camp little fairytale princess |➹| singing

Mar 28, 2023

It didn't take much research for one to know that Sparrowpaw seemed to quite like birds. It was easy for a flutter of wings in the treetops or a chirping tune to raise their spirits just as high. Even so, a sense of unshakable sadness had seemed to always follow the young feline. While sometimes they tried their best to not bring down those around them, other times they couldn't quite help it, even going as far to isolate in silence until they made their reappearance sometime later.

As more and more time passed since their joining, the spurts of sadness seemed to gradually lessen. They were smiling more, speaking more. Polite interest grew more genuine, off comments even starting to draw out giggles.

Sparrowpaw seemed to be in a particularly good mood today. It was a slow day, leaving them plenty of time to lounge comfortably in camp, sprawled on their back in the sun and staring up at the towering pine trees that surrounded camp. A flutter caught their attention, the tabby quickly rolling over and ears perking as they searched again for the movement. There- a bird, perched and within their view. They sat up.

There were plenty of birds in Twolegplace, yet not nearly as many as there were here. The birdsong that came with Newleaf was a welcoming sound day in and out, and each sighting brought a skip of excitement in their heart.

Up above, the bird sang a little tune. Lifting their chin, they tried their best to whistle one back. It chirped again, drawing out a giggle from them. Sparrowpaw gathered themself to their paws, striding as close as they could beneath the tree and craning their neck for the best view. The bird, unbothered, continued its chirps and trills.

Bouncing lightly on their paws, they swayed lightly from side to side as they switched from their imitation to singing lightly under their breath. It wasn't long before they grew louder, seating themself back down and head bobbing, eyes closing as they lost themself to the song. It was unusual for the normally soft-spoken cat, and while they weren't quite loud, it was far greater than their typical murmur.

Their voice was smooth as they sang, pleasant like the birdsong they so admired. It was a song their mother often sang to them. The memory was fond, the words engraved into their heart. Undisturbed, they would continue, off in their own pleasant world.



the mimicry of bird song turned singing drew eve from her task. her pale gaze fell upon sparrowpaw, swaying and bobbing to the rhythm of their tune. her chest warmed at the sight of the apprentice enjoying themself. she had been accompanying orangeblossom when the tabby was found. they were so shaken, terrified by the loss of family. what a wild contrast to their state now, peacefully filling the camp with music.

eveningpaw approached on light steps, she would offer a grin to the chocolate feline but upon realizing their shut gaze the tortie felt her skin heat. brushing the light embarrassment away in an airy breath, her jaws would part to offer a compliment. "i like it..." she hummed, her statement falling off to hang in the air between them for a few moments. "your song, i mean. you're good at it too, singing. totally better than some of the birds in those pines." white paws shifted awkwardly at the quick slew of words that flew from her jaws.

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Redstorm minds it a lot less when the strays they took in were not from another clan. He respects Blazestar, begrudgingly, but the influx of former WindClanners now living among them was putting him on edge. He cannot hold judgement against those lost souls that came here looking for a better life though, the loners and kittypets searching for a place to belong, a family. It is what his father had stood for, after all.

The sound of a cat singing draws his red tinted paws forward and he nods to the other apprentices words "She's right, your singing voice is beutiful" he confirms with a soft smile. He knows Sparrowpaw had been rather reserved since joining so it was nice to see them relax a little.

Often absent-mindedly did Mallowlark's own voice weave into song, a way to occupy a wandering mind... he obeyed his whims in the melody, letting it pitch up and down sprawl every which way. It was an odd sound when it fled from his own maw- so a coherent song was a noise he was entirely used to. For a moment it seemed so wonderfully odd- mimicry of bird-cry, and yet mewling! The picture in his mind was one of a cat with a bird-beak, spewing the tune, feathers sprouting from flesh... some amalgam of creatures, borne from enchanted pine-land.

It was not quite so much of a fantastical sight.

Though Mallowlark had always found getting to know people rather easy, there were a fair few faces in SkyClan's midst he had never encountered. Go figure, really! He'd not put them on the stinging-end of his claws, had he? Sootstar hadn't trusted him enough for that... or something. Camouflaged with the snow, managing not to soak his paws in pine-blood...

"Hmmhmm..." Small laugh, something of his own song... it did not sound nearly as good. Silver eyes bore wide upon the younger tom, features dressed with a smile that failed to reach them. "Spent your whole life mimicking the birds, then?" It was his own way of guessing how someone could get quite so good at this.

The song that spilled from their throat drew to a close. Their chest felt just a tad lighter, chin lowering as they opened their eyes to their paws, an almost melancholy smile perched upon their maw. They hadn't noticed the approach of an onlooking crowd, the soft words of someone at their side making them jump.

Sparrowpaw blinked up at the pretty tortoiseshell, only to duck their head at the praise. "Oh, thank you," they uttered sheepishly, ears growing warm when more was thrown their way. "I... like to sing. It's fun." They weren't sure if they were better than the birds, but they liked to join in their songs.

"It was a song my mama liked to sing. Her voice was pretty too." They liked to sing along with her. They liked it when home was filled with music. "I think... she was better at it, though." Sparrowpaw's eyes held a sadness to them as they reminisced, but their small smile remained.

Shifting until they fully faced the gathered cats, they peered at them for a moment (although not too long at the white tom, whose rather intense stare they quickly found unnerving), letting out a small hum. "Do... any of you like to sing, too?" They weren't sure that they had heard anyone sing in SkyClan, especially not to the degree they did at home.



Brought closer to the sound of a cat's imitation of birdsong, Momowhisker had a confident smile stretched across his maw. It was not a tune he recognised, but it'd be more disappointing to the lynx point if it was familiar. Like the avians, every cat had a different voice and tale they wished to speak in their harmonic meows, to imitate too closely would take away from the individuality of each precious performance. He hummed in approval as the apprentice's song reached its end, the praise of others both causing a puffed-out chest and a twist of envy within their gut. 'That could be me....', the green feeling was saying. Consequently, when Sparrowpaw enquired to the crowd, Momo's eyes practically shot out of their sockets as he bounced forwards to greet the chocolate tabby. Life had a funny way of constantly granting the lynx point humility, for now, however, he'd savour the chance to show off. "I can sing!" The oriental's voice beamed with pride, perhaps a little too loud, perhaps a little too desperate, but he maintained an expression of utmost innocence. That was until he saw those same cats looking at him instead.

'Oh... haha.... lovely...' With apprentices, the expectation was not so high. With Redstorm? It was pushing it. With a former WindClanner? Great StarClan he wished he could crumble into nothingness right there and then. He tilted his head upwards just a little higher and failed to look the three in the eye, instead, focusing his attention on Sparrowpaw. "Perhaps if your throat doesn't hurt too much, we can sing together?" He suggested gleefully, keeping any ulterior motives hidden. "It might sound like a bit of a mess, but the birds can make it work at sunrise then so can we, right?".


The newcomer sounds like the birds he's listened to all his life, as if they too had lived under the canopy of pine trees all their life. Greenpaw knows better than that, knows that his sibling's friend had only arrived at the clan's border within the last moon.

When he was a kit, sitting and watching the birds in the trees, did he sing back to them? He isn't so sure - a time where he was just Greenkit seems so long ago now. Lifetimes, really, as his apprenticeship nears its close.

"Sounds nice, Sparrowpaw! Could've mistaken you for one of the birds!" he says with a nod, a compliment with hardly any time to itself before Momowhisker chirps about his own singing voice. A green gaze shifts to look at the daylight warrior. "You can sing too?" his head tilts to the side, waiting for him to start, to mimic what Sparrowpaw had just done, but it seems to never come.

"I bet I could sound like a bird too," he chimes in, crooked tail swishing behind him as he looks up at the tree branches above. "But... Maybe like a crow or something, instead." He isn't sure really, but Greenpaw can only assume his own singing voice wouldn't be comparable to Sparrowpaw's.