camp Little shaping || o. Prompt

Jul 28, 2022

So I walk alone down the darkest roads

With leaf-bare out of the way and new leaf bringing new life to the forest, it was time that the dens get a bit of a fixing up. Ravenwatcher had been out collecting items such as weeds, leaves, feathers, and flowers to bind into the walls of the dens as a way to re-strengthen them. First she would begin working on the nursery, being careful not to bother any of the queens that were perhaps nestling there with their rebountious kits, gratefully that she didn't have any of her own. She began by looking for any holes in the design and once she found one the young warrior began fo slowly weave the new leaves, as well as patching it with some feathers for warmth, flowers to add some beuty to it and the thinner vine-like weeds to bind everything together, tightening it gently before making sure to put enough pressure down to see if the repair was sturdy enough.

Once the warrior was satisfied she let a soft nod out before slipping out of the nursery and began making her way towards the elder dens, slightly more focused on what was at hand than noticing if anyone was attempting to talk to the warrior. Normally though, Ravenwatcher was too subborn to admit if she needed the help, but in this case she would not of mind if someone asked if they could tag along, an extra paw would be quite useful.

Theme prompt: Rebuilding the Clan: repairs, stability, strength, reason.

Admittedly, the camp did need some repairs. For the longest time, Pearlwhisker(NPC) had been complaining about a draft in the elders den, and though Rainecho didn't see how it was her problem she supposed that maybe she should do something about it. But she kept putting it off, despite the elders nagging her every time they saw her. That is, until she saw Ravenwatcher headed over there with a small bundle of materials after making some repairs to the nursery. Quickly, Rainecho scrambled to her feet. If someone else beat her to the task, the elders would never let her hear the end of it!

"You doing the elders den next?" she asks then, without waiting for an answer quickly continues on "Let me help with that, I can get the ceiling" her long limbs, while making her awkward in her youth, made her quite useful in other situations, like, unfortunately, repairing dens which is why Pearlwhisker and the others had been harassing her for so long. 'youre the only one who can reach it Rainecho please' Bah. She's certain if they had really wanted it fixed they could've done it at any time. Oh well, better late than never right?

It was always good to keep up with repairs around the clan. They shouldn't need to wait for some natural disaster or the changing of the seasons in order to repair nests or dens, it should be something they maintained on a regular basis.

Dewfrost had seen Ravenwatcher fixing the nursery, and after seeing her padding towards the elders den she decides to help. "Do you need an extra paw?" Dewfrost asks, padding up alongside Rainecho who she nods towards before addressing Ravenwatcher. "I don't have much else to do today as I've already been on patrol so I'm happy to help."
Though Ravenwatcher is silent as she strengthens the nursery walls, Comfreykit listens to the subtle rustling and weaving with awe. She watches black paws thread feathers and ferns together. When the warrior moves away, Comfreykit pads after her -- she's gone to join Rainecho and Dewfrost in helping with the elder's den, too.

"I can help!" Her voice comes out as a squeak, though she doesn't mean it to. She skids to a stop before the three she-cats, her eyes shining. "I want to learn how to do that... the weaving," she explains, shuffling her paws. "Do the feathers help it stay up?" Her eyes drift to the elder's den, where Heavybranch lives. She wouldn't want it to fall on him. She also wants to make sure he stays warm.

Silver eyes follow the woven trail Ravenwatcher leaves in her wake. Deft paws work at the walls, sewing threads between the brambles. Pricks of which, hardly seem to slow her down. It's a thread of a legacy, in some sort of way. Every drop in the pile was something. You earned your keep. She wanted to say that, at least. But what if you die a traitor? Leave a fool? Your corpse will be left to rot in some ditch, and no one will mourn you. The one who was alright, the one who'd lived as unsubstantially as they'd died. Hardly anything mattered in this place.

The others reach out to help, and Sharppaw wonders if they truly mean it. Through a fogged lense, things like this seemed rare, somehow. Her gaze shudders with cool intensity. It smells like old rain. It's all fallen apart already. Could you really put it back together, just like that? No, she thinks you'd have to tear out the roots and plant a new seed altogether. He wasn't sure they could handle that.

His paws scuff awkwardly against the ground, watches familiar faces and heavy steps join Ravenwatcher in her drudgery. A crooked tail lies dead - weight behind him, and he feels that he can only pinch his brows; grimace his own uselessness, an inner toil goaded on by nothing at all. Why was he so nervous? Claws not bound for prey seemed bound for nothing at all. Fern and bramble would not keep either, he does not think.

She hasn't woven in while. Nothing ever said she was bad at it, and yet, as she looks over bark - brown faces and eager patter of paws, she feeels that she's too scared to try.

So I walk alone down the darkest roads

Pausing Ravenwatcher looked up towards the voice of Rainecho who was the first to offer up her help and dark blue gaze began to examine the other over a bit and nodded, Rainecho had longer limbs than she did and would provide to be quite helpful for her to have around in case the elder's den had unreachable spots that the shorter warrior could not reach. Shifting she placed the small bundle down and began to divide it up when more appeared. Their eyes drifted between the others as she hummed a bit while her ear flicked a bit and nodded. "This should be enough help, and..." she trailed a bit to look at Comfreykit... One of Betonyfrost's little noise makers and she hummed a bit.

"Feathers help keep the den warm, I can show you if you like not tell your mother you were near me, or she'll have my flank" she gently said towards Comfreykit, knowing that the queen wasn't a fan of Ravenwatcher after she made a terrible prank about her sibling and picking on her for having a crush over on their leader, Chilledstar.

Lastly, she would look over at Sharppaw and nod toward the ebony apprentice calmly in their direction before starting to divide the bundles she had between them while pausing a bit. "Any taller places can go to you and Dewfrost, Rainecho. I'll help Comfreykit with any area that is much more reachable and Sharppaw if you wish to watch a bit before joining in with weaving, by all means, feel free to. can put these flowers in" the warrior offered to everyone, hoping they would agree to the normally silent warrior, and by the stars...she had not meant to talk this much at all.