LITTLE PISTOL ✩ hunting patrol

a hunting patrol usually did not bare any stakes other than the weight of feeding the clan. an added competition, it would be interesting above all else. a real date raccoonstripe said, a jaunt under the cover of the moon. perhaps he had lost his mind if that is all that he wanted out of her.

nightbird waited until the sun dipped low, met her patrol at the entrance just as she had said. both burnstorm and stormywing were newer warriors, hopefully it would be helpful that their training was so recent. taking the head of the trio, she guided them out towards the great sycamore, stopping just far enough that her voice wouldn't alert any prey there. "better be the best hunting of your lives, i don't like to lose," she said quietly, glancing towards the massive tree before sending them off with a wave of her tail.

her departure had been quick, paws silent as she navigated the undergrowth. it wasn't long until she caught a scent that had her ears twitching, jutting forward at the soft sound of scuffling. a blackbird stood unknowing, yellow beak pushing around the dirt. nightbird flattened herself to the ground, paws inching closer and closer so that she could get a perfect catch to start the night off. just about in reach, she halted completely in wait for the moment that would give her the cleanest kill. exploding through the growth, her claws outstretched towards the bird, but it seemed to be just a touch swifter than her, taking to the sky in record times. all she was left with were empty paws and a curled lip as she stalked off to find another.

  • rolled a bird & failed @BURNSTORM ! @STORMYWING
    1 - mouse
    2 - vole
    3 - squirrel
    4 - rabbit
    5 - bird
    6 - nothing sighted/scented

    1 - failure
    2 - missed, but close
    3 - caught, but messy
    4 - perfect catch

  • IMG_0032.png
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-four moons
    nightbird is a small black smoke molly with pale silver eyes. a loner turned thunderclanner, her loyalty and drive to provide for her clan is unwavering. however, she is not known for harboring a bleeding heart, instead equipped with sarcastically fueled wit, brutal honesty, and a sharply edged tongue.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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Burnstorm follows Nightbird’s shadowed form out into the woods, fluffy tail waving in the air as he does. He is glad to be here with Stormywing, she is a friend and she is around the same age as him. Nightbird was cool too but she was older and she hung out with his uncle a lot, which he doesn’t understand. He would rather claw his own ears off, personally.

He watches with an impassive gaze as Nightbird stalks off to hunt her own prey and, giving her a nod of acknowledgement he also parts ways with the rest of the patrol.

When he lifts his head, nose in the air and jaws parted to drink in the smells of the forest, he is surprised to find something immediately. A rabbit. He follows the scent until the creature is directly in his line of sight and he places one paw in front of the other until it brings him to a spot that is good to pounce. Just before he can though a bird flies off from somewhere else and the rabbits attention snaps to it, and with it him. For a second, he and the creature make eye contact and then it’s all action. He springs forward but so does his prey. Because of his bulky size, he knows giving chase would be next to impossible. He would just crash through the undergrowth and scare everything else away. "Mouse dung!" he knows there will be other prey but he cannot help the curse from flying from his mouth in a quiet hiss. Silently, he wonders if Stormywing has had better luck.
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This is it! Specifically chosen by Nightbird, one of the coolest cats in the clan for a special mission. They must catch more prey than Racoonstripe's patrol, who her own sister hunts with today, to save Nightbird from the excruciating fate of a midnight canter with Raccoonstripe. She will not disappoint. She arrived early at the camp entrance, ready and eager to get going. When Burnstorm arrives, she excitedly bumps his shoulder, her maw bearing a childish grin, before they follow the night-pelted she-cat into the forest. She listens to her instructions and nods fervently. "We won't let you down!" She promises in a hushed tone. With that, she disappears into the undergrowth.

She stalks through ferns and brambles for what feels like forever, desperately searching for any trace of prey. Come on! I can't go back empty-pawed! Give me something! She prays desperately, hazel eyes wide and jaws parted. Alas, she can find nothing, even in the bountiful greenleaf forest. It would seem the prey has had enough of the heat and disappeared undergrowth, so...Birds! Determined to try a new route, she slinks up the nearest tree with ease. Surely she can finds something up here?

// She rolled a 6: scents nothing LOL
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it wasn't long until nightbird found a second trail. a squirrel, it was fresh too. she followed the prey scent over and under growth, unflinching as twigs and thorns snagged her pelt. her first loss seemed to have waken her up, senses felt heightened as she drew closer and closer.

finally she spotted the unmistakable bottle-brush tail, it wavered ever so slightly as the creature picked at something just below the grassy surface. she pursued it quietly, trying to not let the weight of the missed bird shake her. this would be a prize to bring back. it was an impressive size, seemingly healthy. the warrior slinked over a root that burst through the ground, eyes narrowed into her kill. quicker at the jump this time, it didn't even know she was there until claws were pricking into it's slender frame, holding it still as she delivered a swift killing bite.

nightbird's head swung up triumphantly with her prize as she scanned for a spot to stash it away. a bush gave way to a narrow hollow not far, it would do well. savor her catch until the moment burnstorm, stormywing, and herself returned to camp with double what raccoonstripe's patrol had caught. she could already imagine the look on the tabby's face when she returned triumphant.

  • perfect squirrel catch >:D

  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-four moons
    nightbird is a small black smoke molly with pale silver eyes. a loner turned thunderclanner, her loyalty and drive to provide for her clan is unwavering. however, she is not known for harboring a bleeding heart, instead equipped with sarcastically fueled wit, brutal honesty, and a sharply edged tongue.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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Luckily, Burnstorm is not a cat who is easily discouraged. He gets over his disappointment over the rabbit pretty quickly. There was other prey in the forest, he would find something and they would save Nightbird from the cruel fate that awaited her should they fail. Determined, he once again raises his nose to the air, carefully places his paws on the forest floor until it leads him to a scent he recognizes instantly. Vole.

Immediately he spots the creature, golden eyes fixating on the tiny creature that moves around in the underbrush. It comes out into the open. He is downwind, just like he had been taught, and his prey does not scent him. Apprehension makes him lick his lips. He did not like to lose and it would be embarrassing if he came back with nothing at all. Plus the thought of Stormywing bursting into camp with a mountain of prey while he was empty pawed is just too much. He cannot let that happen. Every thought in his mind is focused on his paw steps, the wind, the vole. When he draws near enough he pounces and without any hassle he is able to easily dispatch the creature. It’s the perfect catch and it leaves him purring in satisfaction. He had gotten incredibly lucky, the wind had been good and there had been nothing to startle his prey. Happy with himself, he leans down to pick up his catch and swiftly buries it at the base of a tree with a large burn mark on one side. Easy enough to remember.

He then pads away, turning about to see if he could find something else.

// rolled a perfect catch on a vole!!
// rolled a close, but missed catch on a bird!

The warrior moves athletically through the branches, hazel eyes scouring the trees using any ounce left of dusk’s light. Finally, she sees it. A sparrow! I knew I’d find something up here, She thinks to herself, feeling a surge of pride. The trees have always been her safe spot. Her claws twitch within the bark they hold onto, eager to make the catch. With striped ears pinned against her skull, she weaves quickly through the woody limbs, doing her best to remain silent.

She is about a fox-length below the bird now. It has distracted itself with its preening, unaware of the huntress stalking it through the leaves. Stormywing sticks out her tongue in focus, teeth gnawing on it as her haunches wiggle back and forth. Heartbeats pass and she pushes off, soaring towards the prey with forepaws outstretched. She thinks she’s got it in the bag - yes, she’s aimed perfectly! But suddenly the sparrow snaps its head in her direction and flaps its wings wildly, taking flight mere milliseconds before ivory claws dig into the bark where the bird had just been perched. A hiss of frustration leaves her as she swings from the branch, hanging on by only the claws on her forepaws. Her hind legs tuck close to her dangling body and she sighs in exasperation, a heavy frown pulling at her muzzle. Zero for two.

not long had passed since she rid her jaws of the caught prey, she moved on quickly to find something else. a slow start was beginning to give way to bountiful kills, hopefully her lucky streak was not over yet.

perhaps starclan was listening to her, guiding her paws to fortune. another fresh trail, unmistakably another squirrel. black lips twitched upwards as nightbird began to follow it, stalking slowly and surefootedly once more. this one looked younger, nearly a half of a head shorter than her first. no matter, a squirrel was a squirrel.

it wasn't alerted to her presence, just like the first, not until her claws grasped it with no time left over to run. another flawless catch, this one made her stomach growl. a yawn threatened the young squirrel's secure spot in her jaws. it was much darker now, better to turn back than spend the rest of the night flinging themselves at prey. the warrior went to the location of her first kill to retrieve it, glancing around for stormywing and burnstorm in the process. catching them both, she waited until it would appear as if their hunt was finished as well to speak.

"we'll head back whenever you're ready," she informed them, confident that they had successful hunts as well she wasn't worried about finding one last scent.

  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-five moons
    nightbird is a small black smoke molly with pale silver eyes. a loner turned thunderclanner, her loyalty and drive to provide for her clan is unwavering. however, she is not known for harboring a bleeding heart, instead equipped with sarcastically fueled wit, brutal honesty, and a sharply edged tongue.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Burnstorm is aware of the dusk creeping up on their patrol. The sky darkens and starts to give way to a golden stream of light that slowly fades as hues of pink and purple spread across the horizon. He is desperate to find something, any one last thing before they were forced by time to call it a night and head back to camp. He raises his nose to the sky opens his mouth to drink in the air, but there is nothing. All the prey was settling into their own nests, coming home to their babies with food and getting ready to call it a night, just like they were about to have to do. His brows furrow in frustration. He had only caught a vole today but he supposes it is better than nothing. He goes to retrieve his catch, clutching it in his jaws as he goes to join the rest of the patrol.

When he finds Nightbird, his golden eyes immediately flicker to look at her catch, appraising the squirrels she held. He places his own catch on the ground as they wait for Stormywing. He hopes, for Nightbird's sake, that his uncles patrol had not had good hunting. "Yeah, ready whenever" he says with a flick of his fluffy black tail.
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// rolled a perfect catch for squirrel

Eventually, Stormywing hauls her body up onto the branch, pelt burning with embarrassment despite no one being around to see her failure. No matter, she’ll just have to keep trying. She is not going to mess this up in front of Nightbird! She’ll return with something in her jaws somehow.

Giving a huff, she pads along the branch on agile paws until she reaches the trunk. She leaps, allowing her body to fall vertically until she grips the bark with all four paws, sliding downward only a bit before her claws gain purchase. She closes her eyes against the bark chips that sprinkle down on her face and quickly moves on, dropping, gripping, dropping, gripping, until she reaches a lower and wider branch. Stormywing climbs nimbly onto it and scents the air, ears pricking when she smells fresh squirrel scent. Her hazel eyes brighten with excitement, but no time passes before there is a scuttle of paws against bark and a brush against leaves just over her head. Her eyes shoot up, spotting the squirrel mid-jump. Her limbs react faster than she can think, hind legs extending to push her up and forepaws slapping together upon the squirrels body. Her claws bring it down and she pins it against the branch, teeth nipping its throat to end it’s struggling. One catch! Finally! She looks to the sky, ears pricking. It’s time to reunite with her patrol.

The warrior takes her catch in her jaws and leaps to the ground, scattering dust when she lands. She makes quick work getting back to the two others, bounding through the undergrowth until she reaches them. When she stops, she drops the squirrel on the ground and beams. “We gotta beat them, right?” Three squirrels and a vole is a pretty good haul!
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