camp little dreamer ღ intro

Newleaf had made its arrival and with it, the gradual warming of the weather. It was an exciting time for the clan, as more prey would emerge and become easier to catch. It was a nice notion, however, not one that Whitekit found herself caring about. It was technically her first newleaf, but she was notably lacking any of the bubbling excitement that her denmates mostly shared. Her displeasure mostly was the fact that daytime was going to be even more exhausting to go through. She was a small thing, and she didn't know a lot, but she knew that she found the sun completely intolerable.
It was early on in the day, the sun was up and the clan was bustling around. Watching through half-lidded eyes, a very petite ivory feline observed her clanmates from under the bracken-covered nursery. She was very tired and the day had only begun, yet she wasn't surprised given she was active for the night. She let out a huff of an exhale, shrinking back as her ears drooped. Admittedly... she was bored. But with most forms of fun being out under that painful sun, she'd rather be bored and sleepy.
This changing of seasons had always brought about a change of fate alongside. When the air carried warmth and the scent of slow-waking prey, new beginnings came on promised wings. A better morning after each of the last. And yet, in this coming season, Sunstride lacks the optimism that he had always carried. Were he only a kitten again, wholly unaware of all that he now had. What he knew, what he saw. Whitekit sees none, and he envies such things. Only the gleaming heat so far above them, and the boredom that must come with the others being out of camp. A rush of recent additions to their nursery meant only that these moons would be full of queens and kittens who swallowed their lives in its entirety.

He does not envy Gravelpaw; at this moment, he does not even envy himself.

It is only the sleepy, lidded eyes that call him to motion. He has known it as a precursor to mischief or hope. He and Wolfsong, many moons ago, had wound themselves tight with boredom. His own training had begun earlier, though their age had seemed a nonexistent border at the time. It had seemed as if their lives would be spent entwined, that he might never find them anything but attached at the hip and the heart. Had she any such friends? Perhaps on these star-blessed moors, she might have better luck at it than they.

With a smile adorning a tired maw, Sunstride settles himself low to the side of the nursery entrance. There would be no good in pushing closer, not when it already seems overfull, and he far too large. His great head rests upon his paws, and he looks at the young kitten's face with kindness. "You seem to plead for entertainment, even with just your eyes. Are you so bored of those in the nursery with you?"

  • ooc:
  • SUNSTRIDE. named for his coloration and his bold chasing of fate.
    —— cis male, he - him. thirty-six moons old. lead warrior of windclan and former rogue.
    —— gay, but somewhat closeted. will not be open about his interests.  single, will be so.
    —— seems comparatively stranger than who he was some moons ago, serious and cool.

    sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond its borders, with fur that flames red at its base and deepens to a burnt amber with every whorl and stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of him.
  • "speech"

Despite her half-lidded gaze being focused toward the outside, admittedly, the young kit started to daydream and zone out. Enough that it took at least a good moment before she noticed and could respond to the warrior in front of her. Focusing her unique hues on the smiling tom, she considered his words briefly. A moment after, she shook her head. "Not bored of them." Came the small whisper, followed by an ear twitch. "They like playing in camp, it's too bright." She murmured out her reasoning, a yawn breaking up her words as she blinked slowly.
Tags and Information

As he cleanses dirt from his paws nearby, Tigerfrost sights Sunstride near the nursery, crouching low to converse with a tiny scrap of snow white fur. Flaming eyes narrow as Tigerfrost observes, listening in with his pricked ears. Too bright, she says. And it's evident to any who dare to look at her. She was albino, and in WindClan no less. There were no trees to shade her here, no. Only the sun and it's deadly rays, scorching her unprotected skin and blinding her eyes. Such an unfortunate fate, he thinks. But then... it's not quite so, is it? Whitekit, as she's so appropriately named, could always adapt to hunt at night. Perhaps even better, if she maintained her small size through her growth, she'd serve well as a tunneler.

"She can't be out in the sun too much." Tigerfrost comments idly toward Sunstride. He's no expert, but this isn't the first albino he's interacted with, and he knows that to them, the sun was especially deadly. "It could burn her skin long before it starts to burn ours." He's had sunburn a few times, particularly on the white half of his face, but it was never too severe. Not yet anyways. He did his best to take shelter in the shade when he needed it, but in terms of Whitekit, she'd need to stay out of the sun as much as possible. Cats were adaptable, though. She'd grow to live with it like any other. "Try playing at early dawn or dusk. There's still likely to be some cats that are awake at those hours than, say... moon-high." He suggests, in case Whitekit hadn't considered that already.
His tail flicks at Tigerfrost, an interest and acceptance both, though he finds a strange melancholy at the term. In his former home, such things had been a blessing. A fresh snow's coat and a mind made for the night watch. It had been a blessing when they were born, and those bloodlines were praised. Here, it seems...nearly a curse. That they are so entwined to their schedules that there may be no peace or seclusion. There may be a night watch, but who would stand alongside her without grumbling or displeasure? None that he know of– they value their rest, as they should.

It is not for the first time that he mourns what this place is, and how much he missed home. He came for opportunity. Instead, he found an irrevocable change. Something inside of him has shifted, and with this shift comes a new future. One that does not hold so much hope as he had first thought.

Even still, it does not mean he cannot make something better of it. With Tigerfrost's suggestion a more practical solution, Sunstride still concerns himself with the moment before them. A sleepy, lonely kitten off on her own when she might find herself playing otherwise. He sticks with his joke, mirth warming glacial eyes. "Oh but the softness of your pelt does not make a sleepy kitten on its own. You may not be bored of them, but you must be bored of being here." He turns to the other lead warrior, smiling warmly. "Come now, your youth was not so long ago. Tell me, what did you do to occupy your mind when you could not play? Perhaps we may still teach Whitekit some other way to play."

  • ooc:
  • SUNSTRIDE. named for his coloration and his bold chasing of fate.
    —— cis male, he - him. thirty-six moons old. lead warrior of windclan and former rogue.
    —— gay, but somewhat closeted. will not be open about his interests.  single, will be so.
    —— seems comparatively stranger than who he was some moons ago, serious and cool.

    sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond its borders, with fur that flames red at its base and deepens to a burnt amber with every whorl and stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of him.
  • "speech"
"You get hurt by the sun?" Bluekit pads from behind her ivory-furred denmate, blinking at the brightness with non-sensitive eyes. She's talking to Sunstride and Tigerfrost, two of the lead warriors. They mention playing in darkness, that if she's in direct sunlight her flesh will burn.

Bluekit eyes Whitekit curiously. How odd. What kind of kit was hurt by the sun? "Will you catch on fire if you're in the sun?" She asks. She glances at Sunstride and Tigerfrost for confirmation. Why else would an otherwise normal-looking cat not be able to walk about in daylight? "Are your eyes pink because they're burned?"


Bluekit ought to thank the lucky stars that grown-ups stood outside the nursery. Had it not been for them, Moorkit would have succumbed to her growing hunter's instincts and attacked her sister's tail in some way or other; presumably a bite, but a pounce might have been just as fun! She was not about to have some butt-sniffing adults chide her for rough-play. No-sir-ree, that's only a privilege reserved for Swiftshrike, Mommy, and Daddy.

Milky-touched paws depart from her littermate's shadow only when she reaches the nursery's entrance. Then, she circles around to the fore, planting her butt into the soft ground where she too can interpose on the conversation. Whitekit, although bashful by nature, seems to lie at the centre of it. Whitekit's ears, specifically. Moorkit tips her head aslant as Bluekit vocalises a similar question to what's on her mind.

"No way!" she squeaks, before frowning at the image conjured by her sister. "We would-uh seen smoke comin' from her ears by now." Though it may be rude to speak as if Whitekit wasn't there, it's arguably a lot ruder to say such silly things—especially if it's from someone as snotty and know-it-all as Bluekit.

The girl's attention then drifts from her least-favourite sister, falling upon Whitekit with a modicum of sympathy. "It's okay to hide from the sun!" she contends, a bubbly smirk worn on her maw. "Yuh-know, you can have lots of fun inside here, or even underground! Just don't let any of the grown-ups see you down there."

❪ TAGS ❫ — The dark tom's ears swivels in the direction of the nursery while his green gaze follows. Snakepaw tries his best to avoid the nursery, as the kits inhabiting it these days are extremely bothersome. However, his attention is grabbed by the appearance of a little lilac-eyed kitten. His cousin was not going to leave the nursery, was she? His father told him that she couldn't stray into the sunlight.

Normally, the naivety and the blunt inquiries posed by Sootstar's brood tended to grind Snakepaw's nerves, but not so much today. Their curiosity was entirely validated; after all, Whitekit was clearly different than the rest of her denmates. He remembered asking his parents what was wrong with the albino she-kit shortly after he caught a glimpse of her newborn form.

As Snakepaw padded closer and caught the tail-end of the current conversation, he huffed, "She'll probably end up being a tunneler anyway." If not for Whitekit's sensitive skin, then her tunneler physique — small, weak, scrawny. Of course, the apprentice couldn't share how he really felt about tunnelers; Sootstar herself was a tunneler. However, the leader was an exception. "She's got the size for it." Snakepaw comments, narrowing his eyes in his younger cousin's direction. They share the same blood, and yet he hardly acts as if he knows her at all. Her mother's estrangement from his father, plus her half-blooded heritage was enough for Snakepaw to treat Whitekit like he would anyone else.