camp little rascals ✧ O, nursery thread


Feb 21, 2023

Duckkit was still letting his ego deflate from his introduction a few mornings ago. It felt amazing to have the attention of so many cats at once, and it allowed Duckkit to momentarily ignore the otherwise somber mood of camp. As he became more and more involved in activities outside of cuddling his mom, Duckkit felt as though he was becoming more aware of the heavy mood that had settled onto Thunderclan. It was an uncomfortable dullness that seemed to have consumed the life of his clanmates, replacing some of them with bleak husks of their former selves. Even at just 3 moons, Duckkit could feel the heavy atmosphere, and he was desperate to escape it again.

Now obsessed with the idea of giving back to his clan, Duckkit wracked his pea-sized brain to figure out a game that would work with everyone, while still maintaining minimal effort on his part. A race seemed too competitive, and having to run was simply not an option. Spying on the apprentices might have been fun, but the tom was not eager to get yelled at. That left hide & seek and moss ball, the former being ruled out in favor of something a little less time-consuming. With the choice finalized, the lazy boy half-heartedly made the small spherical toy. Its materials consisted of scrap moss and whatever he could get his paws on, so it barely held together. Duckkit was undeterred and rolled the final product to the nursery's mouth.

With pieces of his nest still stuck between his toes, he stomped his way over to the nursery entrance so that he could face the entire den. He was not usually this extroverted, but desperate times called for desperate measures. Clearing his throat, Duckkit flicked his ears in anticipation before speaking "Who wants to play mouse ball with me?" his question was met with initial silence from the nursery, but he let the awkward pause roll right over him before continuing "Moss ball. We should all play moss ball, I mean." he corrected, maintaining his confidence despite the blunder.
just a lil something for us nursery baddies
Stormkit pulled her head up from where she was sleeping. She was among one of those blank stares given to Duckkit. It was nothing personal, though it was doubtful the other kit would know that. Her appetite for games had slowly decreased after the dog attack on the nursery.

"Mossball doesn't seem fun anymore, I don't know." Stormkit blurted out before she could think. She found that she enjoyed story-telling more—to get trapped inside a fantasy world where the ending always turned out right. She sat up and groomed a piece of moss out of her fur. She tried to smile up apologetically at Duckkit. He was kind, and she liked him. She did not want to hurt his feelings.

"But maybe I'll try..."

six feet tall and super strong ✧°.☀ ———————————— The short-tailed tom was not usually thinking about the smallest of the clan, besides of course their safety when it was threatened. But, he always felt pretty busy for their games and he lacked the built in play feature known as a tail . On occasion however, there were days when his schedule had a gap and he would overhear a request to play and something pulled him to the nursery.

He started by just hovering, looking to see if eventually the kit's request was actually going to be answered. For a second he feared for the kit that it wouldn't be. And well the reply was less than enthusiastic, so Stumpybounce figured it might be time to put some life into the game.

"Since when was mossball not fun!? That was like the only thing to do when I was little." he laughed with an animated voice. Looking down to Duckkit he gave a grin and waited for the first bat of the game.
[penned by user - [tags☀]]
———————————— ☀.°✧ we'd always get along

This is not the first time the small black Molly has been moored to the nursery, though last time had been much different. She finds that two kits are much easier to keep an eye on than five, so much so that she actually finds herself getting bored and offering to watch the other queens broods in order to keep her mind busy. Too much laying about and she would go crazy! She’s sure of it. She watches as Duckkit asks the other kits if they want to play moss ball, laughs a tiny bit when Stormkit says moss ball is boring. It was a fair thing to state, she was wondering if the kits would ever get tired of that game considering how much they played it!

"There are plenty of other games!" she says in response to Stumpybounce, wondering if his childhood had really only contained mossball. Sometimes she thinks that perhaps she had just gotten really lucky with who her family was, if she was a kit stuck only playing moss ball she would’ve gone crazy she thinks. "if you kits are bored I can help you come up with something I’m sure of it!" she says, remembering back to her previous litter and how good they had been at keeping themselves entertained. They had mostly all wrestled but there were games like badger rides and find the pebble as well.

Duckkit frowned at Stormkit's confession. Not because she renounced the game, but something about mossball not being fun to her seemed deeply wrong to the chocolate boy. Like it was some great failure by starclan for a kit to no longer find joy in nursery activities. He was not left to ponder his faith for long as Stormkit reluctantly agreed to the game. He smiled gently at the fellow kit, giving an enthusiastic nod of assurance.

Although he had sensed Stumpybounce's approach, Duckkit could not help but be startled by the older tom's boisterous voice. The energy was much appreciated, and he considered for a moment going back to bed and simply having the spotted warrior host the game instead. Littlewolf was soon to join in the discussion, the familiar coal-colored queen suggesting alternatives. Forget about Stumpybounce, perhaps Littlewolf could bear this responsibility. However, when he glanced down at his messy mossball, Duckkit felt a sort of obligation. "Maybe later..." he dismissed, temporarily transfixed on the shoddy toy.

"We should try mossball first," Duckkit turned to face Stormkit, steadfast in his initial decision "Maybe it will be more fun than you remember!" he chirped, trying to mimic some of Stumpybounce's cheerful demeanor. "We can even make up new rules, how about me and Stumpybounce are on one team and you guys are on another?" Duckkit suggested, trying to hardest to come up with on the spot solutions. He positioned himself horizontal to Stumpybounce, looking expectantly at his clanmates for their approval.
Maybe it was simply because she was still new to this world, but Duskkit could not think of anything more entertaining than playing mossball. Well– no. There were a great many things in this world, and each more exciting than the last, but she is a bundle of eager electricity for each and every thing that came up. Mossball was as exciting as apprenticeship, to her. When she hears the call for it, she's too far off to make a fast approach (having been busy pestering a returning patrol about what they had seen out there), but comes crashing in at just the right moment.

Literally. One big paw over the other and she's tumbling forward, tail over head, settling on her back with an oof.

Since kittens are made of bubblegum and bouncy balls, Duskkit pops back up like nothing had happened at all.

"Wait, but I want to play! I have to be on my mom's team!" It may have unbalanced things, but what did she care? It was her mom, she wasn't going to let someone else win the game with her. "Maybe after that, we could catch some prey–" warrior's tails, she means "–or see who can find the coolest stick, or go for a patrol and chase off intruders!" Just within the camp walls, of course. She wouldn't even pretend to go further with her mom watching her back. Though it seems she had inherited her family's creativity, she would not use it to disobey.

  • ooc:
  • ──── duskkit. kitten of thunderclan. she - her - hers.
    ──── blazestar x little wolf, older littermate of skykit.
    ──── does not know of her father / skyclan heritage.

    ──── an undefined kitten with long, dark brown fur that fades just slightly near the chest, throat, and ears, while the tip of her tail burns with the bright orange tabby flame. eyes are a deep, rich amber-brown, seeming red.
  • "speech"
Stormkit's ears went back at the sound of the warrior Stumpybounce breaking into the conversation lightheartedly. He meant well, but the torbico kitten's heart suddenly clenched up in embarrassment. Highly aware of herself, Stormkit averted her eyes and lowered herself. Some of the stress was almost instantly relieved when Little Wolf bunted in. Stormkit sighed out loud and slowly shuffled herself toward the black she-cat. Little Wolf's reasoning for Stormkit's disinterest in the game was not the same as the actual beliefs Stormkit held—it just reminded her too much of howling dogs and cats screeching in pain.

"Ah, okay." Stormkit raised her eyes to meet Duckkit's, finding a bit more of her confidence in the way he was speaking to her. "Then we could play something else." She liked story-telling. She liked weaving feathers. Her tail swished over the mossy floor, glancing up when Duskkit jumped in. "If... you want to be on Little Wolf's team, I could be on Stumpybounce's instead." Stormkit murmured quietly, blinking slowly.


His eyes are fluttering closed, taking in the warmth of the air has made him suddenly sleepy and his small maw opens with a light yawn. For a moment he almost looks like he is about to fall asleep but as soon as Duckkit calls out about playing mossball the young tom's blue green eyes open wide. One white ear twitches and he is on his paws, stumbling forward with. Light sniffle leaving his throat. He loves to play mossball, it is one of his favorites and he wiggles his rump before trying to pounce on his sister. With a light grin he allows his eyes to settle on the rest of the group who is talking about teams and changing up the game to make it more fun. Though he has growing concern for his sister as she seems more and more disinterested till Little Wolf speaks up. Gently he nudges her with his nose before he then shifts and smiles lightly to Duskkit. "I'll play! I love mossball and I'll be on Little Wolf's team too."

He beams then as his cream tabby figure wobbles over towards the team he has chose. He will give them a run for their money. For sure! He is the best mossball player that they have in Thunderclab. "We should definitely go hunting next! Or find a fox and chase it!"