livin' on a prayer — hunting patrol


fate leads the willing and drags the unwilling
Feb 18, 2023
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
Nothin’ but tedious, Duskpool traveled west from camp, mangled ear flickering as he scoured the familiar, yet hauntingly unfamiliar territory. Nearly a moon travelin’ on foreign lands made him miss the pines, but now that he was back, the old warrior wasn’t sure how welcomin’ the sight was.

“Best if some of ya head up in the trees.” He rumbled quietly, careful to keep his voice down in case there was prey lingering since the rogue invasion. “I’ll keep to the ground. See if I can find any land prey.” He finished, not caring if anyone joined him.

He padded further, mangled ear twitching at the subtle buzz high above them, drawing a molten gaze toward the sound. He blinked, drawing a quiet grunt from the warrior. “Careful of the bees. Don’t need one of ya gettin’ stung.” He directed his statement to the small hunting patrol, gaze narrowing.

/ hunting at tallpine ! the patrol has a mini-prompt ^^ rolled low so duskpool won't be getting stung lol
thought speech
Having been one of the volunteer cats to join in he quietly followed after Duskpool. Not kicking up much of a fuss today after the gloom of yesterday's tragedy. His mind swirled with unhappy thoughts and his eye was fixated on the terrain below. Each paw slowly lifted and placed one after the other. Exhaustion hit the warrior like a ton of rocks and his body felt sore from the recent battle, but time waited for no one and Dogbite wasn't ready to lay down just yet.

Hopping over a branch while Duskpool instructed the other patrol members to scale up the tabby instead stuck to the lead's side. Being as his partial-blindness made it a serious challenge to climb, he opted to stick to the forest floors. He used his nose instead to scuffle the floor for any burrowing mice or scuffling birds. Catching word of the bees made him peer upward and grimace at the hive. He had no intention of getting mixed up in that disaster. They'd had many run-ins with the pests in the alleys growing up. Not willing to get close, he navigated away from the hive above and kept onward with his search.

Tattered ear flinching, he barely caught the smallest tapping of paws on the ground. Oh? Dropping low to the floor, their instincts took charge. Head swiveling to the left to spot the minuscule movement. If the white and orange warrior could just stay perfectly still then- rats! In one jump, the critter fled and Dogbite met his maker with the dirt below. Humility and frustration fluffed his coat, but nonetheless, he stood back up. Brushing out the debris in his dirtied pelt with a few bashful licks.

  • ooc ; prompt gloom.
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 29 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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