Livin' like a washed up celebrity ♆ tantrum




Fourteen moons, still an apprentice. How miserable. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad, but Jaypaw laughed anyways because he took what he could when it came to coping; comedy was medicine for the soul. There was no herbs that could fix him, but a good laugh might ease the heartache a bit. It's what he got really, he should've focused more on training and less getting into mischief and trouble - but he did love having his fun, the payoff wasn't worth it though. Dipperpaw-no, Dipperfrost was named, apprentice of a deputy, dutiful and joining the ranks of a warrior and he was still just Jaypaw. Paw-paw-paw-paw, a cat needed four of them and he had five, obnoxious. Annoying. Fit him in a way he didn't like. Was he ever going to even get a name at this rate? Was he going to be an apprentice forever? Attitude adjustment, no. His attitude was fine, everyone else was just a stick in the mud - what was life without some fun?
He thinks about Ferngill, newly made Lead Warrior but made a warrior at 16 moons - if that scrub could do it so could he, this didn't matter in the long run he tells himself. He doesn't care, he says, but he does. Deep down he cares, he cares so much. Jaypaw hates it-hates it-hates it. The black and blue tom paces the shoreline, pebbles kicked under his pale paws and he flashes his teeth to whip his head around, reflection in the water snarling back. What did when fish say when it saw the other looking thoughtful? He raises a paw, brings it down over the water angrily.
Let minnow what you think. Punchline. Laugh. Jaypaw lets out a growl as he swings his submerged paw to splash behind him, not hearing the approaching footsteps until a cat hisses at being doused and he turns; the cold seeps into his pads - the water isn't good for swimming yet. He already regrets the tantrum.
"Sorry, I guess, maybe don't sneak up on me..."

  • Ooc - Anyone can be the cat he splashed!

  • 57913552_TXOKMy42OtcLffX.png
    —⊰⋅ Apprentice of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/They
    —⊰⋅ SH Black/Blue Chimera w/Green Eyes


tags! ₊˚✧ ゚. duckpaw was day one into apprenticeship and mosspool had given her the task of remembering all the important riverclan landmarks, as demonstrated on their little excursion. duckpaw was stressing to say the least, now walking aimlessly up and down the pebbly shore repeating the aforementioned landmarks outloud in a desparate attempt to make them stick on the ridges of her brain. mosspool didn't seem like the kind of warrior with the patience for slow-learners (or anyone..really), and duckpaw had this weird itch to impress her, or at least...not dissappoint her. "the two-leg camp, sunnings rocks...the gorge.." her mind draws an irritable blank. was that really all she could recall after a whole day of exploring? i'll never be a great warrior! she thinks miserably, kicking a small pebble by the foot and ignoring the pain that struck her nerves upon realizing it was a bigger than first judged.

duckpaw let out a cloudy sigh and looks at her surroundings when she spots jaypaw further down the river bank, a blue and black pelt separated from grey surroundings. excellent! i'll just ask him. her denmate, as she knows, is a little older than most other apprentices. he was built like a proper warrior, but still relegated to the same duties as her. she thinks he is quite cool and seasoned, but he appears to be miserable and downcast when they cross paths a.k.a when she watches from a distance. as duckpaw draws near, she notices he is having a moment to himself, staring into the waters reflection. she doesn't notice the snarl, and before she even realizes what is happening, a deft paw flicks out to disturb the glassy surface with such ferocity that water splashes...directly onto her face. duckpaw reels and sputters in icy cold shock as the leaf-bare water drops down her forehead and drips from her chin. "freeeeziinnggggg!" is all she can manage to hiss out. jaypaw has spun around now, looking quite surprised himself. he is apologizing, but it seems very ingenuine. she sits down and tries to wipe the water from her fur, which now slick to her skin. "at least apologise properly!! she spits out furiously, feeling (and looking) ridiculous and embarrassed.
Iciclefang is ankle-deep in the frigid water, crunching pebbles and river silt between her toes. Minnows streak by, but she pays them no mind—her own mind is miles away, outside the expanse of their wetland territory and somewhere in frost-laden mountains. She can almost imagine the water is crisp, elevated air—or snow, the kind of snow that wets your belly as you tread through it. She can almost imagine she’s buried deep in another’s fur, that boughs of pine protrude in front of and behind her, a nest of spiced proportions. She blinks at her wavering reflection in the water, the face of a cat who’d wanted nothing more than to serve her Clan to the best of her ability—the face of a cat who is a codebreaker—as Jaypaw splashes about upstream. She hears Duckpaw’s surprised hiss, and her mind clears. She’s not in the mountains—she’ll never be there again. She’s home. She’s where she’s made a mess of her life.

The tortoiseshell sighs and begins padding toward the shore, giving her soaked paws a gentle shake. “Jaypaw, are you at least on your way to being productive today?” Her tone holds no sympathy for the overgrown apprentice. Like Ferngill, Jaypaw has fallen behind his more talented sibling, but unlike Ferngill, he doesn’t appear to be doing much to change his fate. She flicks the tip of her tail, gaze sliding to Duckpaw. “An apology probably goes a long way, by the way,” she mews dryly to the black-and-gray tom. She can still see filaments of icy water dripping from Duckpaw’s whiskers.

  • ooc:
  • image0.jpg
  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 20 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Cicadapaw ; previously mentored n/a
    — riverclan lead warrior. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Stormywing.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.

It was hard for Larchtuft to not speculate on certain matters. He knew that he had a nosy streak, a side of him which loved to hear tales of petty gossip and drama - and he also knew that those were not particularly good parts of his personality. He certainly wouldn't want anyone speculating on his personal life, on his private affairs - why would anyone else be alright with it? Besides, a warrior ought to be preoccupied with more important things - providing for the Clan, for instance. Nevertheless...on quiet days, he could not always help himself from settling down among the elders or queens and sharing some fresh-kill and stories about their Clanmates. Apprentices' hijinks made particularly good gossip fodder, and perhaps no one piqued his curiosity more than Jaypaw. Well over the twelve-moon mark, the young tom was still an apprentice, and yet Larchtuft could not readily identify any reason why.

His mentor must not think he's ready.
The brown tabby mused from where he crouched a distance upriver, his eyes locked onto some silver-flashing-tasty thing in the cold water. But I am catch and eat you. He was only vaguely aware of the presence of other RiverClanners, content to leave them to their thoughts, but he suddenly picked his head up at the sound of splashing water and a hiss of shock. Duckpaw, wet and bristling with offense; Jaypaw apologizing, though somewhat half-heartedly, and Iciclefang, stepping in as usual with pointed looks and words. Larchtuft watched his fish swim away with a somewhat sorrowful face before trotting along the bank, his tail swishing. "A trout did that to me the other day." he said with a tiny smile, hoping to ease whatever tension may have been left.