Applekit is getting too old for kit games. This, she knows. She'll be an apprentice next meeting, and then she can leave all the dumb, screeching kits behind, and she'll get to see Comfreypaw again. She tries not to worry about how ahead Comfreypaw will be now. Applekit will get caught up, and then she'll be able to train with one of the only smart cats in the Clan.

She doesn't totally know that all of the kits are dumb and screeching though. And Applekit thinks she can play one last game to try and figure out which ones would be worth talking to once they were apprentices. They'd still like a game, since they were still little kits. She thinks about a game she had played before that Swankit and Yarrowpaw had totally ruined. But Yarrowpaw wasn't here anymore. Since Swankit wanted to lead another Clan, maybe Applekit could take advantage... Spotting a stone in the midst of camp, Applekit would trot over, lifting her head high. " We're having a gathering, " Applekit announces in her leader voice so that everyone would hear. She would be Applestar this time, not Appleshade– because it was too confusing for little kits brains, not because she cared about it not being tradition, or anything. " If you want to be a leader, come up on the rock. We will be talking about important things. " she says decisively. As long as everyone didn't want to be leader. There can only be five.

Her fur is perfectly groomed, just like StarClan had reminded her to last clan meeting." I am Applestar of ShadeClan! My deputy is... " She couldn't have Comfreyjaw anymore, and it wasn't fair because Comfreyjaw was a great deputy. She clears her throat. " As all of you know... my deputy Comfreyjaw is no longer with us, " she says with a frown, casting a woeful glance toward the apprentice den. " in her place is... uh... " Skeptically, the tortie kit would eye the crowd. She supposes that she'd accept anyone that is willing.

[ ooc: please wait for @GHOSTKIT :3c ]

†—— as has become common, ghostkit is exceptionally bored. something she's quickly learned during her time in shadowclan's camp is that most cats are simply not worth her time; they are not beautiful, they are not smart, they are not powerful—they are not even entertaining. there are a few exceptions she's managed to find so far; starlingheart, maybe granitepelt, her siblings. magpiepaw. namely, applekit. she cannot lie and say she likes applekit, per se, but she can be worth some effort at times—she's pretty, smarter and older than most of the kits, and most of all, she is the daughter of the deputy smogmaw. this is mainly what draws ghostkit to her like a moth to a light; her vague concepts of power and politics are still developing, of course, but she knows smogmaw matters in a way most of the clan does not.

she's still bored, though—that is, until she hears applekit's decisive call with her head lifted high as she settles herself on a rock. proclaiming that they're having a gathering, and that she is applestar of shadeclan; the torbie she-kit's fur is sleekly groomed, not in muddy spikes like garlickit's, and she clears her throat to proclaim that her deputy comfreyjaw is no longer with us, casting unhappy eyes towards the apprentice's den. applestar turns her eyes onto the growing crowd of kits, and ghostkit sees her chance—she can become a deputy, just like smogmaw is, and maybe even get applestar to like her. when she gave needledrift a present, people liked her. when she helped up sweetkit, people liked her. hopefully, this will be the same.

"i, ghostmask, will be your deputy!" she proclaims with a quiet confidence, stepping out of the useless horde to single herself out, dipping her head obsequiously to add, "if the great applestar would let me. it would be an honor to serve the greatest clan and the greatest leader in the forest." she's begun to develop a surprising eloquence for her age, developed by a mixture of her unusual upbringing and observation. dark eyes meet applestar's, discreet praise glittering in their blue depths, before she turns to the other kits and proclaims, "shadeclan is the best 'cause applestar is."

  • ooc: ——
  • 68432817_6kMeVLVGa0BixYi.png
  • † ghostkit — named after the deceased ghostpaw
    she/her ; afab cisgender female — shadowclan — kit — 2 ☾s
    —— ghostkit is the daughter of the soft-spoken medicine cat starlingheart and her possessive mate, granitepelt. she looks just like her mother, and while she can be a little difficult, there's nothing really wrong with her ...... right?
    —— smells like milk, herbs, and .... iron? ; sounds like tbd ; speech in #EB80B7 ; thoughts in #253DC6
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim (kitten)
    —— too young for romance ; open to enemies, "friends", tormenting other kits, plotting ; not open to battles, romance
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)

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Reactions: Floppie
Applekit had an almost intense fondness for games, though as their litter got older, they weren't as often. She supposed she shouldn't be surprised, as they would soon be apprentices, and wouldn't have time for such. Valeriankit didn't have as much of a fondness for them truthfully. There have been various attempts at her sister attempting to drag her into such games, and she rarely did participate beyond being a bystander. This game was a familiar theme, though it seemed her sister wasn't openly assigning roles as she did in the previous iteration. Admittedly there was something that piqued her curiosity. "I thought you didn't wanna be Applestar, wasn't it Appleshade before?" She asked softly from nearby her sister, blinking slowly and flicking her dual-gaze over towards Ghostkit as the smaller feline came over, claiming the role of deputy and the name of Ghostmask. She said nothing in response to the younger kit's words, merely flicking an ear as she shifted her gaze back to her sibling to see how she'd respond, or if someone else would cut in wanting to role.
[sweet like honey]
ShadeClan. ShadeClan– that's what it was. Now that his thoughts returned to it, everything clicked into place. And really, now that he's had some time away from it all, he does have to admit that it has a far smoother roll than ShadowClan. Seems a little less creepy, too, but they really lean into that here rather than denying it. And now that he's thinking about it even more...well, KitClan's got a compelling story unfolding before his very eyes. This time he doesn't even mean to intrude. No, really. He's just sitting there, minding his own business and cleaning his paws, when Applekit (no, Applestar) calls for a gathering. And really, when a leader calls for such an important event, how can he not listen in?

Comfreyjaw is no longer deputy. She was an apprentice now, wasn't she? Is that the same as dying in KitClan? What happens when Applestar herself finally grows up? There's something almost poetic about that. Would her successor follow the line? Or would this game die with her childhood? Well now this is suddenly miserable. He hadn't meant to make himself sad. Especially not over a sassy kitten who would as soon turn her nose up at him as speak to him.

"I think Applestar sounds just as well, with the new clans shaping up. Wouldn't want them to take ShadeClan's shine, right?"

  • ooc:
  • honeyjaw ╱╱ 36 moons old ╱╱ he - him - his ╱╱ warrior of shadowclan.
    ──── a former loner who joined the clan approximately six months ago (give or take).
    ──── named for the deep honey-brown of his pelt as well as his too natural charisma.
    ──── has an apprentice-aged kid he joined with, def scared of watching 'em grow up.
    ──── bisexual- kinda flirtatious yet never seems to really pursue a relationship. single.

    a short-furred dark chocolate point tom with the smallest splashes of white on his forehead, front paws, and tail tip. well-built, but overall average in size and unremarkable aside from his lightly curled ears and the magnetism of his smile. seems to show signs of aging earlier than expected, with a salt-and-pepper dusting around his jaw and muzzle.
  • "speech"

BRIARKIT — hello, my old heart.
At Applekit’s call, Briarkit emerges from wherever she had been perched as though she were a shadow, slipping to Ghostkit’s side silently.
She had never been to an actual gathering before, and the day when she would be called on to attend was one the child greatly looked forward to, so she supposed attending a play-gathering wouldn’t be terrible practice.
Vibrant hazel eyes flicker to the rock the other stands on with faint interest, but she doesn’t move, deciding she’d rather watch quietly. Valeriankit combats with her sister, “Ghostmask” pleads to be deputy, Honeyjaw sings his praises to “Applestar,” and Briarkit suddenly decides she’d rather be on top than down below, hopping onto the rock and taking a seat.
This wasn’t too bad of a view.
"I’m Briarstar, I lead Thornclan." She doesn’t announce a deputy, but she leaves the role available to anyone who wants to pipe up.
She sits straight, like she has seen Chilledstar do, and casts a side-glance towards “Applestar.”
Normally, she didn’t like typical games, but she actually found this one kind of fun.

He was surprised that Applekit knew how a gathering worked... but she'd learned, somehow, and thus it was set in motion. Nettlekit would never admit aloud his fondness for make-believe, especially as he was growing (and beginning to impress the warriors with his maturity- Rosemire's simplification of his words came to mind); he would simply show it, striding over with purpose. His sister, under the guise of Ghostmask, fawned at the feet of the ShadeClan leader- watchful, Clearsight stood nearby. "Good day," he murmured, dipping his head to greet the warrior before following Briarstar, leader of ThornClan, up to the rock.

A name like that carried expectations... she carried it well, sitting straight. The demeanour was not difficult to mimic; Nettlekit found his bravado easy to carry, as jay-feather eyes flicked to a watching kitten.

"Oh, change your name when you become leader. Surely you know that?" His tone was not condescending- more encouraging, lightly sparked with humour, encouraging the patched kitten to join in. Bright eyes returned to Briarstar, then Applestar. "I hope ThornClan and ShadeClan are well. FlameClan is thriving," he purred, tone alight with a passion that seemed very real.
penned by pin ♡
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Ghostmask volunteers, and Applekit eyes her critically. She supposes Ghostkit wasn't the most horrible, and it wasn't like she could be incredibly picky right now. Applekit grows more secure in this choice as Ghostkit steps forward, behaving as any underling should. Some cats really didn't know how to talk to leaders, but Ghostkit wasn't one of them, it seems. Applestar hums, before dipping her head regally, " Wise words. As of now, Ghostmask will serve as my deputy, " she proclaims, officially okay with the idea. Applestar offers her new deputy a closer position to her, tapping a gap of space beside the rock.

She considers what important news she should share... Valeriankit interrupts rather rudely, poining out the name change when Applekit had assumed she would have been too lame to say much of anything at all. Applekit wanted to say she changed it so that dumb kits wouldn't complain at her because they lacked creativity, but she can't.

Applekit is mildly alarmed when Honeyjaw comes over– a mismatched gaze narrowing in suspicion, but it seems the tom has come around. " That's right, " Applestar agrees, and she doesn't hide her smile as Nettlekit pipes up beside her. It's not what she'd intended, but she could go with it. " Weren't you there when StarClan blessed me? "

She settles back into the perfect image of a leader. Fur not even ruffled in the slightest. FlameClan is thriving, Nettlekit– Nettlestar? proclaims, and Applekit faintly raises a brow at how seriously he and his siblings were taking this. It's more fun that way. Lame Valeriankit didn't quite understand. " ShadeClan is just as well, " she says with a smile, and she looks curiously to Briarstar, the kit comparatively quiet compared to the two of them. " And yet, Briarstar is quiet. Is ThornClan not fairing well this moon? " There's a spark of mischief in her eye.

†—— valeriankit continues to be a plague upon camp, she thinks with an irritated twitch of her tufted tail—not only is the torbie irritating, she never does anything, just stands around uselessly and asks dumb questions, like she is right now. one of the warriors, a more welcone presence, is sitting by as well but actually saying smart things instead of asking meaningless questions; she offers honeyjaw a mildly approving gaze. briarkit is here too, she notes with some derision, resisting the urge to twist her fur away from the other kitten's where she stands at her side. briarkit—now briarstar—hops onto the rock, away from her, and proclams herself the leader of 'thornclan', which is a much dumber name than shadeclan's.

clearly she'd made the right decision in choosing who to be pretend-deputy for. her own brother strides over as well, clambers onto the rock—why so many of the kittens want to be leaders, she'll never know. being the leader sounds difficult, exhausting, expected to give up nine lives for your clan—deputy seems easier, all she has to do is compliment applestar and she can be important here too. still, nettlekit is her brother, so she dips her head to him in a miniature show of respect; flameclan isn't as stupid of a name, though he seems excited in a way that she finds distasteful.

to her pleasure, though, applestar names her the deputy of shadeclan and beckons her forward near the rock, praising her 'wise words'. ghostkit is distinctly pleased to see how her effortless fawning had earned her the spot, and she pads forward to seat herself beside the rock. she wanted to be deputy, and she didn't have to slap anyone to take it—she was nice to applestar and she gave it to her. ghostmask dips her head again and proclaims, "thank you, applestar. you were blessed by starclan," she mews, tone sharp, glancing critically at valeriankit. when applestar turns and questions dumb briarstar and her idiotic clan, ghostkit follows with dark eyes, mews, "perhaps their prey isn't running well," she chimes in, thinking of what she's heard the bigger cats say. she has little idea what it means, but it sounds .... deputyish.


  • ooc: ——
  • disclaimer: it is extremely important to note that ghostkit is an exceptionally cruel and immoral cat and her actions and thoughts do not reflect my own opinions as a writer. the way she behaves and thinks is morally reprehensible, and i do not condone these actions outside of roleplay in any way. she may refer to other cats in demeaning ways, including as "things", and this is not an attempt to oocly dehumanize anyone's character, but a reflection of her unfortunate outlook on the world.

    ghostkit is also a budding skilled manipulator who is already very good at concealing her true feelings. as such, other characters will generally not be able to detect the fact that she's falsifying her behavior unless it's specifically noted in the post to be visible. this includes "gut feelings", "intuition", or suspicion with no ic basis.

    again, all opinions & thoughts are ic only and do not reflect my thoughts and opinions as a writer.
  • 69418116_LQIbctTYt87prkD.png
    — ghostkit
    — she/her ; kit of shadowclan ; 3 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by dejavu


BRIARKIT — hello, my old heart.
When “Nettlestar” joins the “leaders” up on the stone, he has Briarkit’s full attention, however short, before “Applestar” pipes up again, taking no time to throw playful accusations in Briarkit’s direction.
A brow bone quirks, but her composure remains.
Like a real leader. She reminds herself silently, thinking of a grown-up sounding response as Valeriankit chimes in.
"Thornclan thrives, we have four new warriors and our prey pile remains tall" she announces, eyes grazing over Valeriankit, "Thornclan remains the best clan in the forest." She concludes, suppressing a small smirk. She knew full well those were fighting words to the competitive she-kit beside her. Letting her words settle, Briarkit says nothing else. The ebony kitten gives herself a silent pat on the back, confident that she had spoken exactly as an actual leader would have.