pafp LITTLE LION MAN ;; dream

;; Please don't post until the dream is over! <3

Fireflypaw finishes the last of his work by sundown, legs stretching out one by one to relieve himself of any remaining tension before he makes his way over to his nest, riddled with dark feathers and mint leaves. His tail flicks against the wall of the den, leading him through the darkness so he could finally circle himself into his nest. Tail fur fluffed, he nuzzles his nose into his fur and quickly falls to sleep. If he was asleep, he could dream that his family was together again. That the world wasn't so cruel, so painful to be in. Soon, he slumbers deeply.

Vision is blurry as he opens his eyes, a field of daisies that sparkled with stars. Fireflypaw's nose twitches, inhaling in an attempt to guess where he was. Unfamiliar, he wanders- calming silence combing through the lands. Wind sweeps past his face, and he tilts his head. Confusion. "Is anyone there?" He calls out, stupidly. This was how cats got killed, calling out to killers around them! Geez, Fi. "What a weird dream.." He mumbles aloud, tail flicking behind him.

Starlight dances from his pelt day in and day out, with nowhere else to go. It's only at times like this that it comes in handy- spangled strings of sequins spilled from him, illuminating the clearing and pecking at the daisy-petals like little fireflies. In dreams his form cannot linger for long- eyes swim with the waters of his demise and the liquid stars that made his form as he strides toward the tom. "I'm here, Fireflypaw," he answers, his voice aglow. Named after him. Badly-hidden honour and fondness finds its place in Haku's stern eyes, softening his stare.

Blazestar's son- named after him, a night and a conversation they had shared. Had Haku not held such silly ideas of martyrdom he was sure Fireflypaw would have been called something else, but regardless- he is honoured, and the smile upon his face betrays his gladness to meet his friend's son, even if only in the light of a short-lived dream. "I, uh- I'm Haku," he figures to introduce himself, dipping his head quickly, a trail of glister in his wake. "I have a message."

How nice it would be to extend this meeting, but... he already feels the threads of power loosening, the sands of time filtering through the seams. "You must not waver when boughs are plucked from the pine." The words are loud, clear- they surround the two of them, a sound that kicks up stardust. There is no more he can do, here- though there is much he wishes to do. Away does he soon turn, glancing over his shoulder for one final goodbye, before he commits his form to the stars once more.
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An unfamiliar voice makes itself known, and Fireflypaw jumps in surprise. Where did he come from? Is he some kind of alien? A ghost? Has Mother come to curse me? He runs through the possibilities, only slowing down when the strange cat introduces himself as Haku. This was.. Who Dad named me after? he thinks to himself, his fur laying flat. One, two, three, four- a few steps forward would put him in front of the star-kissed figure, shoulders slouched as he listens.

You must not waver when boughs are plucked from the pine.

The message is given successfully, big ears swiveling to take in every single syllable until he's understood what he's been told. A prophecy, from StarClan? For him? He panics a little bit then. "B-But what does that mean? Why would you give me a prophecy if I can't understand it?" Will dad? Will Dawnglare? Was he destined to fail in such an important mission? Before he can ask any more questions though, Haku begins to fade and Fireflypaw is left grasping at straws in an attempt to understand much more. Boughs being plucked from the pine? Was the pine forest doomed? Were they all going to die?

He awakes with a yell, a paw stretching out to anxiously prod at his mentor's side. "Haku! I just spoke to Haku! I have- he told me- I-" He can barely contain himself! Figuring Dawnglare would want to sleep in more instead, he decides to go seek someone else out. Perhaps his mentor would follow. Standing up, he makes a direct run for his father's den to wake him up. "Dad! Dad- Wake up, c'mon!" He grumbles, his paw prodding at his father in an attempt to wake him up. "I spoke to Haku, he has a message!"

// open now! though he's going to blazestar after waking up dawnglare suddenly.
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Too late, too early– The dawn-pink sky is shattered by a yowl. The cracks were sudden, and then splintered, stretching forward with each jab of a paw until he can only blink awake to a dull- lifeless world. Night is still a thick blanket settled upon them, by the dimness of what greets him. Still poking, incessant but, and, tired, what is meant to be a hiss only comes out as a rumbling drawl, gravel-thick with sleep. "What– Stop, stop, you whelp."

A paw rubs at his face while the other takes to batting at Fireflypaw. Hazy and sleep-addled, his only thought was putting an end to the noise. Tear through the noise, slash at the eye... Yes, he'd gladly tear him apart, just now. He would not go to waste, the innards may make a hearty meal. Dawnglare has no idea what they were talking about (nor can he find it in himself to care much). "Who?"

Disappointingly, his claws only meet open air. He blinks, and turns his head, only to see the little termite is already gone, scrambling out of the den in a hurry. Slight purse of his lips and furrow of his brow, he only stares after him, unimpressed. The glinting of teeth tops the yawn that parts his jaws. Languidly, he stirs with a stretch. Shoulders rolling, something popping– He takes the time to decide if he could be bothered to follow. Irritation is fresh, welling up with a glare to the mouth Fireflypaw had disappeared through. Perhaps it is only his annoyance that pushes him to go any further.

Practically a shambling corpse, he follows without urgency. His eyes are nearly glazed over. But at the same time, they spell death. Creased brow and narrowed gaze; ticking strangely along with his nose. "Quiet. Do you wish to wake the sun along with everybody else?" A disgruntled glance to the sky.
Blazestar hears pawsteps and murmuring voices shuffling towards his den. As a kittypet, the Ragdoll had been a heavy sleeper, never having to worry about danger to himself or to all the cats he held dear. Now, the slightest movement outside his sleeping quarters will jolt him awake. The sun is rising -- he can see the pinkish-scarlet light filtering into his den -- but it's too early for the camp to be up.

"Fireflypaw?" He says, staring with dream-fuzzed eyes as his son comes to pay him an early visit. Blazestar shifts his gaze to Dawnglare, who looks disgruntled and, frankly, irate. "What's going on?" He yawns and struggles to stand in his nest, shaking moss scraps and bits of bedding from his coat. He wants to at least try to be alert for whatever it is the medicine cats need him for.

Then, it registers -- what Fireflypaw is telling him. Dad, I spoke to Haku! He has a message?

Blazestar looks at his son, more alert. "Haku? How... what did he look like?" He is seized, suddenly, with a feeling he cannot describe. A weightless feeling -- is he grounded, can he feel the earth beneath him still? "What..." His voice lowers. "What did he say?" He looks to Dawnglare, wondering if the medicine cat knew why Fireflypaw had received this message and not he himself.

"Bit late for that, Dawnglare, he's woken half the warriors up." Orangeblossom shambles over with heavy steps, jaws parting in a wide yawn as she watches Fireflypaw disappear into his father's den. She'd assured her denmates that she'd check out whatever he'd been calling for Blazestar about, no, the dawn patrols weren't being sent out yet, yes they could go back to sleep for a bit. She passes the medicine cat a glance, another yawn threatening to make her words incomprehensible: "What's he on about, anyway?"

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3

Tired, Sheep is tired and all she wants to do is sleep in on her late patrol day. Unfortunately, being a somewhat light sleeper, she tosses and turns in her nest in frustration as voices sound outside the warrior den. With teeth clenched together, she untangles herself from Red's side, gives him a quick parting nuzzle and leaves in a haste, searching for the cause of the commotion.

Cats are gathered around Blazestars den after Fireflypaw disappears within, more specifically some of Blaze's council themself and immediately does worry ward off any grogginess that would linger. "Is everything okay?" her voice is rushed and legs are tense as she teeters over, looking between Dawnglare and Orangeblossom. We're not under attack again, are we? She bites her tongue. "Is he okay?" she refers to the child within his fathers den. Normally it would not be a cause for concern, but... She cannot help the creeping dread that builds within her stomach.
His nightmares were always the same, war. Neverending drums of battle, caterwaul and for some reason rain. Always, rain and pitch black. Darker than the feathers of a raven, and the brittle wails of dying warriors. It was so strange, meaningless, a never-ending series. Only it was strange how one could destinguish dream from reality, for the calls of Fireflypaw calling out to his father seem to split the storm of his nightmare. Claws unfurl from sheathes as he stretches, and like a snake he uncoils from his wiry moss nest and behind Sheepcurl and Orangeblossom he lumbers from the warrior’s den. The deputy pauses to assuage the other warriors back to sleep and Thistleback pads past.

Grey eyes blinking away the film of bleary sleep as he moves toward the center of camp.

A stirred Dawnglare is belated upon his chase as the mini-medic disappears into Blazestar’s den. Thistleback’s scowl is carved deep, the pale morninglight earning a slight hiss as it stings his sensitive visionaries, no pigment to protect them.

Sheepcurl and Orangeblossom ask the necessary questions, the piebald takes the time to roll his shoulders and actually wake up. His shoulders pulse angrily, heat rippling from beneath the muscle. With patience and the most unintentionally pissed-off look imaginable, he waits.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-three moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring quillpaw & Snowpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png

"I'm fiiine. Totally fine." He reassures his dad, grinning. What does he look like? Is asked by his sleep-addled father as he rouses from deep slumber; the most unimpressed expression on Fireflypaw's face in turn. A frown, tight-lipped and straight, with shut eyes squinting; unimpressed. "I dunno. Shadows, I guess. I can't see, dad." Fireflypaw remarks with a giggle, head turning at the sound of grass shifting and more cats scents joining them. It doesn't take a genius to know that he woke up most of the Clan.
"M sorry, everyone!" He chimes with an apologetic smile, shaking out his fur before he turns back to his father.

Everyone is asking questions, but most of them all want to know two things; if he's alright in the head, and what the hell he was talking about. "You must not waver when boughs are plucked from the pine." He reiterates the words Haku spoke to him, reminiscing the sound of his namesake's voice once again. It was smooth, a little awkward. He sounded so cool, though. Would he be that cool, too? "I could smell daisies. A cool breeze swept through the place, I figured it was probably a dream or something- turns out, it's StarClan! I got to see StarClan for the first time!" But the disappointment is ever so evident on his face as he scruches it up, dejected. Morningpaw didn't come to visit him; was she upset with him? Angry?

"Is it a prophecy? What does 'You must not waver when boughs are plucked from the pine.' mean?"
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A bundle of brown fur dangled from a white tabby maw, swinging back and forth with each little bounce to the pace. The mouse was plumper than the ones recently being brought in and pride shone in mossy green eyes- she wanted to show it off! Hunting was more her skillset on things and it was the first catch she got since winter stopped! Having been instructed on bringing the piece of prey to Fireflypaw and Dawnglare, also to brag to her medicically inclined friend about it, when she watched as the point tom burst from the medicine den. Bananapaw halted her pace to watch him run for Blazestars' den and her brow furrowed. Was it an emergency? Was Blazestar okay? Was Firefly okay?

It was like flies to a light as all the higher ups moved in on Blazestars' den in their own curious thoughts on Firefly. Bananapaw glanced to the medicine den for a second before back to Blazestars' den before she ended up following the higher ups. The tawny and white cat tilted her head to the side as their voices drifted from the den, her whiskers twitching and she set down the mouse between her paws.

"Firefly? Blazestar? S'everythin' okay?" She called out before coming up beside Thistleback, and she looked up at the bi-colored tomcat with a shiney curious look to her green eyes, "Is Blazestar sick?" He looked fine to her the other day when she saw him, but then again sickness could come with a quickness at any point in time. Though the more she peered in on her own curious stance, she spotted Sheepcurl, Orangeblossom, Dawnglare- oh was this important higher up stuff?.

Bananapaw flushed brightly in embaressment at her own assumptions-did she infiltrate a higher up only thing?

———————————————⊰⋅ ⋅⊱———————————————

"Real set o'lungs on ye kid." Dandelionwish muttered as he wandered out of the medicine cat den where he was still detained to a nest to the side, he had awoken the moment the shouting and flurry of motion began but quietly laid there until he had oriented himself enough to lift his head without wanting to drop it back down and immediately resume sleeping. The gathered cats made him wonder if he shouldn't go right back to bed, but the hushed mutterings of a dream took him back to his first time seeing StarClan proper. He listens to Fireflypaw's description and can't help but smile as he recalls the vision of the wind sweep ethereal hills lined in stars and scented sweet as any garden; the way it felt both warm and cool at once-the perfect temperature. The next time he sees it he'll be visiting more permanently, but that was hopefully a good ways off.

He hears the vision description and snorts in amusement, "They ain't ever gonna not be cryptic are they? Sent me a similar thing once 'fore-buncha nonsense didn't figure out that quick m'self." Maybe Rosepaw would be alive if he had been smarter, realized better what had been shown to him. If he had been more adept at reading the signs, could he have stopped it? Such thinking did no cat any good so he dismissed the dreary thoughts with a tail flick and a grin, "Hope ye have better luck." He didn't have an inkling of whatever that could mean but maybe it meant more for the SkyClanners? Boughs from a pine, huh? What a weird thing to say. It didn't sound super important. Plenty of trees around.
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Blazestar listens to Fireflypaw's words with a frown. "You must not waver when boughs are plucked from the pine." It sounds ominous, though the Ragdoll does not know what Haku's intent is. SkyClan's pine forest has as many cloud-grazing trees as it has since he'd joined Rain's colony. What could StarClan be trying to tell them?

He shakes his head. Fireflypaw's outburst has drawn a crowd, and although he does not mind his Clanmates' curiosity, he knows he will not be able to focus on the meaning of StarClan's message with so many cats probing and asking questions. And the last thing he wants is to start a panic, though it at least seems Bananapaw and Dandelionwish have the sense not to do that. "This is to remain between us for now," he tells those gathered, a thoughtful frown on his face. "I don't want to cause anyone any stress. It's likely not a bad omen. You all worry about your warrior and apprentice duties and leave the prophecy interpretation to the medicinecats." He pauses, wondering if he should at least inform the rest of his council, then decides it's likely the best thing to do.

"Dandelionwish, Bananapaw, leave us, please. I have to discuss this with my council. Don't fret." He smiles at them and makes a sweeping gesture with his tail. "Fireflypaw, go get Silversmoke, please. And next time, for StarClan's sake... be a little more quiet with your prophecies!"


// non-hps feel free to continue to respond, and dandy/banana are welcome to gossip / do with the information as they see fit!

hps/shps ... i will make a priv for discussion! >:)