private Little girl gone ❦ Cindershade


A battle she had finally fought with her clanmates. She was proud, even if Emberflower called for a retreat and they had lost. She had fought the Thunderclan deputy and then a lead warrior came to save his pathetic soul. She could only imagine they were close. Mates even. Two weren't a problem in her books, neither was rank within the heat of the moment. It only made the she-cat more confident, more thrilled. How pathetic he needed help against a lower-ranking cat. How sad. It made her think back upon the last patrol with Cindershade, they had most definitely caught on that they were lurking in their territory at night. A potential cause for them all getting caught. Although, the drawing of claws was most likely due to her goading. Children. Children they all were. She only had regret and guilt for her clanmates encountering the same sting of wounds as her, otherwise, she was very enthusiastic about tearing her claws into the Thunderclan deputy's flank and shoulders. She twitched a smirk as she thought upon his expression.

Her injuries hurt, putting a hop to her once long graceful strides. They weren't so elegant anymore, sloppy with pain. Petalnose was surprised Beesong and Ravenpaw didn't even see or hear her leave. The rest of her paw steps were soundless but there was a slight shuffle to her step. The woman could not stand being confined and her memories alone after her poisoning were still like fresh wounds to her. It made her anxious and angry. Bored. It caused her mental torment to relive those memories. She pitied the poor soul who put up with her hisses and growls. Luckily, she decided against hissing at someone this particular day. She sat by the bank to enjoy the warm breeze against her fur, taking a deep breath and out. She sat down in a sloppy manner to avoid putting too much pressure on her hindlimb injuries. Her mix-matched eyes intently stared down at the minnows below her, wondering if she could sneak a fish amongst their pile without getting spotted. If anything bigger came along. Petalnose was quite unaware she had already been spotted. She was too distracted trying to be silent as she normally always had been. It had always been difficult to catch her in an act such as sneaking away. No one had caught her until now. To her demise, it was a cat she had some confusing and conflicting feelings of.

// @Cindershade
She'd be a liar to say she didn't feel the least bit guilty of the skirmish between ThunderClan and RiverClan. Cicadastar may have announced of his approval of it within the last meeting, but she was the one to place that plan into action. She had taken the first patrol over to Sunningrocks, to their land that had been RiverClan's since the beginning. Her patrol was successful, but it seems that they had laid made a big enough message to ThunderClan to warrant them to plan something. They knew they'd return, and they had sheer numbers to overwhelm the patrol she had sent out. Once again, she had been bested by being away during the time it happened. Once again, she didn't get to prove her own ferocity to ThunderClan. If their patrol was larger, perhaps it could've turned the tides but fate had a different plan. It struck a decent blow to her ego, the lead warrior couldn't deny, and she felt particularly responsible for the injuries that occurred.
Filled with her own whirling thoughts, Cindershade had slipped out of camp unnoticed to clear her own head. She had settled herself out of the midst of the Beech Copse, squatting amongst the reeds that swathed her dark figure as she stared aimlessly at the horizon with a narrowed gaze. Guilt pricked at the back of her mind as she imagined her sister, bruised and beaten amongst the group. She had never been a fighter, no matter how much Cindershade nagged her about it. Her skills just weren't on par with the lead warriors, and this was something she'd eventually have to come to terms with. But, at least she managed to defend herself even if she was the one to call a retreat. What if she died? You could've been the one to send her to her death over a pile of rocks. That subconscious thought echoed over and over in her head but she shakes it off, taking a deep breath and then exhaling soundly. If she would have died, she'd have gone out defending her clan. That little bit brought some comfort to her, no matter how selfish apart of her wanted to be.

Time had passed, though the rosetted molly had no idea just how much time until the sky began to grow darker. A rustle within the reeds ahead of her catches her ears, pulling them towards the sound and a narrowed gaze would follow suit. Just above the grass, she catches the sight of a familiar tabby and white pelt that shuffled along. Petalnose? She wanted to call, but the words died on her tongue. She was supposed to be resting within the confines of the medicine den, but it seemed she had antsy paws. The lead warrior ascends to her paws silently, flowing the other woman like a phantom within the darkness. Her steps glide soundlessly over the foliage and stone, coming to the edge where the pebble-laiden shoreline met the cattails and she watches for a moment. The twist of her patched festures was obvious she was contemplating as she stared at the rippling surface of the flowing river, that not only her own hide had been injured but her pride too. Cindershade could relate to it, as the two women shared a similar lust for the thrill of battle and taking a loss was never easy.
Silent finally move forth, her tail swaying in rhythm with her hips and held high as she approaches from behind. "Petalnose," her raspy voice is sharp among the whitenoise of their land, "Aren't you supposed to be resting?" Verdant irises narrow slightly at the younger molly, moving to stand by her side but far enough where there's a decent amount of space. Knowing Petalnose, she'd reply with something defensive and before she's given the chance, Cindershade raises a paw to silence her. "Relax. I know how hard it can be to just sit in that damn den all day and night. I'm not going to make you go back just yet." A twinge of a smile pricks at her darkened festures, though as always—it was hardly noticeable.


A sharp voice had called her name. It caused a jolt spring through her body and claws to unsheath in preparation to strike, head immediately spinning around to the source. "Wha- Damn it!!" Cindershade. The black smoke tabby she both looked up to and had a twing of disliking towards. They were similar, though the she-cat didn't particularly want to admit it. Her claws sheathed and her arm slowly lowered as she narrowed her widened eyes from the original scare. "What." She responded coldly, acting as if she wasn't doing anything wrong. The question came as she expected, ears flattening against her head and opening her maw to retort. However, she was intrupted, closing her jaws shut slowly almost in an obedient manner. "I see. 'Yet.' First to catch me in the act, congratulations. Cheers. Hm, So! You going to whoop my tail?" She meowed, heaving to her unsteady paws with an expectant look.

She stared into the other females green eyes with boredom, blinking cooly at her. Petalnose did not expect Cindershade to sit down and have a long talk with her as she did with Pikesplash. She expected her to be all action and less talk, assertive and authorative. That was how she came off to her. She expected the lead warrior would punish her in some way, maybe humiliate her and drag her across camp by her scruff. Hopefully she was too tall for the fellow she-cat to do such. Though, she had to admit Cindershade had to be strong enough. The woman was muscular and she was more thin and sleek in result of her height. Petal would just be awfully awkward and challenging to carry. She doubted that would happen but at the same time Cindershade was as unpredictable as she was at times.

Petalnose did speak in a kind way about Cindershade to Pikesplash, telling him that him picking a spar with her was suicide for an inexperienced cat's ego. She had not sparred with Cindershade, neither was she in the shape to in the moment. She knew through gossip, she knew how the lead warrior held herself and how her body possessed a fruitful amount of strength. Petalnose excelled at fighting so she wasn't ignorant to look over how the other held themselves, she could see her humbling most cats in a spar and feeding her own ego with ease. Maybe today was a day she so saught to feed her ego. Petalnose's tail twitched expectantly, ears pricked forward to listen if she'd say any other words.

As expected, Petalnose comes back at her in a defensive manner and for once, the rosetted woman does not retaliate. She merely flicks her tail, a twinge of amusement glittering through her sharp irises. First to catch me in the act, congratulations. Cheers. You going to whoop my tail? Cindershade fully turns to her, fixing her face into a pointed look of light confusion towards the bi-colored warrior and snorts in amusement. "Whoop your tail?" She echoes, observing her more slender counterpart. Perhaps she could, if the scenario had been different and Petalnose wasn't a clanmate. "Why would I berate you on something that isn't my business? They're your injuries, not mine. If you feel well enough to sneak out of camp—then that's on you." Petalnose was an adult, a warrior capable of making her own decisions, and if she sought out some fresh air then that was her choice. Cindershade wouldn't bother dragging her back to camp, too tied up within her own dilemmas to really care that much. She had snuck out on her own before after being confined to the medicine den and came out just fine.
The lead warrior watches with a quirked brow as Petalnose heaves herself up onto still clumsy paws, studying the slight sway of her gait and hummed to herself as she thought. Silence fell back between them, heavy with nothing else but the bubbling of water over stones as white noise. "I know we don't exactly see eye-to-eye, Petalnose, but I wouldn't hurt you—unless you did something drastic that could cause harm to our clan." She knows she wouldn't. The warrior in question was loyal as any, had went to bat for her clan and came out scarred and battered over her clan. A chuckle bubbles over her lips, "You sneaking out of camp is going to be nothing but perhaps a slight headache to Beesong and Ravenpaw. Harmless for sure—though, you do look like shit. You need rest in order to heal quickly and resume your duties. We need to keep our warrior's as healthy as possible." Her words may come out as a bit harsh, like thorns picking at delicate flesh, she hides no malice behind them. Cindershade may be quite brash when it comes down to it, she's also protective over her clan and all the resides in it. Petalnose was a competent warrior in her eyes with an attitude to match it. Despite their little spat, the shadowed molly held a brisk of respect for her. She was a clanmate that could be relied on—a lot more than some others.


For awhile Petalnose waited for a scolding, demands to follow the lead warrior back to her nest to heal. Although, she didn't.. atleast to what the she-cat had invisioned within her mind. She hadn't ever been caught when she didn't want to be, atleast not within her warrior years. Cindershade was a warrior she did expect to be the one to catch her, she excelled at a lot. Stealth was probably one of them. Petalnose looked up to her in a way even if she didn't come across as such.

Hearing her dismissive words made her plop back down in a sit, perking her ears to listen. For a moment she felt comforted, relaxed despite her tone. She paused for a moment, her whiskers twitching in thought as her expression softened into neutrality. "You know, I don't know what to expect from you." She mused bluntly, watching the dark furred feline in intrigue. Even if it came off as negative to Cindershade, it was more neutral. Petalnose found interest in others she couldn't assume things from, it woke the curiousity within her. Cindershade was an interesting feline, someone she internally admired and respected. Tension or not, she'd trust her within a patrol and battle.

She had mentioned not hurting her. Not if she didn't betray her clan. It was fair, she had known deep down she wouldn't really hurt her enough to lock her up in the medicine den again. They were clanmates, not enemies. Neither would the bicolored warrior, she cared for each and every clanmate no matter how much she despised any of them or had mixed feelings about such as Cindershade. Seeing them harmed was the last thing she wanted to be done. Unless of course they refused to serve their clan, something that proved disloyalty. Her clan was the only thing she knew, it was her home, her family she no longer had.

Petalnose hummed softly, nodding, "I see. You'd happily bully me in spar I feel." A temporarily pierce of smile appeared on her lips, quick to fall but long enough for her to catch.

"The problem is if I do sleep I may wonder off anyway. Better to do it conscious, right?" Humor peaked through her seriousness, a light touch of playfulness to lighten the mood. Her sleepwalking had become the gossip of the clan for a bit, almost falling into the rapids and speaking nonsense to clanmates. Luckily, it hadn't become a problem since her nights in the medic den. Either it was her injuries that tied her down or Ravenpaw and Beesong guarded the exit. She was sure Cindershade knew, a lead warrior was always watching their clan, right? They had to stay up to date with everything, know their clan more than the lower ranks. That was knowledge she wished she possesed.

"Hm.. I meant to tell you. Your sister did well leading the patrol and battle. She denies it but I believe she did well. We might've been more hurt if she didn't." She meowed, more seriousness and confidence suddenly appearing onto her posture and tone. She was sure Cindershade would appreciate hearing how her sister had done. Emberflower called off at the appropriate moment of time, something Petalnose would most likely struggle personally with. The she-cat was a brighter version of the litter it seemed so she assumed her sister would have worries for her. She knew if her brother was still alive she'd always worry for him, become overly protective. She'd probably pace camp knowing he was leading a dangerous mission. It only had to be the same.

// Apologies if messy, about to go to work. :) Tags