private living in a ghost town // haretooth

maggotfur 18 moons female she/her shadowclan warrior
It is not often that Maggotfur finds herself.... reaching out to others. Of course, with Magpiepaws death the molly has found herself prone to doing all sorts of things that aren't in the norm - like helping starlingheart of all cats with herbs of all things. Or talking to cats who she'd normally not bother to, bugs beneath her paws as they all were. Still, as far as clanmates go Haretooth is far from the most distasteful - while she hadn't really understood why he'd want to do anthing for knowledges sake when there were fa better uses of ones time, his mind sure worked in itneresting ways. She remembers once, dissecting all many of things that made their way into her claws - before eating them of course. She was never one to waste prey, not even now when the territory was positively swarming with them.

Yet another frog clasped in her jaws and she looks around, she finds herself with a sudden lack of meal partners - raggedbite is far to occupied with.. other things, and magpiepaw is gone. dead, presumably, though some still hold out hope. (She want's to claim herself one of those, but really she's always been a realist, an she doubts that the thunderpath would have been so kind to any shadowclanner. Not after brairstar and chittertongue and every other victim it has claimed). Eyes landing upon the tom, she finds herself striding over to him on impulse, face expressionless. " Mind some company? " she drawls, carefully enunciating around the prey in her jaws. She doesn't actually wait for a response though, sitting down and tucking her limbs daintily beneath herself as she settles in for her meal. Leg is ripped from body and vanishes within moments - a neat and tidy eater though she may be, never wasting even a speck of food or bone, nobody has ever said she's slow.

" So... did you ever manage to drown a frog like you wanted? For 'knowledge' of course, " she drawls, mocking sarcasm in her tone though she means well - she simply finds it funny, the thought of killing something in such a convoluted way when claws and teeth would do just as well.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
A N D - I F - Y O U ' R E - B L I N D - T O - T H A T , I ' M - F I N E - W I T H - T H A T


Solitude was a close friend in the eyes of Haretooth, less hassle in his opinion if he is to either arrive early or late when the warriors of camp come to collect prey from the fresh kill pile. His routine didn’t strain often, silently filtering between his clanmates to collect whatever he could from the pile, these days it was those damned frogs. Prize carefully cradled between sharp teeth he had retreated to a quiet spot of camp to dissect his meal, figuratively and literally. Claws unsheathed as he traced the stomach of the amphibian, testing his knowledge on the species by guessing where certain anatomy would be before gutting it.

It was generally a clean process, it still stained his ghastly pale paw a deep crimson all the same. Trying to escape his own experimentation unscathed from being stained was a fruitless endeavour after all. Slicing the stomach of the amphibian open in a generally clean cut, he gazed at the organs and anatomy, for the most part he had guessed accurately. His ministrations are paused by the sound of a familiar voice, his jaw tenses, temporarily feeling his frustrations flare-up from being interrupted. An ear flicks in her direction, a small chuckle escaping him despite his better judgement as he is able to see her sit down in his periphery.

“And if I had declined the offer?” he asks with a smirk, lip curling enough for his teeth to bear towards the she cat. “I don’t mind the company, you’re in luck today.” His voice does not disclose the spark of irritation he had felt at the interruption. As much as he enjoyed dissecting his meals he would prefer to speak with Maggotfur, taking enjoyment in her bite, the general bitter demeanour mirrored his own. The tom dips his head down to his own frog, ripping the leg from the joint of the body. He was a messy eater, usually looking for efficiency rather than enjoying a meal itself. Mentally taking note of how much resistance the now deceased animal gave him, briefly he tried to compare it to how the ones with heart beats acted.

If her enquiry surprised him then he decided to not indicate it outside of a curious head tilt, maw now stained like his paw. “Indeed, the opportunity had arrived shortly after the hypothesis was raised.” He sniffed primly as he crossed his front paws over another, temporarily casting aside his meal. “You wouldn’t be curious of the knowledge I obtained would you, Maggotfur?” Haretooth’s tone sounded scandalised, a forced gasp present in an attempt to mock. That melted into a light chuckle, that couldn’t be why she had decided to sit with him right?
