pafp Little lion man ⋆ Kitten fight


Hot headed!!!!
Nov 2, 2023
*+:。.。 "You are so WEAK!" shouts echo from the nursery entrance - surprise, surprise but the loudest belonged to none other than Singekit himself. The little tyke's caterwauls only interrupted when they dug their teeth into their fellow denmate's ivory fur - not enough to break skin, at least not purposefully, but not quite gentle enough to avoid pulling out a few hairs. Singekit, like any kit, woke up this morning with a surplus of energy and a hunger for vengeance. Instead of being a good child and expelling this energy out with zoomies or babbling the ears of the queens trapped in the nursery with him, he had other ideas. "You're gonna be a 'paw soon, but you can't even fend ME off! You're SUCH a loser!" the hiss, wrapping their paws around Snowkit's throat and aiming to pin the molly to the ground. Wrestling was Singekit's favorite activity! He liked pouncing on his brother, chasing Yellowkit around, or just waking his mom's tail until she cuffed him over the ears for it. But none of those cats were currently present, so he decided to pounce on Snowkit. If it wasn't obvious - which it really isn't when you're on the outside looking in - Singekit considered this playing. Granted, his little experience on the matter was with Swallowkit and Yellowkit, and sure Singekit was much gentler with his 'challenging words' with his sibling than he ever was, or ever would be, with other cats was still playing. Snowkit ought to know it was just a play-fight.
"You're never gonna be a warrior! You're so LAME! Your mentor's gonna be so sad to be stuck with YOU!" he'd barrage ruthlessly while snapping at Snowkit's ear, trying to get enough of a hold to yank. Granted, playfights are meant to start consensually, with both parties initiating the game instead of Singekit just randomly tackling Snowkit to the ground the second he saw her...but that was neither here nor there. Snowkit was surely going to fight back, so that had to be an agreement to play, in Singekit's opinion! And what better way to get this "fight" cooking than with some fighting words!
Snowkit ought to know Singekit was just kidding.

  • Please wait for @Snowkit. !

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    1 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    NPCx NPC (brother to Swallowkit)
    Shadowclan — Kit

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold ruddy
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: None currently


You've wasted your life, but thanks for applying

For once, in a while, Snowkit had not awoken before that of Singekit and for that, she paid gravely by the shrill cries of the tom by calling her hurtful things, such as weak before feeling a pinch of teeths and pluck of her fur. "get off" she growled at the other before a paw was on her throat making her wheeze a bit, twisting herself the kit managed to push Singekit off before crawling onto her paws.

Snowkit would whirl to face the other before a fury of paw smacks to the other's face while irritation grew on her face. "Shut up, creature, Imma tell Chilledstar to never make you a warrior" she hissed in annoyance before scrambling to get away from Singekit, not wanting to play the others little games. She just wanted to be alone, unbothered and Singekit kept disturbing that with his words and tosses of insults.

Snowkit did not care how good of a warrior she'd be, she just wanted to be away from that thing, that little creature that ruins her every waking moment. Oh how she wished Singekit would just one day stop talking or just disappear. "I hope you disappear and never are to be found again, creature! No one likes you and your disgusting face" words stung with icy venom. Though she knew Singekit would not care for the words that came from her maw. But for right now, the she-kit was airing her frustrations over being near that thing
One thing she disliked above all else was senseless violence. After the rush of early kittenhood and the trauma of missing her siblings and mother - Thornkit was not the cat to be meddled with. At first, she had been sleeping comfortably. Her nose tucked beneath her Barbary tail and her body wound into a near ball. Until, of course, the shouts of Singekit roused her unceremoniously from said nap. Irritation spiked up her back at the onslaught of nasty commentary being slung like fat slugs between her denmates.

Her bi-colored gaze widened further as they tussled. Soon the awkward situation turned tense at the cruel sentences grounding out from the scrambling Snowkit. Having about just enough of it she steadied onto all four paws. She puffed her chest and hardened her stare as she rushed over to try and stop the nonsense. Stepping between the space that Snowkit had created, Thornkit's tail lashed angrily. Despite her fluffed pelt, Thornkit spoke with a cool tone.

Her eyes spoke of sleeplessness and a look that could kill. "Hey! What is the matter with you guys?" Taking in a sharp breath, she pointedly looked between both cats. "Singekit - stop being so mean. No one wants to play with someone who can't be nice." Her comically staunch glare soon turned to the other feline in question. "Snowkit - being worse doesn't help and my siblings actually did disappear. No matter how mad you are. Don't ever say stuff like that." A small twinge of hurt bled into her words.

She knew they weren't related, but her genuine feelings tangled into the fray. I'd give anything to see them again. Even inside the safety of her own self just mentioning their absence made her heart surge with pain. Yet, her tiny paws held firm. Unwilling to step aside and watch the verbal bashing proceed any further.
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———————————she/her | menacing ——————————
And this is why Scalejaw was... partially glad she didn't have any more kits since her first litter.

The yowling from the nursery caused her ears to perk and head to snap over from where she had been grooming another warrior's fur. A sidelong glance given to them, she pushed to her paws and padded over as the yelling seemed to get louder. A growl left her mouth as she pushed the nursery entrance aside, her nose- then head- sticking into the nursery.

"What in Starclan's name is going on in here?" She stated, voice booming to the three kits. Well, Scalejaw got here just in time for the tongue-lashing from Thornkit, and she couldn't lie and say she didn't wince when Thornkit brought her siblings up. Gathering a breath, Scalejaw opened her mouth, speaking words that would surely get the kit's ears to open up. Probably.

"Snowkit, Singekit, seperate before I find corners to put you in." She hissed briefly. "Neither of you are going to become Shadowclan's finest warriors if you act like this towards your clanmates." She felt like she was talking more today then she had in the last three days, Starclan help her. "Singekit. Apologize for calling Snowkit weak- because she isn't, she got away from you. Snowkit, apologize right now about wishing Singekit to disappear. Thornkit is right."

Scalejaw finished pushed her way into the nursery, sitting out of the way. "Never, and I really mean never, wish that on someone." Her words sounded achingly tired- the patrols, the searching, the travels through foreign territories. She'd do it all again, as long as it meant getting Thornkit's siblings back.

[penned by dallas].