Jun 7, 2022

Basilpaw had been feeling it all day. His hunting and his battle moves were sluggish, slow. Slower than normal. Already he was a clutz and a bit of a ditz but today felt different. Today his paws felt heavy, his body tired despite a full night of rest. His body years for his nest, but when he asks his mentor they just frown at him. They think him lazy, he knows and he can be but this time… they frown at him, tell him he can rest when he’s caught something.

He turns on his heels and slowly makes his way through the forest, snot dripping from his nose which he has to wipe away every few minutes. His mind feels like a thick fog. Several times he nearly walks right into some of his prey and he does not catch it and several times he scares something away with a couple of coughs or a sneeze.

Illness. He had never been sick before. Did not know how to recognize the signs. Perhaps this was just a part of growing up? It’s what he thinks in his mind, anyways. He was just growing up. Everyone went through this it was normal. Right?

Figpaw has never been sick either, always has been as healthy as a new-leaf robin chick. Though she has watched the elders get sick off and on... and it seemed HORRIBLE! Then again, everything about being an elder seemed horrible.

Descending from a nearby tree she'd spot Basilpaw several fox-lengths away passing by. Ears perking with intrigue she races forward, moving in front of the tom to greet him. "Hi! What are you- oh." Theres uh... um... ew, "You've got uh... something..." She motions to his nose with a paw.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 7 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan, doesn't fully understand

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, daft, naive
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ IDK HER SEXUALITY I LIED . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ Apprentice to Tallulahwing
╰ ‣ poor fighter . okay hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

Unlike many of the apparently lucky apprentices in his company, Twitchpaw had been sick before. Only a couple of times, and it had hardly been any serious suffering, but he still knew very well the feeling of wanting to dig your brains out just because your nose felt like it was blocked with everything that was in your skull. His parents had cared for him- his mother especially had sweetly assured him he would get better, and that he just needed to rest. It was one of the rare times he had truly felt like they'd done something for him, rather than just being told he had.

"Mm-maybe you- you should go back to camp," he murmured, his speech briefly interrupted by a spasm of the neck. He was in no way to keep working himself out here, was he? Last thing they wanted was... another dead apprentice on their paws, weighing on everyone's psyche. He didn't want to even think about that possibility- Basilpaw coughing up blood, rolling cold on the floor- oh great, now he was thinking about it. Hurriedly, he added certainty. "Yeah, you definitely should."
penned by pin ✧


OOC- retro to his fight (he's still a good boy in this thread XD )

"Yeah, you look pretty dead on your feet right now, dude." Quillpaw confirmed from where he stood alongside Fig and Twitch, mismatched gaze eying the sickly apprentice warily.

Quill had been sick a few times in the past; once from a cold he'd caught while fucking around in a twolegs meat freezer with some cats his age, a second time when he'd caught that stress fever, and a third time when he'd eaten some bad twoleg leftovers from a bin that one week his dad had decided that he wasn't feeding a kid that wasn't actually his. And he could say with confidence that being sick in any capacity was pretty fucking shitty.

"Might want to go see Dawnglare before it spreads." he suggested, not at all keen on catching whatever the other cat had.

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders