private little souls // ebonylight


a want to go back , 6.16.24
Jan 5, 2023
With the leafbare chill, it has become more acceptable in WindClan to seek shelter. Some brave it regardless, huddling in a mass of fur and warmth, whilst others revel in the tunnels or few spare dens their gorse centered camp provides. Nightingalecry takes advantage of the nursery, curling her body neatly around her lovers and sharing as much of her warmth with the other as she can. Night has long since fallen, and snowflakes flutter down from the sky just beyond the mouth of their room. And she's sad.

Peri... she hopes her brother is safe in the horseplace, and that the WindClanners that've disbanded there haven't torn him to shreds. Mismatched eyes fall to Ebonylight and though it hurts knowing that he supports this - all of this - she's almost willing to forget their differences for the pure fact that she's in love. Her tail twitches against his side and she nudges her nose against her lover's ear.

"Ebony," she whispers, as if her voice could wake their unborn, "the snow - it's begun to fall. A pretty sight, isn't it?" she rumbles. Her chest and throat pain with the cold, nearly shudder from illness that's tried twice to take her. But she smiles, "I hope to spend plenty more leaf bares with you," she tells the other.​
*+:。.。 There are a lot of reasons Ebony's grateful to be pregnant. He gets to sleep in an enclosed den, for one, where the warmth doesn't get sucked out of him as it would beneath the stars - although now it's more like pregnant clouds. For two, he gets to sleep in an enclosed den with Nightingalecry. Rarely does Ebby find himself not purring happily as he paws biscuits into his beauty's soft coat, basking more in her warmth that he's so very thankful to have all to himself now in this almost wholly private space. Just them in this dark bubble, safe from the world and all its judgments. But that's all thanks to his pregnancy, as he's certain if he wasn't with kits his mate probably wouldn't have stuck around. Maybe sh would've - her loyalty is what drew him to her, after all. That desperation to be liked, is prime for the molding. Lucky for her Ebby only worked with the intention to make her stronger, and keep her safe. After all, nowhere would she be safer than in Sootstar's care. And their clutch of kittens would soon bask in that same protection, he's certain of it.
But he wishes his paws could do more for her. Pull away all those heavy strings of doubt and fear...of longing for cats that had happily left her behind the way Ebby never would've! For her, for her happiness, Ebby would've dragged Periwinklebreeze by the tail and pinned him like a butterfly's wing to Windclan's land. Keep him here so his beloved would never miss a chance to smile. He loved it when she smiled - sometimes when he saw it, the truly lovely thing full of sincerity and excitement for life - he even wondered if he loved seeing her smile more than he loved her loyalty.
He wondered if that meant that, if she actually asked, would he let her go to join the rebels?

Ebony made sure he never relied on others for his well-being. Being pregnant obviously was an exception, but he could at least be kept safe by the rest of Windclan. He didn't need Nightingalecall. He could survive without her.

And yet, the idea of releasing her, even for the sake of the return of that endlessly beautiful smile, made something in Ebby's chest crack. Something he wasn't comfortable truly looking at.

But he could feel it there. The way it sang when he woke to the sound of her voice. The way it fluttered when she whispered her dream to him. His tail curled protectively (fearfully) around hers as he lifted his head and pressed it into the soft fluff of her neck. She was shaking, from the cold he hoped lest he ready his claws this very night to banish whatever fears dare plague his love's gentle mind. "You will," he promises, certainty in every syllable as he pushes his nose through her strands of fluff to get a better look at her. All moonshine and stars. Truly, how had Ebby ever gotten so lucky to get a woman like her at his side? He crooned lovingly, nuzzling closer, hoping to share his warmth with her - however much she wanted, he'd happily give! "and we'll spend every single one henceforth with our little ones" he adds wistfully, flitting his gaze to his stomach.

"Under Sootstar's rule, we'll be able to!"

    DFAB— He/They/She — Pansexual
    16 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mentored by X
    Windclan — Moor-runner (Loyalist)

    Physically hard | mentally hard
    Attack in bold black

    injuries: None currently
    Currently 1 moon pregnant!