camp little storyteller ☀ intro


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May 29, 2023
Being a small kit with a surprisingly big family, Sunshine rarely found herself lacking in company. Especially when she had so many siblings! It can be a bit... well, crowded! Not that she'd ever change it. Though admittedly, she likes entertaining herself in other ways that her siblings typically wouldn't. Just as often as they're told stories, Sunshine was a very imaginative child, and enjoyed making up her own little stories too! Of course, she very rarely shared them, but Doomkit and others had overheard her mumbling to herself, so why not share her stories out loud, yeah??
"...So! So! A piece of the sun, the moon, and a star had fallen to the ground and became a trio of cats! They grew up and became leaders like Blazestar!! And made Sunclan, Moonclan and Starclan! When they died, they just remade their clans in the sky! And bam! Starclan!" She had eagerly shared her little story, giggling to herself as she barely sat still. "It's a good story, right? Rightttt?"

// obligatory mom and milk brother tags <3 @orangeblossom @DOOMKIT
[A little bit of sunshine!]

Cherrykit is up for a story as much as any kitten. Ashenclaw had spun one up for her around a moon ago, an oral painting of his trials at the shelter and glorious escape. Knowing the ending of stories is often disappointing; what was the point of going through the motions, jumping the ravines, outfoxing the foes, if one was always going to end up at the same place anyway? Faith in fate doesn't sit well with the child. Their father's story had been a slightly different matter: she'd rather have her father in her life than an entertaining story about his continued disappearance Orangeblossom would have to generate. Or maybe Sunshinekit would've been the one to unravel his untimely circumstances, given her seeming knack for it.

She sits next to her sister, remarkably civil despite Doomkit's presence, possibly due to Orangeblossom's more menacing one. A warm breeze ruffles two generations of orange-patched pelts. (Cherrykit is faintly appreciative of the fact that Doomkit is not orange and had to settle for cream.) "Of course it is!" she purrs, eagerly dropping validation into her sister's shaking tin can. "You're really good at this." Sunshinekit has more in common with Yukio than she does Orangeblossom: clouds for brains, pelted in milk and honey. But she's nice and fun and, most importantly, Cherrykit's sister. "It's even better 'cause I'm leader of SunClan," she remarks, shooting a smug look towards their milk brother. She doesn't quite remember all the details of their gathering-night game, but she wouldn't pass up an opportunity to talk about herself. "You should tell one about me next." Cherrykit blinks at the little storyteller, neatly assuming the lofty expectations of such a ruler.
Maybe because she sensed her sister’s internal comment about having to settle for creme based fur, Glimmerkit decided to join in and sit next to her sisters. She could be pretty bad about actually socializing with her siblings, or any of the younger cats for that matter, trying to get into the good graces of those more elder than her. She had high ambitions, and she doesn’t really think any of the other kits like her that much, anyways. She’s an insecure child, always worried that the others will point out how big she is. She knows she got it from her father and that she should be grateful that it gives her extra strength, but she doesn’t feel that way. She hopes she can get over it as she grows, but she doesn’t know.

Glimmerkit takes in the story, wondering what things would be like if that were true. A cat being born from the sun and the moon? That would be so cool! She knows StarClan wasn’t literally made from a star but that would also be awesome…oh well, she doesn’t voice that them just forming from normal dead cats is less appealing than something more fantastical.
“I bet I could be the leader of MoonClan. The sun is okay, but good on you for settling for second best,” she teases Cherrykit, giggling. She actually tended to pick the sun as her celestial body of choice, since it reminded her of her mother and Blazestar, but that didn’t matter if it gave her a chance to make fun of her more rowdy sibling.
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Occasionally, Orangeblossom will see her sister out of the corner of her eye rather than her daughter. It's mostly dependant on which angle Sunshinekit is viewed from, with one side of the little molly mostly cream and the other mostly ginger, but as much as she tries to hide it she's sure her little ones have caught one or two of her brief double takes and the way Orangeblossom's expression schools back into something very carefully warm. It doesn't help that the little tricolour's personality is far more reminiscent of her aunt, bright and purring and imaginative (and just a little clumsy, too), sending their mother careening down the trail of memory every so often.

Sprawled out next to her kittens, Doomkit included in this assessment even though she's sure he'll be making trouble for his milk-kin before long, Orangeblossom listens to Sunshinekit's story with mild amusement in her eyes, crinkling around the edges as Cherrykit and Glimmerkit get involved. She thinks on her conversation with Blazestar, and the warmth around her eyes tightens somewhat as she knows she'll never see Cherrystar or Glimmerstar in their prime, but she keeps that to herself. It's a good story for a kitten. Thinking for a few moments, the queen hums.

"Did something happen between SunClan and StarClan? You sometimes see the sun and the moon, but don't see the sun and the stars together in the sky."

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3
Listening to stories is not Doomkit’s favorite past-time. Not only is it despairingly boring, but Sunshinekit in particular is strange and long-winded when she tries to do it. Orangeblossom’s stories are logical and to the point, but Doomkit thinks Sunshinekit just makes stuff up. He flicks a tortie ear as his milk-sister babbles about SunClan, MoonClan, and StarClan. “How come I’ve never heard of SunClan and MoonClan,” he nitpicks.

Of course, Cherrykit takes the opportunity to immediately stake ownership over the fictional Clan. She looks at him, clearly gloating, and Doomkit sticks his tongue out at her. “Hmph! You can have it! Sounds dumb to me!” Even more infuriatingly, Glimmerkit chimes in, too, stating she could be MoonClan’s leader. “Fine! Both of you can be leaders of made up Clans! I’m gonna be leader of SkyClan someday, so take that!

Doomkit rolls over onto his back, legs flailing in the air. Energy twitches through his short pale fur. He’s bored! He doesn’t want to talk about fake stuff that isn’t real anymore. Orangeblossom’s question causes him to snort. “StarClan said SunClan is ugly and they were right.” Even upside down, his smile is smug and pointed in Cherrykit’s direction.

  • doomguy . doomkit
    — he/him, kit of shadowclan
    — unknown sexuality ; single
    — short-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette