camp live forever ;; apprentices unite!

Fireflypaw finds no comfort in loneliness, in solitude. If anything, being alone sends him down a spiral he'd much rather not go back to. When he first became medicine cat apprentice, the solitude of working in a den by himself with Dawnglare ate at him. When Dawnglare left to visit his mate at night, Fireflypaw was left awake or half-asleep, listening to the sound of his own breathing. But now, he'd adjusted to the silence and figured out that he can just leave if he wanted some time with friends- Greenpaw was great company, Bananapaw even moreso. But new apprentices has led him to want to explore his friend choices even further.

"Drizzlepaw! Sparrowpaw! Come on, let's get some apprentices together and go for a walk. How does that sound? If we stay in the trees, away from the twolegplace, we should be safe." He suggests with a sing-song tune to his voice. He wants so eagerly to spend time with others, that he disrupts his own time to learn to do so. Well, sometimes. Dawnglare's lesson plans were a bit.. Different than most mentors and apprentices. With eyes shut, Fireflypaw sticks his head into the apprentice's den and hums.

"Anyone wanna go for a walk in the trees? Promise we'll be far away from the twolegplace! I can even ask a Warrior to come with us, if you'd like."

@Drizzlepaw @sparrowpaw! you don't have to wait for them!
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Drizzlepaw still wasn't that close to anyone yet, being a fresh face and all. It wasn't that unusual, but it did make things quite a bit awkward when he genuinely wants to form friendships. Although, he didn't really have any friends before joining anyways, so he wasn't really aware of how you even make friends? He shakes his head before his brain starts spinning. It'll happen naturally, he promises to himself, nodding.

Luckily, one of the first cats he met from his new home, Fireflypaw, approaches him and another new addition offering to take a stroll. He's immediately appreciative of the offer, tail raising in friendliness.
"Sounds like a great plan to me!" Drizzlepaw replies cheerfully, looking to Sparrowpaw and offering them a grin as well, despite feeling a bit awkward at the attention. He then shuffles a bit, head low in shyness as the medicine cat apprentice calls out to the entire apprentice den.

Sparrowpaw didn't mind being in the den with the other apprentices. There was always some kind of chatter or conversation. If anything, it brought them comfort. Familiarity. They found it easier to smile with them, even if sometimes it brought them guilt. If the tabby wasn't quite in the mood to join them, they were left to it, and for that they were grateful.

Today they happened to be sitting outside the den instead, laying on their belly with their eyes closed but ears pricked to pick up the sounds of the camp and the rustling trees above. Fireflypaw's approach brought them to lift their chin, gray eyes fixing onto the tom's dark-splotched face.

The idea of a walk didn't sound bad, they mused quietly as Drizzlepaw responded first. They would be far from Twolegplace, the point promised. Staying in the trees, though? "I like being up high," they murmured. "But I've never really climbed trees before. I'm not sure I know how." They were very tall, taller than even the twoleg nests. Although they had once climbed their way to the top of one, what would it be like at the top of a tree, they wondered?

Even so they sat up, eyes uncertain but muzzle carrying a small smile. They enjoyed Fireflypaw's company. On top of that, with all of the apprentices present, they were sure they wouldn't end up lost. The invitation was dished out, Sparrowpaw's head turning back toward the den.



.°☀ But every time I see you cry

The apprentices' den wasn't something she usually sought for. She went home at the end of the day to her twoleg nest, but she was still ever curious about the den regardless. What was it like sleeping with so many bodies? Was it warm? It had to be scorching hot in there with the rising warmth outside! Regardless, the tawny and white apprentice had been poking her nose around the den when she heard Fireflypaws' voice call out to Drizzlepaw and Sparrowpaw.

A walk through the trees? Bananapaw perked up her ears and approached the medicine cat apprentice with a light nudge to his shoulder, "Mind if I join? I'm still an apprentice for a few more days!" She puffed out her chest with a sense of pride and smiled broadly at the pointed cat.

Bananapaw knew she wouldn't be able to join in the fun activities that the other apprentices' got to do much longer- so she hoped she could join in the fun for one last time. Besides they needed a buddy system after all! They couldn't go out of camp without a warrior, and she was basically a warrior! So Blazestar couldn't be too upset about it right?


With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 12 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
જ➶ Sleep is something she doesn't really care to have but sometimes she crashes from a good day of hunting and running around. Learning everything from Bluejay is fun! And she is sleeping now when she is suddenly awoken by the sound of her best friend's voice. Tilting her head up she allows a soft yawn to pull from her muzzle and suddenly she bounces up. "I'd be happy to come!" The young molly speaks brightly as she makes her way out of the apprentice den and after the medicine cat apprentice. Seeing Sparrow she smiles at them warmly and waves her tail in greeting to both them and Bananapaw. "Climbing is super easy, Sparrow! We can show you and I'm sure you'll pick it up in no time!" She bounces in her steps as she makes her way arouns the group. A walk sounds like fun and if they keep away from the ground everything should be alright

Still that nervous energy still clings to her and she swallows a little. A part of her wants Bluejay to come with them and she looks towards Fireflypaw as if seeking and it's going to be okay before her face screws up. No, she isn't afraid. She is brave and everything will be fine!
Butterflytuft isn’t one to ever butt into others’ business. She’s a wallflower, silent in her steps, leaving conversations uninterrupted as she makes her way by them. But this one has her fur set on edge. She casts a nervous glance towards the apprentice’s den where her friend rallies the apprentices to leave camp. She keeps expecting one of them to pipe up and remind the others of the rule, that apprentices cannot leave camp without a warrior and especially can’t leave without permission. Many of them were her denmates not long ago, and even though she outranks them now, she feels anxiety creeping up her spine at the thought of telling them “no.” But it’s her job now, isn’t it? To keep the apprentices safe? The last thing she wants is any of them getting in trouble!

“U-Um, excuse me…” She stammers, breathy voice barely above a whisper as she draws close. Her head is ducked as it normally is, fluffy ears drawn back against her head as she peers around at the gathered apprentices. “Um….you guys aren’t allowed to go out without a warrior….remember?” Her heart pounds in her chest as she speaks, her feathery tail tucked close to her body as if embarrassed that she even said anything. She doesn’t want to be the bad guy, but she isn’t about to be a careless warrior. Blazestar expects her to follow the rules, because the rules are there for a reason, aren’t they?

His time as an apprentice is rapidly dwindling away, and soon he won’t get to partake in apprentice hangouts any longer. A departure from this little club of theirs, of gossip about pine forest and the ranks above them, of mischief and future aspirations.

Greenpaw doesn’t know if he’ll ever get over how weird this feels, how any day now he’ll be sleeping elsewhere. It’s sort of… bittersweet, really.

So, of course, when Fi calls out to Sparrowpaw and Drizzlepaw, when the trio is on the hunt for other apprentices to go walk with, Greenpaw rises, padding over to the group.

A walk amongst the trees, away from the twolegplace. It shouldn’t be that bad, right? He needs something to do anyway. He needs the distraction - and besides, for all he knows, this might be his last big hangout as an apprentice.

Can I come too?” he asks with a tilt of the head. Ears twitch as he hears Butterflytuft chime in. A warrior, of course - they should have a warrior. But, they’ve got quite the group built up already - surely they could handle a walk in the forest? Nonetheless, he looks to his older sister, crooked tail swaying behind him.

Maybe you can come with!” he chirps, “You know, since you’re a warrior, and all?” Seems like an easy fix to him! ​
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Wasn't sure if it changed but in WindClan apprentices didn't just wander off on their own and with all the recent catnappings and the like this didn't seem wise. He watched where he was picking burrs from his tail after a rather embarrassing attempt to climb another tree ended in him in a bush, mismatched gaze following Butterflytuft's slow and awkward approach as she informed them exactly of what he thought was the case.

Rising to stand he stretched slowly, each long brown-dipped limb splayed out and toes spreading with a very rewarding pop in a few choice places before he finally shook himself to stroll over with a smile. "Ya'll lookin' fer some chaperones then?" A friendly shoulder bump, with perhaps a bit too much accidental force, was given to the nervous tortie and he offered Greenpaw a wink before grinning at Fireflypaw and the other collected apprentices. "Ain't safe to go mosey'ing out on yer lonesomes, reckon I ain't too annoying." He was sure the young medic would disagree but he scratched at his chin with a nonchalant smile. Now that he was ablebodied and all the idea of staying in camp was unappealing to him, he'd been cooped up in camps too much in his life so the chance to get out and about was never an opportunity he missed.
Apprentices volunteer to come, and Fireflypaw smiles as they agree- it was true, they needed a chaperone! So, when Butterflytuft comes around, he's reminded of her warrior ceremony not long ago; back when Mushroompaw disappeared, when he ran after her.. He shuts his eyes tighter, inhaling a sharp breath at the memory. "Of course, yeah. You're absolutely right, Butterflytuft." His head swivels around, taking in his environment as he searches for a proper chaperone for them.

..And then Dandelionwish shows up, and Fireflypaw has to hold back his own grunt of denial.

"Perhaps another Warrior to come with you?" He tries his best to be nice, to welcome Dandelionwish into the group, but it falls flat in the face of h is hatred for WindClan. He instinctively leans into Greenpaw then, biting the inside of his cheek. His eyes open then, squinting towards Butterfly's direction. "Uhm.. Come with us, please?" He asks softly, tail twitching behind him.
Lichenthroat is not the kindest of SkyClanners. Where Butterflytuft offers them leeway, his arrival is already accompanied with a lashing tail tip and slightly narrowed eyes. To say that he is authoritarian is no simple lie— he does not care for rules and laws; but honor, promises, duties— those there was no escape from in the warrior’s ocean blue gaze. He tasks, a sharp noise, and though his voice is often a smooth, comfortable lilt, there is sardonic roughness in it now: "And you have all made certain that your mentors are finished with you for the day? You’ve added your piece to the prey pile, completed your duties, trained as they saw fit?" His severe gaze scans the crowd.

It truly might have gone better if they just snuck off without a word. That way, at least, he would not have to deal with it. "Your fun does not come before your duty to the clan."

  • ooc: so sorry he’s mean wtf
  • trimmed_lichen.png
    ──── lichenthroat, with lichen predating the clans, and -throat referring to his distinct marking. an adult, ages the 1st.
    ──── warrior of skyclan, and previous member of the pine group. dislikes (most) daylight warriors and kittypets on sight.
    ──── dmab. uses he - him or occasionally they - them pronouns. single; his sexuality is unknown and undiscussed.
    ──── i should note that all his opinions are in character. ^^;


    a tall, deceptively sturdy long-haired tom with soft, curly white fur smattered by deep, watery blue around his chest. he has large, conical, slightly tufted ears, long legs, and a massive feathery tail.
  • "speech"

As various apprentices eagerly made their way out to join the growing party, so too did their smile. Bananapaw, Heatherpaw, and Greenpaw were all willing to come. A group of six sounded lively, with plenty of fun and conversation to be had.

A soft, nervous voice from behind them has Sparrowpaw's head twisting to see. There stood Butterflytuft, if they recalled the molly's name, looking exceptionally nervous to be saying anything at all. Their head tipped ever so slightly, waiting patiently for her to find her words. Their ears perked in surprise, only to tilt back sheepishly.

"Oh, I'm sorry," they uttered quietly. "I didn't know." They thought the rule was that no one was to leave without at least one other cat with them. When Greenpaw suggested she be the warrior to join, they nodded in agreement.

A sepia point they weren't sure they recognized was the next to wander over, their confidence and words suggesting that they were also a warrior. "Mhm," they hummed at the same time as Fireflypaw's hasty interjection. Figurative brows crinkled in confusion. It felt almost as if they didn't want the accented warrior to tag along. Was something wrong?

A harsh voice cut through their thoughts, bringing Sparrowpaw to jump, eyes growing round and fur on their neck raising. Blue eyes snapped over to the source of the harsh tone. The chocolate tabby shuffled back a few steps, head lowering and gaze upturning. It was accusatory, directed to the lot of them.

"I'm- I'm sorry," they squeaked. "Auburnflame said we... we would go out later. I've just been- I've just been waiting." Was that a bad thing? Their ears tilted back nervously. They had yet to catch anything, but they were working on it. They had caught something once before! They just needed more practice.


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"We'd be very happy if you both accompanied us," Drizzlepaw shares his appreciation to the older cats. He does notice Fireflypaw's hesitance when it comes to Dandelionwish, but decides not to say anything just in case.

When Lichenthroat puts forth his own words, however, the apprentice lowers his tail in shame. "Ah, you're right." He mentally smacks himself for not remembering how serious his duties were, especially with how much he aims to prove himself an asset and not a burden. "I think I should be fine but...I'll ask?"

Greenpaw blinks at Dandelionwish's arrival, the former WindClan medicine cat standing beside Butterflytuft. Nudging her, as if they were best friends, as if Dandelionwish wasn't more of an enemy just a couple moons ago. And it's Fireflypaw that nudges Greenpaw, who leans against him, that makes him realize that a frown is growing on his own face - a look of confusion as Dandelionwish winks at him.

Like they're friends. Greenpaw isn't certain about that, but maybe the former moor-dweller thinks so, with his sudden closeness to Greenpaw's sister.

"I mean... Do you even count as a warrior?" he asks. An earnest question, laced with his confusion. Confusion for why Dandelionwish - who's only just been deemed a part of SkyClan - would be more qualified to roam the forest than Greenpaw - who's been here all his life. Confusion over his closeness with Butterflytuft.

Does Greenpaw even know his siblings, with all these odd friendships he keeps finding out about?

A more important question - did Dandelionwish even know how to fight? If they needed chaperones, he thinks it would be expected that their chaperones would need to know how to strike at danger - something he doesn't think the medicine cat would have much knowledge in, judging on what battle skills SkyClan's own has. But still, the apprentice shrugs, crooked tail swaying behind him. It isn't his choice to make on whether Dandelionwish comes along with them, now is it?

He looks to Lichenthroat, who arrived on a mission to ruin their fun.

"I've done all mine!" the boy insists with an affirmative nod of his head, "You can even ask Sheepcurl!"

.°☀ But every time I see you cry

Watching as Dandelionwish joined the group, Fireflypaws' demanor change and the previously Windclan cat talking about joining with them. Bananapaw wanted to politely decline in favor of Fireflys' comfort but that interrrupted by that of Lichenthroat. The warrior stating they should get their chores done before anything else and blah blah blah. There was an eyeroll from the white patched apprentice as she flicked her tail, Greenpaw piped up that he had already finished his chores for the day.

Bananapaw lifted her chin defiantly at Lichenthroat, "Jokes on you cause I don't have a mentor to ask about things anyway," She stated back with a stick of her tongue out at him and his bitter attitude. Then looked to Sparrowpaw as they were quick to apologize and stated they didn't know, "Hey its okay! Chores have been done for the day so we're all clear to go," She touched her tail tip to Sparrowpaws' shoulder comfortingly as they young cat didn't do anything wrong.

The tawny and whtie cat brightened with a smile crossing her maw, "C'mon then! Before he can say anything else- we should get out of here!" She whispered to Fireflypaw as she leaned over Sparrowpaw to the medicine cat apprentice.


With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 12 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
They seem settled enough, more aware of what they had done. What needed to be done. "Apprentices do not leave camp without their mentor's say so. Even Fireflypaw." Though there's no cruelty to his tone, his gaze is as severe as it had ever been, one blue eye intensely on Sparrowpaw. To him, there would be no excusing a lack of knowledge. But at least the most of them apologize for their misstep and seek to make amends. Though his tongue is still bitter within his mouth, wishing nothing more than to hold them all back for their duties, he does not find it in himself to punish the lot. There is even the faintest bit of a smile coming to the corners of his mouth, but it does not stay for long. One great ear flicks back, and he sharpness digs back into his voice– harsher, colder, and a little bit louder, too.

"It is good, then, that you do not listen solely to your mentor. And your tone's found you more to do immediately. Sorry to say you won't be following your friends after all." Perhaps one day they would be worthy of a warrior's name, and of the freedom that it entails. But as they are, Bananapaw is nothing more than an insolent apprentice; he will not lean back and let it lie. "The elders need seeing to. Since you've no mentor to watch over you, I'll do it myself. Off you go."

  • ooc: again, ic only sorry he's a spoilsport :(
  • trimmed_lichen.png
    ──── lichenthroat, with lichen predating the clans, and -throat referring to his distinct marking. an adult, ages the 1st.
    ──── warrior of skyclan, and previous member of the pine group. dislikes (most) daylight warriors and kittypets on sight.
    ──── dmab. uses he - him or occasionally they - them pronouns. single; his sexuality is unknown and undiscussed.
    ──── i should note that all his opinions are in character. ^^;


    a tall, deceptively sturdy long-haired tom with soft, curly white fur smattered by deep, watery blue around his chest. he has large, conical, slightly tufted ears, long legs, and a massive feathery tail.
  • "speech"
  • Haha
Reactions: wolfie
Mismatched ears of the calico swivel, unable to help but to overhear the commotion that stirs within the camp. Mint hues trace over the features of apprentices; Butterflytuft, Dandelionwish, and Lichenthroat in tow. He's briefly confused, the situation earning a tilt of his head as he moves over towards them. He arrives just in time for Bananapaw to be speaking to Lichenthroat rather—disrespectfully. Eyes widen in genuine shock at what spills from her tongue, his steps halting abruptly with one paw suspended in mid air. A familiar dusty tabby pelt catches into his peripheral, his minty gaze settling among their blue as Sparrowpaw apologizes immediately —mentioning that he would be taking them out later. "That we are, Sparrowpaw. Me and you, along with another warrior amd apprentice." He begins after Lichenthroat just finished giving Bananapaw a verbal lashing. "Lichenthroat is correct; especially with Two-Legs about. Apprentices do not leave camp without their mentor's present. There are plenty of things to be doing, sorry kiddos." His tone is much more warm than the wintry tom beside him, but it is not nearly as warm as usual. His head swivels to Bananapaw now, pink lips pulling into a taut line.
"Ora would not be so thrilled with how you speak to a warrior, 'Nana. I'd think you know better by now—perhaps Lichenthroat should mentor you for another few moons, it seems Sharpeye's teachings have been lost to you. I can certainly bring it up to her and Blazestar." Now his voice is void of warmth, a warning tone lay beneath it to show he certainly was not kidding. He turns to the other warrior now, a quirk to his brow. "What do you think, Lichenthroat? I'm sure you will get her back into shape." The calico couldn't help a chuckle now, imagining the scene of him barking orders at the apprentice. Auburnflame was usually a more laid back warrior, and perhaps—if things were different than maybe he'd sneak in a small white lie to cover for them. But not now, with clanmates taken from their own home and with a new found responsibility on his shoulders—he had to place that part of him aside for now.

  • Love
Reactions: wolfie

In turn, each apprentice offered their own answer to the gruff warrior's accusation, themself nodding without much need to. Their wary gaze flickered back to the pale tom, legs stiff even before that frosty gaze fell on them. Nobody could leave without permission from their mentor. Somewhere deep down the restriction kindled their ire, but they instead hastily nodded. "Sorry," they repeated nervously, quietly. Something kinder had begun to bleed through his expression, and the tabby slowly relaxed.

Then Bananapaw spoke up, stuck out her tongue, and the ice returned to that lone blue eye. Cold words spilled from the warrior's mouth, directed solely at their golden friend, but it flared their nerves all the same. With a lurch of their heart they found themself taking a step away from her, closer to Fireflypaw's side as if it would save them from the same fate. Ordered to tend to the elders, effectively banned from their group for the time being.

It was around then a familiar scent hit their nose and a familiar voice hit their ears, raising their eyes that had fallen to their paws. Auburnflame, confirming their prior plans and Lichenthroat's words. Wordlessly they nodded. It wasn't long before he, too, began to utter words that lacked the warmth they had become accustomed to hearing from the tortoiseshell. Sparrowpaw winced, faint and sympathetic.

"I don't think we can go out after all," they murmured to Fireflypaw with an uncomfortable shift of their paws. It would be safer in camp, anyway. Truth be told, they weren't sure if they wanted to anymore as it was.


  • Love
Reactions: Honeysplash

Perhaps another warrior to come with you? Is suggested, and then Greenpaw's 'do you even count?' What a bunch of...Dandelionwish raised a paw in a silent gesture to Butterflytuft right next to him. She was a warrior and already here. They didn't like him and that was fine, but he didn't see no one else volunteering and they needed a warrior to leave.
"I ain't arguing semantics with ye, just follow'n rules. Ye need a warrior to leave and like or or not I am one-was volunteerin' to be helpful but frankly if'n ye don't want it then just say so and ye can stay in camp til someone else comes along."
Was no hair off his back, just outright tell him they didn't want him and he'd go off on his own thing. Some cats were still uncomfortable with him and that was fine, but if they were so worried about the 'vicious WindClanner' you'd think they'd be a little more polite about it.

Dandelionwish was all set to turn and roam off when the older tom arrived, stern and forboding and certainly scarier than him on tone alone and he smiled lightly in amusement. The whiplash here still got him sometimes. If an apprentice had been that mouthy to a warrior in WindClan they'd have bled for it, but Lichenthroat was practically a saint in comparison with some rough chiding and not a single claw unsheathed to punish.

.°☀ But every time I see you cry

There was an indigenous snort from the young cat as she was reprimanded for her way of speaking. First by Lichenthroat himself then of course Auburnflame trotted up for Sparrowpaw and he threatened to tell Orangeblossom and Blazestar. Keep her back a moon or something for the way she was talking and she looked down at the ground with a slight glare. This was unfair! Bananapaw was always kind and sweet so was it so wrong for her to try to stand up for her friends? Sparrowpaw apologized immediately and then Lichenthroat dismissed her which made her tail tip twitch.

Then there was the subject of Lichenthroat taking over for her training and she flattened her ears against her skull. She opened her mouth to say something, to object or declare she didn't need another mentor. Sharpeye didn't teach her much in the first place so what was really lost on her? Bananapaw curled her lip slightly in response before lowering her head and turned around to head off towards the elders' den.

"Fine," She muttered softly with a twitch of her flattened ear, and then padded off with her tail lashing slightly in her upset nature.


With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 12 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png