camp LITTLEROOT TOWN // ...kitten fishing


Oct 23, 2022

It all started, when one of Deersong's shiny rocks got stuck in the center of a rather prickly bush.

Mushroomkit was the first to try and get it, her long fur preventing her from getting any further than halfway. Calling back that she was stuck, someone went in after her after it was collectively decided that they didn't need to get someone to help since Blazestar's kits were nearly apprentices, so that had to count for something. But then the supposed rescuer got stuck as well, much to everyone's shock. Kit after kit ended up going after the rock or one of the other kittens....until all of Skyclan's kits were stuck.

" I shouldn't have gone after that rock."

@BURNKIT ! @MORNINGKIT @CRESCENTKIT @Fireflykit (bc yall either reacted or said that you wanted in, however anykit is welcome in the burr plants, and anyone is welcome to try and go kitten fishing!)


╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Oh, why had she let herself be talked into this?

One of them had been admiring one of Deersong's stones. A lovely thing, almost blue like her eyes, smooth and small. She'd been content to admire it, but kitten paws are restless, and when one kit had batted it around, the rest of them had begun to follow suit. The thing had rolled seamlessly right into the middle of a bramble patch.

Morningkit had watched, helpless, forlorn. Deersong is going to be so sad, she thinks. Tears prick warmly at the corners of her eyes. "What are we gonna do?" Her tail wilts.

Mushroomkit, though, wastes no time. The little flame point marches right through the gaps in the thorny bush, and Morningkit watches her with gleaming eyes, admiration pouring from them. How brave Mushroomkit was! How daring!

But she'd gotten stuck. She'd called back to the other kits, but someone had boasted, one of her brothers, probably -- "We're almost apprentices!" Morningkit gulped around the lump in her throat. Apprentices. Right. That's happening any day now in ThunderClan. Emberstar will give her a new name and push her out into the forest to become a warrior.

But today, she is only Morningkit. Sad, scared Morningkit.

She exhales, gathering up the scraps of confidence that lay somewhere at the bottom of her subconscious. Morningkit lowers herself to the earth and wriggles determinedly after Mushroomkit -- but her long, pillowy, wispy fur catches the edges of a thorn.

She squeaks in protest, tries to pull away, but then she realizes there's another thorn pulling at her flank fur.

"Oh, no," she says softly, the tears returning. Her voice is watery. "I'm -- I'm stuck, too, Mushroomkit."

Her only thought is, At least Mushroomkit isn't stuck alone...

- ,,

Figpaw isn't quite sure how these guys even got themselves into this situation... She loved goofing off as much of the next cat, but surely all these kittens foresaw this coming! No...? They didn't? ...Fair enough.

The display was humorous to Figpaw, she couldn't help but delay coming to their aid and teasing them for the time being. Besides, what on earth had they even been going after anyways? The red tabby fails to spot the pretty blue stone. "You guys are gonna be pulling thorns from your pelts for days! There's better spots to hang out, y'know... I can show you!" She chirps with a big smile, "Well... once you get out...." A mischevious glimmer can be caught in her eyes.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 5 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan, doesn't fully understand

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, daft, naive
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ homosexual . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ poor fighter . okay hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
Kittens had been a distant memory until he came to live beneath Rain's sheltering embrace. The Pine Group had been an amalgamation of many different things– a life of solitary adulthood, curled to his twolegs' chests, had faded slowly to that of a family man. He surrounded himself with the oldest to the youngest, and basked in the diversity of his days. Some may have found themselves quickly irritated with the shenanigans, but not Grizzlyridge. Their troubles are often watched over by a quiet fondness and twitching curled ears. The stories they came up with had the warrior particularly enraptured. Reenacted battles with glorious heroes, shining optimism brought to the bloody and brutal. It lent him a sense of ease and innocence again, if only for a moment.

It's almost unfortunate that they'd chosen another game tonight. War might have been safer. He watches with lazy curiosity as kitten after kitten parades into the bush, his stump of a tail twitching in what would be a flick or a thump, were it any longer. Only once Figpaw speaks up does he realizes that there's a reason they have yet to come back out. They were stuck. That meant...someone would have to get them. The depth of his fur puffs up in a wearied, worried uncertainty– he'll be tangled with them in no time, if he tries to pull them out, but Figpaw certainly didn't seem all that interested in giving it a shot. Grizzly rises to stand and steps slowly closer, until he looms above the plant and its captives. After a moment of silence, the broad tom sighs. "You had to wander in that deep?" he mutters, but reaches in without further complaint. Deeper and deeper into the burr bush, until he thinks his paw threatens to hook into something. Grizzlyridge pulls slowly, hoping he had gotten at least one kitten out with the effort.

  • floabie_by_tausune_dffvyqj_1.png
  • GRIZZLYRIDGE. world-weary warrior of skyclan.
    ──── uses he - him - his, may accept they - them - theirs.
    ──── about four years old.  a former pine group member.
    ──── homoromantic homosexual, but this may develop.

    a large, broad-shouldered highlander cat with lightly tufted curled ears and large paws made larger by extra toes. a solid seal point with only a small white marking on his muzzle and deep blue eyes.
  • "speech"

The trouble with kittens was that when several of them were in one place, trouble always seemed to find them. And that was certainly the case for today with all of the kits currently stuck in the prickly bush. Howlkit had been one of the ones insistent that they didn't need help and that they could get the lost stone back themselves, but now, with prickles digging into her due and several squirming kits around her, she was thoroughly frustrated.

"This was a stupid idea," Howlkit moaned, trying to wriggle herself free but only getting more prickles pressing into her. "If I ever see that stone again I'm going to throw it into the river!"

Howlkit isn't the kitten who Grizzlyridge rescues but she's close to the one he began to pull out. "Oh, a saviour at last!" Howlkit practically cheers. "Help us quicker the thorns hurt!"
Somewhere along the way, Fireflykit had been dragged right into his siblings and friends shenanigans. He worried about as his beloved sisters got stuck in the thorny bush, watching out for them just in case they got hurt. And when one got stuck, and then another, and then another, Fireflykit had to withhold himself from groaning out a much-needed I told you so in favor of calling for help.

First to arrive is Grizzlyridge, the burly tom sticking his paw into the bush to try and pull out one of the girls. He blinks idly, feeling tears well up in his eyes as Howlkit shouts about a saviour. "Why didn't you just let the stone go?" Green is a deadly color, don't you know? He tells himself, examining the bush with a hesitant look. He knew better than that. He'd never hear the end of it from Dawnglare if he got stuck in a thorn-filled bush. Problem child, parasite- He could already hear his favorite words from those mystifying lips.

"Do you need more help? I can get more help."

Soil had been meandering about on the edge of camp for some time, the old man not in as high of spirts as he usually was on account of his sprained paw. He could feel it getting better, but it would still be some time before he could burn off his endless energy in a way he saw fit. Emerald eyes had been cast downwards in self-pity for some time before coming back to reality to see a collection of paws and tails sticking out of a bramble bush.

And like that, any wallowing was immediately replaced by confusion. “Maybe I am getting old” Soil mused to himself while limping forwards, taking a few moments to assess the situation (and the annoyed cries of trapped kits) before bursting into a belly-laugh. “Getting in trouble is how we grow” The bark-hued tomcat responded to Grizzlyridge. “Can’t judge ‘em too much, we would’ve done the same thing at their age. At least, I would…” He begins to mumble while circling the bush, focus on the conversation lost in favor of formulating a strategy.

Soil sits with an appreciative grunt right outside the bush, around the spot where Morningkit is (or at least sounds like she is). All the kits would need to he rescued, of course, but some took priority. All the others were either trying to place blame or complaining about the pain, but Morningkit seemed genuinely frightened. “You’re all very brave for trying to do this” he begins while tediously plucking thorns and leaves with surgical precision. “Emphasis on trying” he adds in with a huff of laughter, before being interrupted by a small cough. “But you’ve all got good hearts, and that’s what really matters in the end.”

Soon enough, Soil had made a hole in the bush big enough to fit his paw through without being immediately assaulted by thorns. “Alright, Morningkit, I’m gonna try and get you now.” With that, the elder would reach his paw into the bush and attempt to pull Morningkit free as gently as possible. If successful, Soil would place her next to him and start to remove any errant thorns in her fur. ​

There's some sort of commotion going on, though at first Bearpaw wasn't particularly interested in checking it out. Sure, she keeps an eye on it, with one or two cats gathered around a bush not being the strangest thing she's seen, but she doesn't quite feel spurred into action. Once more cats gather, however, it's too much to resist the urge to just mind her business. She watches as Grizzlyridge and Soil reach into a bush, with Figpaw and Fireflykit hovering nearby, and to her surprise she also spots something wiggling around within the depths - or, maybe multiple somethings. Stepping up to join the others, Bearpaw finally spots the tell-tale spots of color within the brush that bely kitten shapes, seemingly snagged by the rather nasty looking thorns. "What happened?" she exclaims, gaze flitting from kit to kit. Why were so many of them all in one bush? It certainly doesn't seem like a pleasant place to be playing.

The explanation doesn't matter right now, she supposes, not with kittens still stuck in the bush. Both the toms had just reached in there to fish the kits out, but Bearpaw's a bit hesitant - what if she gets her leg stuck in there, too? Her fur's pretty long, and it would be all too easy for it to snag... It's a weak excuse, though, and she knows it, especially considering she'd be able to get her paw back out if it got stuck, whereas the kits were obviously completely stuck. Steeling herself, she steps up as close to the bush as she dares, trying to size up the situation. Bearpaw would have to be careful not to hurt any of them, as she can't really tell just how many thorns are keeping them stuck in there or how pulling the kits out would affect them. Gingerly, she sticks one of her forepaws into the bush, trying to clear the way a bit, before she attempts to ease another kit out of the bush. It's not a quick job, what with her pausing every time she thinks they might have snagged on another thorn, but hopefully she'll find herself with one of the errant children sitting in front of her, clear of the bush.
✦ ★ ✦
this might've been the dumbest thing she's gotten herself dragged into. a rock had ended up lost inside one of the bushes and mushroomkit was determined to get it back but in her attempt had gotten stuck and instead of going to get a warrior they settled on doing this on their own so one by one crescentkit watched as more of them had ventured into the bush only to get stuck. that included both of her sisters.

initially she wasn't going to go in after them but the wobbly tone coming from morningkit and huffiness of howlkit caused a groan to escape her, the best she could do was make an attempt to free them but as expected. . .crescentkit ended up just as stuck. thankfully, they didn't have to wait long as the commotion had caught the attention of others who came to assist them out of the prickle bush.

as crescentkit was eased out of the bushes by a warrior and set down she immediately stamped a paw down against the ground with a shrill wail erupting from her throat. "my beautiful fur!! it's covered in these horrible things!!"
[ penned by cobi ]