dissipating as Thundergleam's ghostly figure appeared. Craining their head she leveled a kind look to her clanmate. Earlier smile returning as she returned the greeting. "Oh, hello!" When her blue gaze met Thundergleam's sorry pinks, their heart thudded sadly. She was beginning to grow weary of seeing those kinds of looks.

Though deep down Honeydapple knew it was from genuine worry. Still, the she-cat didn't like her label of pregnant widower. Inhaling through their nose and slowly from her mouth, the Queen did her best to seem positive.

Mention of prey caused an involuntary rumbling in their stomach. She watched sheepishly as Thundergleam placed it at her paws. Pointed ears ran hot with humility, and the splotched feline quickly cleared her throat. "Thank you! This was very sweet of you, Thundergleam, and I'm not a picky eater." Shaking her head, the mosaic cat politely inclined a paw at her open side. "Please, come and share it with me?" A hopeful glint shone in the older moggy's eyes. Having company was something she craved.

Looked like Honeydapple was in luck. Howlingstar's arrival was not so much a surprise given the leader's attentive nature but welcome none the less. Slowly, she shuffled around to face the brown tabby, dipping her cranium politely. "Yes, I am all good to go. This mouse and some company was really what I nee—" Her comment falls short as Stagpaw enters. Also offering up a meal, but when the warrior got a better look at the younger feline. Honeydapple couldn't help but see the depths of exhaustion radiating from the paw'.

Poor lamb. Brows furrowing with empathy, she meowed back in a gentle tone. "Good timing! Now we can all settle down for a meal, hm? Howlingstar, Stagpaw?" Pointedly, they looked to each respective individual. Anticipation dancing in her bright expression and soft smile.

It seemed to be the perfect opportunity for some relaxation and a moment to bond. She hoped the fellow Thunderclanners would accept said invite or at least entertain her for a heartbeat longer.
It's not hard to notice a new face in the already crowded nursery. In fact, not to brag or anything, but Sunkit has ALL of the kits and the faces of the queens memorized. Hah! With his super duper cool mind he'd never forget a face- and Honeydapples is new!

Sunkit takes it upon himself to be the first kitten to greet her. Never mind the fact that Thundergleam, Howlingstar and Stagpaw are there first. It only matters that Sunkit is the first kitten! He teeters over with curiosity sparkling in his eyes, giving Honeydapple a quick sniff.

"Hiiii Honeydapple! Are you here to get kittens?" of course, he doesn't really know how any of it works. But if shes in the nursery, obviously shes gonna have some! Its just a matter of time before they pop up, right? "Can I be the first to play with them? I'll be the bestest coolest friend for them, promise! I'll teach them everything I know." he slaps an earnest paw to his chest as if it'd help his case. He settles next to Honeydapple, a little further off from her nest, obviously wanting to be included in the grown up conversation and gathering. "You should name one Sunkit Junior. And- And a Honeykit! After you!" he giggles, mostly to himself. BUT... If Honeydapple DID follow through with his suggestion... Pshh... He wouldn't be MAD...

  • 79762332_waKUGwrTYPLtfQm.png
    amab ,, he/him ,, 4 moons
    kitten of thunderclan ,, flamewhisker xx flycatcher ,, siblings
    fluffy red tabby with heterochromia & low white
    "speech, ee5d6c" ,, thoughts
    smells like oak & the faint scent of the nursery, floral & loving
    chibi by pin ,, penned by chuff
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