private little star-sweepers | fern

Dec 2, 2022
🕊️ It's a quiet moment they share, just the two of them huddled in the nursery, away from the cold glare of the snow. Just between the two of them is heat and warmth and life, the presence of little butterfly kicks making Needledrift's face light up against her mate's neck fur. They were all so strong already; strong, strong ShadowClan warriors that would be a blessing to the clan once they were finally here. Once they were here, the rest of clan would understand that they were gifts, just as their mothers thought.

"They.... what will they be named? I think one should be for Heavybranch.... Twigkit, Stickkit, Treekit... I think he'd like that." She muses after a moment, her nose placed against Ferndance's belly to catch any flutters at her suggestions. Did their children like any of those? @FERNDANCE speech is in #B9D0F5

The nursery was peaceful in leafbare, with seemingly just herself and Needledrift occupying it as the snowy wind thrummed outside, Ferndance felt as if she had found Nirvana. Each breath from the cinnamon tabby was accompanied by a purr as she lazily groomed her mate's chest, aiming for bits she figured that the grey she-cat would find difficult. Anxieties persisted in the back of her mind, telling her that someone could burst through the bracken at any moment to take this from her, so, within the silence, she made a seldom promise that she would stay awake as long as she could so she would not be blindsided by betrayal. A gentle noise pierces the quiet and Fern's eyes fluttered open, looking at the beautiful jay that had sung its soothing words, looking at Needle. The ticked tabby chirped her approval at the suggestion, she had not known Heavybranch well in life, but if he had been important to Needledrift, then his legacy could always be passed to their kittens. "Mama Olly named her kittens after the things she remembered seeing at our birth. It's an old family tradition," she explained under her breath.

Her family's traditions were vast, some had stood the test of times while others faded into relative obscurity at the start of the clans. But the naming process was one she intended to keep, for it was far easier to grow up without one's shadow looming over them. That was not to say that Twigkit or Stickkit or Treekit would be made to feel overwhelmed by expectation, more than anything, she wanted to make sure they had time to be kittens. "I was born in a pile of ferns so... Fern. Cardinal was the first thing Papa gave her so... my sibling was called Cardinal. I would like to do the same for some of these little ones." She did not know how many she would have, the medicine cat had been occupied with things outside of herself, but she could guess it would be a larger litter. With any luck, she could name half and Needledrift could name half, an ideal solution that would quell any disputes... hopefully. "We're surrounded by shadows all the time... and the smell of carrion... what about Carrionkit? The others laughed before, but I see no shame in being named after the lifeblood of one's home."