pafp living for the thrills — tree diving




A curl-laden tail hangs over the edge of a branch, momentarily suspending Blueviper's life in serious question until the shecat regains balance quite narrowly, teetering on the branch as she curls her tail about her hind legs. The chimera glances to her side, where another cat with a starkly contrasting brown pelt is also on the branch, perhaps not clinging as closely as Blueviper; the wind that ruffles her heavy coat is also suddenly feeling rather threatening. The warrior offers a rather reckless grin that crinkles her deep amber eyes at their corners to the other momentarily, leaning dangerously forward to squint against the win and peer downwards.

The ground feels a lot farther away than it did when Blueviper was looking up at this tree, she reflects momentarily, but the healthy spurt of adrenaline swimming her veins is a welcome high; the eternally chased thrill feels as close as the earth is far. Visible beneath as well is the crash and foam of the wind-whipped river, its banks foaming lower than they had in newleaf, although you wouldn't think so from these storm-strength winds. This is their goal; to leap forth from these flimsy heights (how on earth does SkyClan do it - she had a hard time just getting up here!) to the comforting depths of the river in undoubtedly, in her opinion, the most impressive dive any RiverClanner has ever ventured for.

"Well, are we jumping or what? This wind is going to tangle my fur," Blueviper adds with her consistent complaint (she's nothing if not predictable on that particular front), but despite the whiny tone a heady thrill reverbates through her voice, the unmatchable thrill of making a quick and terrible decision. She doesn't know Clayfur terribly well, and perhaps that's better for this situation: no energy wasted or worries had about someone you care about 'getting hurt', which is a concern a more logical cat would likely voice. Blueviper doesn't think about that, just asks again, "We jumping? Because this is gonna be the most badass dive ever."

// pls wait for @CLAYFUR !!
The other warrior complains about the wind, but Clay truthfully doesn’t mind it. Unlike Blueviper, he doesn’t have long fur to get tangled in the wind. He doesn’t really care about the state of his pelt, anyway—there’s no one else to groom his messy fur, so he often just forgets to do it himself. The dark-furred feline at his side asks if they’re jumping, and he grins at her, a smile full of teeth. "Hell yeah! Let’s go!" She’s right; this is going to be the most badass dive ever!

He looks down, shifting on his paws. There’s an overhanging tree branch beneath him, kind of in the way, but he’ll be fine. He’s good at dodging things midair—and he always lands on his feet, even in the water. His experience in the pine forest makes him comfortable in the trees, too, so he knows he can jump far enough out to avoid it. "Here I goooooo—ACK!!"

His cry of victory is cut off by the side of his body slamming into the branch he’d spotted from his perch, disrupting his otherwise perfect diving form. His body goes limp with the impact, spindly limbs sprawling—he falls and falls and falls for what feels like an eternity, and then hits the water with an unceremonious crash. He manages to get his paws moving only after he’s sank nearly to the bottom of the river, pulling himself to the surface with a great deal of effort.

Tears spring to his eyes. His breath isn’t coming fast enough—it’s so hard to breathe. His smile is shaky, cracked at the edges and stiff with pain. He manages to grit out through the fiery sting, "That was… was so fun! Your turn!" He needs to get to shore, like, right now. Ow, ow, ow, OW!
// tw for very very light blood and injury. also she says the f word a lot

Clayfur responds brightly with a toothy grin and appears to be gearing up for his own jump; Blueviper waits, ruffled still by the wind—the last thing she needs is for them to crash into each other on the way down. That would definitely not be badass; and that's about half her goal here, is to look cool as hell and get a good thrill in too. He's pausing a moment, considering the dive; she doesn't blame him, having learned a few days ago herself exactly how dangerous just going a few tail-lengths under the foamy surface could apparently be with the scratch to prove it. Clayfur finally dives off the branch with a shout of victory and Blueviper leans over, teetering on the edge of overbalancing herself, and then winces.

A nasty one-two of crashes reaches her tall ears; one of the brown warrior slamming into a branch below and the other of his unceremonious flop into the wind-whipped river below. Blueviper leans further, claws digging into the bark to anchor herself, waiting with a small measure of nervousness for Clayfur to surface; if he dies it's like, totally her fault. The cat's head bobs above the waves with a painful-looking smile and offers a hitched mew beckoning Blueviper down herself. The curly-furred shecat winces; his crash did not incentivize her to head down herself, but she couldn't back out now, right? Plus she'd just dive better (hopefully).

Her chimera form sleeks into a surprisingly good diving form, arcing past the danger branch in a swoop of curls as the dark water seems to get closer and closer, branches whipping past; Blueviper is starting to feel quite good about her chances of making it down unscathed, since all that remains below is a surprisingly tall bush she'll surely pass through unharmed, if a bit leafier than before. She mentally pauses. It's not a bush. It's a very, very leafy branch, and it's getting closer ... and closer ... the warrior yelps, but she's fully carried by the wind towards it; the river foams close beneath as if teasing her with how close she'd been to success. Blueviper shuts her eyes, which proves to be a mistake.

Eyes clenched shut to avoid the sight of her imminent doom, the chimera does not see the branch getting closer and closer to one part of her specifically: her face. Blueviper's head hits it squarely in the muzzle, her chin cracking nastily on the stout branch, and she drops in an ungainly tangle of limbs into the river next to Clayfur, although her dead-stop just above the water means she wriggles to the surface almost immediately. She almost immediately regrets it; her eyes are watering as pain reverbates dully from her chin upwards.

She shuts her eyes again, bobbing next to Clayfur with her long face scrunched in an expression of pain. A sharp pain flares in her chin, spreading in dulled waves throughout the rest of her head; her eyes stream from both pain and the impact, and she can faintly feel blood running from her nose, but these concerns pale in the face of her mouth. Fuck! Blueviper spits repeatedly, the heady copper tang of blood seeming to fill her mouth, a shallow cut spreading across her chin where she'd hit it. Her tongue probes the inside of her mouth and her eyes (their pupils mismatched) snap wide open; there's a gap.

"Fuck!" Blueviper voices her thoughts in a gargly mew, unable to think much further about specifics like which tooth, just yelping in a tone harshened by shock and pain, "Uh ... f-fuck! Clayfur! One of my fucking teeth is gone!"
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  • Wow
Reactions: CLAYFUR
( tags ) I seriously wonder how some of us are alive. Pikesplash himself had been near the area, but he was simply going to mind his business until he could hear his clanmates yowls of pain. An enemy?! With how things were going with Thunderclan, he had quickly assumed it was another scuffle with another clan. When he rushed to the scene, he bore witness to Blueviper jumping and getting hit squarely in the face. The warrior was simply too stunned to speak when he hears a crack and watches Blueviper fall into the river. It's as if he isn't even breathing when he sees Blueviper, albeit a little bloody speak to Clayfur. At the news of Blueviper losing a tooth, he suddenly regains control of his body.

Before he knows it he marches close to the pair, steam practically fuming from his ears, "YOU'RE LUCKY IT'S JUST ONE TOOTH!" Is he only really yelling at Blueviper? Yes, but it's because he didn't see what injuries Clayfur went through in whatever they were doing. It might be funny to you, but I saw you! You could've bonked your head too hard and died! However, he knew that Blueviper was the type of cat to do as she pleased. Little use would come from reprimanding her and it's not like he can stop a full grown adult from not getting hurt by stupid decisions.

When he realizes this would be futile to fight on, he lets out an exasperated sigh. It's then he notices Clayfur and waves at the other warrior. He feels a little silly for causing an outburst knowing the pair would do whatever they were going to do. "...Sorry. I heard thumps and yowls, so I thought it was something worse. Just... Try to be a little more careful." He doesn't mean to make them feel guilty. All he desires is for them to be safe in whatever they were doing. He wasn't particularly thrilled about having to drag these two to Beesong if they couldn't walk back home.

Not wanting to ruin their fun anymore he turns away from them and turns his attention to where Blueviper hit her face. Hmmm... If I were a tooth where would I fall? I think... It could be around that area? Failing to consider that maybe looking for a tooth that fell out and giving it back to Blueviper was creepy, he proceeds in searching around the area for it. The problem is that a tooth is small and if it fell into the sand he had to be careful, lest it be buried forever.