camp little lamb / dual intro


moonlight on the river
Jun 1, 2023
Tansyshine isn’t sure how many days its been since she lost her kittens. Has it been a simple couple of weeks, or has it been months, years? She only knows its not the latter as she gazes down to her dearest, pressed against her side as they lay in the confines of the nursery. Guilt begins to make bile rise in her throat as she stares, Stars, there should be two more bodies pressed against his. Unable to tear her eyes away, they focus on her sons patterings, white splashed like her, gray like his father. Like his father, a frown etches itself across her face, but shes frozen despite how much she wants to envelop Crystalkit.

Theres a bird tweeting above the nursery, despite the wind, that breaks her out of her trance. She shifts in their nest, sluggish and slow, and Crystalkit stirred beside her. “Shh, shh, my love.” her voice is gentle, hoarse with the lack of use, as she drags her tongue across his head. Theres so many things to worry about, so many things that swarm her mind that she nearly chokes up when she tries to talk next.

Come on, darling. Lets go outside, I know you asked to play yesterday. Mama’ll go get food.” she stands and walks to the nursery entrance, pushing out and waiting for Crystalkit to follow her. Fresh air would be good for her racing thoughts… She sits at the entrance, taking deep breaths to calm herself. Crystalkit was a bundle of joy, she knows he’ll be happy to talk to everyone else.

// @crystalskies you don’t have to wait for crystals post! :3c

Though his time in the nursery was nearly up, Shinekit still acted like a newborn at times. Loud and energetic, it had taken many scoldings from exasperated queens to get through his empty head that Tansyshine and Crystalkit were off-limits from the toddler’s tomfoolery. They’d said something about giving them space and the grieving process, but it was all in one ear and out the other.

To be fair, it wasn’t exactly Shinekit’s fault that he didn’t understand. The concepts of death and loss were lessons learned with age and experience, not something to be explained like a battle move. Still, although the shaft of sunlight didn’t quite understand why he was ordered not to bother the duo, he obeyed nonetheless.

For a while, Shinekit wondered if Tansywish was dead herself. She looked frozen at times, and on the few occasions sky-blue eyes attempted to catch the queen’s, they seemed to be staring straight through the nursery, at something far away. All of this was intriguing enough for the flame-tinted furball, so when the two finally made a motion to leave the confines of the nursery, he was right behind them.

Shinekit stayed silent as he strode up beside them, still aware of the respect he was supposed to show her, yet staring with the curiosity that comes from being forbidden something. He hears the queen say she’ll get food, and the people pleaser’s ears perk up. “I can get that for you” he said, careful to keep a usually boisterous voice calm for once. “…if you want, I mean.”
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When Lily lost Tempest, she knew that was the worst thing that could ever happen to a cat. No one's pain would ever be as severe as hers, and the moons she spent wallowing in her misery confirmed that. But then Tansyshine lost her kits and suddenly that changed. Yes, losing Tempest was horrible, but if she had lost Wolfwind, Lakemoon, or both... moving on from that would have been near impossible.

Lily knew there was nothing she could say to Tansy that would dull her pain; nothing had worked to dull hers. It took time. Time and the realization that Tempest wouldn't have wanted her to stay miserable. Of course, she had been told the same sentiment in the aftermath. "Time heals." "She would want you to move on." Every conversation seemed to contain one of the two statements. She didn't believe them then, and she knew that Tansy probably wouldn't either. Instead, Lily did the only thing that ever seemed to help her.

She spent as much time in Tansy's general vicinity as possible. Not smothering her, just... existing near her. Making sure she knew that she had cats who cared about her and would be willing to help her with anything.

Today, she had been napping right outside the nursery when she heard movement from within. "That would be very kind of you, Shinekit," she said, proud of the kit for offering.
[ earth girl ]
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