little giants -open pafp


The Underdog
Apr 13, 2024


OOC- pafp, please wait for @Fadingkit

Brighteyes was sore as he made his way into camp, he muscles in his shoulders and legs burning from the workout he'd just returned from. It's been a while since he'd been able to do any heavy physical activity due to his twisted paw, but he was eager to be back at it, even if it did leave him aching and tired when he was done.

"Stars- I could eat an entire dog right now..." he mumbled as he dragged his heavy paws toward the freshkill pile. He had a border patrol later on, but it wasn't for a while still and he'd definitely have enough time to eat some lunch nd rest up a bit before he had to go.

Now he just had to decide if he wanted vole for lunch, or starling...


[ ༻ ☼ ༺ ] Fadingkit always imagined that outside of camp was huge, gigantic even and she could not wait for the day she too could leave the safety of camp to explore. The kit can imagine it now! The territory so green and vibrant full of life, the flowers would wave at her and the shadows would welcome her to stay in their provided shade so she could cool off. The sun would provides its warm rays on her flame fur... it was an amazing thought and one that left her eager for when it was her time to see it all.

Speaking of, she would notice one of the warriors return from one of their many duties and swiftly she approached Brighteyes, blue eyes settling on the heavy-pawed warrior. "Is it big? Outside of camp that is..." she said softly as she stood next to the other, not giving him much time to settle down and enjoy his meal. She had a lot of questions, and wanted the answers to them all!

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Fadingkit She/Her, Kit of Thunderclan, 3 moons.
    Stocky short flame point tabby she-kit with blue eyes and stubby tail, one floppy ear
    Crimsonsun x Shadedmoon
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

"Very big," Howlingstar answers for the warrior as she approaches the pair. Tail swishing at her heels, she bends down to select a robin from the fresh-kill pile before settling down on her stomach. With the robin held between her forepaws, she looks to Fadingkit with a gentle gaze. "The forest goes so far you can't see the end of it. And beyond that are the rest of the clans' territories, and even more beyond that. When you're an apprentice, you'll learn all about it." With a smile, she bends her head to take a bite of her meal. She has never been a kit within these camp walls. She wonders what it must be like for them, to wait with that childish anticipation for the world to open up to them. Six moons is a long time to wait for an impatient youth, but she can imagine it's worth it when they finally step paw outside.

"Howlingstar is right. You'll get to see it someday, that's a promise." Shiningsun purred as he approached the freshkill pile for a quick pick. Though he decided to wait for the others to pick what they wanted first before he would delve into the selection. "And good day Brighteyes, how are you doing? Still training hard?" He had been aware that the other warrior had been working hard, which was pretty admirable in his view. Now that newleaf had returned he really needed to get back into a training routine himself.
*+:。.。 "I'm gonna get to see it soon, won't I Howlingstar?" Wrathkit would purr, tumbling forth and plopping down beside Fadingkit. Although his on and off again ailments left the boy a little uncertain of his future, he held hope that on his upcoming sixth moon he'd be awarded his own mentor and his own chance to walk alongside his big brothers, out into the real world! Sniffling, he'd smile at Fadingkit, purring, "Ill tell you all about it when I see it!"

    DMAB— He/Him
    5 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovepaw, Joypaw, Gigglepaw
    Thunderclan — Kit

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #191961
    injuries: None currently


"So big, you could probably walk forever and never see it all!" agreed the small, striped tom with a smile. The green eyes cat had never gone as far as Howlingstar described, but he had long since stopped being surprised by just how big the world beyond his twolegs house was. There was always something more- another place, another cat, another beautiful thing to admire or a dangerous one to avoid. The possibilities were pretty much endless at that point, and Bright had full confidence in his statement.

Ears twitched at Shiningsuns greeting, and he seemed to perk up a bit at the words, some of the weariness forgotten at the golden toms mention of his training. "I'm good, thanks! And yeah- my paws feeling a lot better now, so I'm eager to get caught up on all the time a missed while it was healing. I feel like I spend just as much time in the medicine cats den as I do out in the forest, so that's gotta change this year." he replied with a good natured laugh. Sure, it was frustrating to constantly feel like he was behind his peers, but nothing had changed regarding his desire to do better. Even if it took time and landed him in the medicine cats den a dozen more times, he'd turn himself into the find of warrior that Thunderclan could truly be proud of.

Wrathkits arrival had Bright smiling softly, wondering to himself if he would have held the same kind of confidence as the kit if he'd abeen born and raised within the clan instead of joining as a nine month old youth fresh off a series of traumatizing experiences. "What are you guys hoping to see out there first? " he asked, attention shifting back to the kits momentarily. There were a lot of options; borders, landmarks, the river, live prey, and so on. "I was most excited to see camp- but our situations were a bit different since I wasn't born here. Camp is probably the last thing you guy's will want to see once your apprenticed."


[ ༻ ☼ ༺ ] Howlingstar had been the first to chime her answer making Fadingkit look up to the leader with wide blue eyes at her words. She had expressed that the outside stretched on forever and, the she-kit couldn't wait to see it all. Next came Shininsun who confirmed the leader's words before checking in on Brighteyes. She was learning so much about outside of camp and man.. how she wanted to explore the world beyond the walls even more...

Wrathkit came next, expressing how he was soon to be made an apprentice and will be able to see the territory before she even could and a soft scoff came from the younger kit. "No fair! Howlingstar when will it be my turn" she would ask the leader before focusing back onto the tom who she had asked her curious question first. She'll never be able to see it all? No... whe was determined to explore every last bit of what was beyond these walls! She'll make sure of that!

"I wanna see the sunningrocks first!" she exclaimed, she heard so much about ot from the warriors that she must see it, she had to! She could not wait to be able to see it with her own eyes instead of hearing stories from the warriors. Man, there was so much to learn! Why can't she be apprenticed now? It wasn't fair.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Fadingkit She/Her, Kit of Thunderclan, 3 moons.
    Stocky short flame point tabby she-kit with blue eyes and stubby tail, one floppy ear
    Crimsonsun x Shadedmoon
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Like Howlingstar, Copperfang had not been a kit during the time of the clans, so he could not exactly relate, but these kits were far from both the first and the last that were anxious to get out and explore. "The Sunningrocks? That's a good place to want to go. You'll be able to see them when you become an apprentice, I'm certain." The russet-furred warrior dips his head to his leader and fellow warriors politely in greeting as he approaches. "Always in a rush to grow up," He purrs, amused, "you'll be an apprentice much sooner than you expect, little one. Time moves more quickly than it seems."

Howlingstar purrs in greeting as Shiningsun and Copperfang join the small group, and her eyes trail after Wrathkit as the older kit bounces over. "That's right," She confirms with a nod, knowing he is nearing his sixth moon. He is one of the many kits she has begun to ponder mentors for - there would be several pairings to be made, after all. She turns next to Fadingkit, who complains that it's unfair Wrathkit gets to become an apprentice first. "When you're as old as Wrathkit is now, you will get a ceremony. Every kit must wait the same as you do," She tells her patiently, wrapping her tail around herself. She blinks to the others around her in amusement. Copperfang is right - they are always in too much of a rush, they forget to enjoy their time now. Arguably, this is when life in a clan is easiest, when all a cat has to worry about is napping, playing, and having every meal brought to them. When they are apprentices with sore paws and busy days, she is sure they'll miss their time in the nursery.