no angst LIVING IT UP ON TOP [fishing competition]

( ) when willowroot awakens there is a lightness in her chest that hasn't been there in moons. pulling herself from her nest, pausing just barely to mourn the absence of kittens at her stomach, she slips outside. it is odd stepping out of the makeshift warriors' den, as she had only just gotten used to the new nursery, but today is her first day as a mother to apprentices. her children have eagerly moved into the apprentices den, excitement fueling them to perform even the most mundane tasks- building nests, getting settled. it sparks an odd feeling in the throat of the lead warrior as she thinks of her children sleeping in their own nests, not spending every waking hour poking and prodding her for attention. it's bittersweet, although there is amusement attached to the idea of her kids bothering their mentors in the same way. stars help them

the soft scent of something warmer floats upon the wind, fluffing her fur and swirling with it the sound of running water. excitement sets lightning to her paws, and willowroot trots off out of camp, pausing to nod to the night guards, who are just beginning to stretch and crawl back into their waiting nests. above, the sun shines softly against a crystal sky, warming the smoky fur of the femme as she moves towards the bank. the sound of trickling water grows ever louder as she approaches, and excitement sends her stomach rolling as she gazes out across a free flowing river. the ice formerly encasing their livelihood is patchy and almost gone, melted in the soft spring sun, and, as she hunches to touch her nose to the clear water, she sees the flitting shadows of fish. new-leaf is returning to the forest.

a slender paw alights with thorn like claws and willowroot crouches, focused, even as joy sparkles in her eyes. watching carefully for signs of life, she crouches and her paw flashes down into the water. expert as she is, she claws a medium sized fish to the bank and dispatches it with a quick bite. satisfaction blooms in her stomach and she turns to trot back to camp. pushing in and setting her kill on the meager pile, willowroot calls, "the river is melting! anyone who wants to fish, come with me!"

// fishing competition for spring! use the dice bot in our discord to decide how well your character does.
role a d20 and use this guide, but feel free to get creative!
1-5 - miss
5-10 - small fish/clumsy catch
10-15 - medium fish/okay catch
15-19 large fish/good catch
20 - massive fish/amazing spectacular catch

tagging those who wanted to be tagged @BUCKGAIT. @WASPRATTLE. @Redpath @ashpaw! @Cindershade

Unfortunately, the turning of the seasons does not immediately mean the turning of their luck. Clay’s hunting skills are still sharp, heightened by the harsh wintertime that encased half the river in ice. Being forced to hunt on land isn’t such a drawback when it’s his specialty. But fishing… fishing has become rough. From the months spent unable to fish for the most part, Clay has found his fishing skills to be abysmal now that the waters are actually fish-able once again. He hasn’t managed to catch anything all day, and he mopes about it in a secluded corner of the camp.

At Willowroot’s call, though, the brown-striped tom perks up. His ears flick toward the lead warrior, eyes bright with glee. A competition! "Oh, sounds fun!" He chirps the words out, hopping to his paws (with only a bit of a struggle, because curse this cold weather). This is his chance! He’s struggled to pick up fishing again, so a friendly competition is the perfect shot at polishing his skills. And of course, beating everybody else is a good incentive, too, because he’s definitely going to catch the largest fish out of anyone.

// note for my next post: clay misses completely.

Ashpaw is right behind her mentor with bright eyes and a bounce in her step. Her red tabby tail is puffed up with excitement, and she purrs as she walks near Clayfur, turning toward him with a grin.

"It's been ages," she says, putting her whole chest into the words — a full third of her life since leaf-fall began, and so the onset of spring is all the more potent. "I'm so excited!"

When they near the river her energy will only grow, hopping from paw to paw with anticipation, tail lashing behind her. She'll search the thawing bank for a good spot, wondering if any other apprentices will join ... she wonders if she could beat any warriors. Hmm, probably not. Actually she couldn't beat most apprentices either. Like, she definitely couldn't beat Iciclepaw or Steeppaw or Koipaw. She doesn't want to come in dead last...

Hmm. She hopes Fernpaw joins them.

—— " i found gold in the wreckage "


  • - 8 month old orange tabby with green eyes
    - apprenticed to lead warrior willowroot
    - crushing hard on iciclepaw
    - happy-go-lucky, mischievous, hardworking
    - very friendly, but defensive of riverclan!
    - "speech"
buck has spent her life in these streams and rivulets, and a competition between talented fishers is never turned down. she remembers when the sun was high in the heavens, warming the waters and drawing out the prizes for sunbathing. how full caraway and buck's bellies would be, and how loud their laughter could get. the deputy's figure bumps lightly against her kin, a light smile gracing the scarred features as she looks upon her lead warrior. she is sure the other is missing the feeling of kits at their belly, kicking and snuggling. seasons bring growth, something that should be delicately sweet, but still leave a sense of longing from within.

"remember who won our competition last melt?" comes the woman's tease, and slight brag. when it was them in the roots of a willow, and how buck had brought down some beast of the river. something she did not put down for many moons. reminding the other of her deft paws and clever tricks. it is what a river cat needs, anyways.

her eyes glint over to clay and ash, both excited and filled with delusions of winning. clay is not much to worry about, he's never been too talented when it came to the waters. not that buck holds it against the tom, he just seems more adapted to land. and ash...well, it all goes to luck with her. however, the deputy doesn't think she'd recover easily if her catch is smaller than the apprentice's.

//rolled an 11 for next post SLAY BUCK SLAY !

With the weather warming up and the sound of ice cracking and breaking the woman finds herself antsy. She wants to move and be able to do something and so as soon as she saw Willowroot coming forth with a fish and talking about anyone wanting to fish to come with her she is on her pale white paws. She has never fished before and honestly the idea of it is a little daunting. All of her skills are made for hunting on land and for ambushing prey but she needs to be able to try right? Her smile pulls at her muzzle and she pulls her ears back in a little hesitation before she narrows her eyes. She can do this. "Sounds like fun. Mind if I join?" Regardless to the answer she is going. At least she isn't attempting to sneak out on a patrol or two this time around. It's just a bit of fishing and she can learn from watching how the others do it. Her tail flicks as she steps up to the group.

Friendly fishing is the environment that she needs anyway.

Willowroot doesn’t have to ask twice: Snakeblink is following her before she’s done speaking, falling into steps with the small group that gathers at her call. He’s eager to get back into proper hunting and to banish the hunger pangs from his life for another three seasons — and, going from the sudden lift in Clayfur’s mood, he’s not the only one. Ashpaw’s excitement and Buckgait’s open bragging have him smiling, and he keeps close to the bouncing apprentice, basking in the warm levity of a clan coming out of leafbare.

”You’re welcome to,” he tells Boneripple, glad to see her so willing to participate in such a Riverclan activity. He considers reassuring her — if she fails to pick up fishing from the first try, there will always be frogs around the river to catch — but decides against it. He fears it would be discouraging.

Once they reach the shore, he will slip under the water immediately. With that many cats on the shore, he doesn’t fancy his chances sitting next to them and would rather lie in wait for the fish trying to dodge the sweeping paws of his clanmates. Besides, he’s dying for a swim.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • ooc: homeboy rolled a 19.... snake sweep!!
  • Snakeblink • he / him. 37 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

Hardly a huntsman, much less, someone who waded the waters often, Wasprattle did not come with the intent to participate. However sour his mood may be, such an outing was not a thing he would like to miss, though. Both to learn and to socialize; as it were: direly needed. His gait is an unhurried one, unlike Clayfur or Ashpaw. Akin to prancing, almost. She resembles a newleaf squirrel, budding with new life, frizzed, rusted mess.

Last melt, he can only assume the deputy speaks of her life as a loner. He has heard smatterings of it, here and there. Her and Willowroot long time friends... or somesuch. A tradition for them, in that case, and one that they wished to share. Wasprattle perks, just barely, a hint of interest shown in his quirked brow.

To Boneripple, he says nothing. Uncertainty– Wasprattle did not deserve to speak for any of them, and he himself did not know to feel. He would only give a singular nod as Snakeblink drawls an answer. Authority, as he was (although, not even the authorities seemed to agree with eachother, too often). He may correct himself if need be.

The riverbank is closer, now, and here, Wasprattle sits back on his haunches, a cautious eye afforded to the river, still. "Good luck, all."

  • – if anyone forced him to join he would get a good fish somehow <3


The river was tolerable! The ice was thinning and the water didn't hurt to touch. Fish were swimming like they weren't prey. Yes! Perfect, she loved fishing. She considered herself a professional fishercat. So when Willowroot made the offer, she immediately bounced to her feet to hop after her.

"I'll come!!" She was so excited.

What better way to spend time than to spend it fishing with friends!!

She waded into the shallows with the others, her size allowed her to go just a little deeper. It was there she waited ever so patiently for her victim. She stared with such intensity you'd swear whatever fish crossed her gaze would just die immediately.

She was here to catch no small quarry. She wanted something bigger, something that would fill her clanmates bellies and leave them satisfied. They had been hungry for too long. It was time to fix that.

And so.... She stared. Still as stone. Eyes almost unblinking

((Rolled a 14!))
( ) A competition! Oh, it's been far too long. It's a good sign, the return of such friendly games. The turning of the seasons is never something to resist, of course, but Sweetbriar must admit that Leafbare brings with it a sadness from which she can never quite flee. It hung heavy over the camp in the chill-dark months, following them even after they left, after the river chased them from their home. Now though, with Newleaf on the horizon, spirits have raised yet again. It is only Sweetbriar's second thaw, and oh how she missed the thrill of it in the moons between.

She can't say she knows of the specific competition which Buckgait speaks of last melt, but such is of little concern to her. She knows that many here have known each other longer, before RiverClan was formed, but her shorter time among them is not a point of insecurity. She is Clan now, her wandering lone-river days are far behind her. It is good, she thinks, to join in on such activities, even now that she has become accepted among the RiverClanners. Her shed skin still lingers, the name Nimue ever on the tip of her tongue. It is good to brush away what little is left, let the change take the time it needs to be made whole. Of course, it would also simply be nice to have some friendly competition.

Sweetbriar trots along with the group, smile light and eyes sparkling. "Another for your game, dears," she purrs, falling in alongside them as they head towards the riverbank. "Best of luck to you all." She dips her head, once they reach their destination, before slipping into the water.

// rolled a 13 !
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With budding New-Leaf on tne rise, the last of the snow melt has died away and sank to the rivers. It's over flow churns and froths along smooth stone, welcoming new life of fish that now fills the waters. Cindershade hears of a competition and couldn't help but perk velveteen ears with pique interest. A competition to catch the most fish, was it? The warrior couldn't deny such a thing, her competitive spirit kindling within her chest and flared throughout her limbs as she struts behind the others. Willowroot's call had heads turning and following her immediately as they set out towards the banks.
She walks with poise and pride, a lifted tail curled at the end with her shoulders back and chin raised ever so slightly. Hunting is a skill she had always thrived in, her lightning reflexes and quick-witted mind had always won her her prize. She was a renowned hunter and fighter, she had to be in order to be a lead warrior. A role model for the younger generation to look upon. Warriors and apprentices alike are strewn across the banks, and like some before her, the warrior slips into the water like a shrouded being. Her dark fur blended perfectly amongst the murky waters and stone. She was a lurking shadow awaiting for her next meal.

//rolled a 4 (': everyone get ready to see this fail
where the angels sing ✧°.☀ ———————————— The word competition could lift Catfish from the dead. A way to prove herself with other cats around like yes please! She raced alongside the troop of cats making their way to the river, she was practically floating as she thought of the fish she was going to catch. It was going to be at least closest to the biggest and would be so juicy and good. Maybe she was just hungry. Hungry for victory that is.

Her sleek silver and tawny body streaked into the water with as much speed as would allow her to not scare away the incredible fish she was going to catch. Her green eyes stayed trained to the riverbed as she made her body into a mess of loaded springs, just waiting for the cue to strike.

///girly rolled a 5 rip
[penned by user - [tags☀]]
———————————— ☀.°✧ we're mixing up milk and honey
( ) a soft purr of delight hums from the ashy femme as her clanmates cluster towards her, all bright eyes and bushy tails. clayfur is already gazing past and out towards the river, and willowroot blinks at him, tapping her paws against the ground. as ashpaw scampers up, she shifts her gaze to the younger, smiling at each in turn. ”amazing! it’s still cold, but i’m optimistic about the fishing,” she’ll inform them. ashpaw’s voice is bright and joyful- willow can’t help the flicker of aggressive love that washes through her as she watches her apprentice bounce off towards the shores. ash has had a tough few moons, tougher than most apprentices her age. the lead warrior is gladdened at her sudden turn around.

buckgait approaches next, tone teasing as she whisks past, and willowroot is quick to catch on, shoving her friend playfully. “hey! you know i was distracted,” she retorts, sniffing with self-righteousness.someone had pushed me in the river only half a heartbeat before!” turning her head from her friend to the pawsteps of boneripple and wasprattle, both of whom seem to approach on hesitant paws. there’s something warm in willowroot’s chest as she beckons both to follow their clanmates, voice cheerful as she speaks. “of course you can,” she echoes snakeblink, flicking her tail to acknowledge the tom. “feel free to give it a try, wasprattle. your brother picked fishing up quickly, i have no doubt you will do the same.”

now, finally, she prances back towards the river, paws disrupting pebbles and tall grasses finally revealed by snowmelt. as redshine, sweetbriar, cindershade, even catfishpaw all traipse along, settling amongst the others gathered by the now gently singing body of water. it’s a sight willowroot never thought she would miss; all these bodies, tails flicking to and fro, some in the water, others crouched beside it, content in their waiting. the smoke crouches beside buckgait now, waiting… watching….

As others join the competition as well, Clay shakes out his limbs, getting ready to do some real, serious fishing. He’s totally got this in the bag, he thinks.

It’s as he settles at the river’s edge when he realizes that he’s totally out of his depth here. Most of his fishing trips are taken on his own, because… he can’t fish. He’s horrible at it, really—at least, the way that most RiverClanners go about it. He’d sucked so badly at it when he first came to the river territory that he’d nearly given up on the clan altogether. But, eventually, he’d found a fishing strategy that worked for him, under the right circumstances.

The wading, sharp-beaked birds of the rivers have taught him what his clanmates were unable to; Clayfur’s fishing skills are best when the sun is at his back, when the rest of the riverbank lies in stillness. A shadow cast upon the water lures fish to it, even more reliably on especially hot or sunny days. It takes patience, but when fish literally, like, flock to his shadow, it’s way easier than wildly flinging a paw in and hoping to snag prey that’s faster than he is.

Today, though, there’s movement around him, and the clear weather doesn’t offer much help, either. Still, he knows how to fish even if he hasn’t done it in a while, so Clay settles on his haunches at the water’s edge. There’s a twinge to his hind leg at the position, so he slides it out from underneath him to extend it as far as it will go. As he’s adjusting his position, he spots a respectably sized fish, and without thinking he swipes a paw for it. It’s big, not exactly a monster but surely something that would get him somewhere in the competition!

The fish is too quick, though, and he misses terribly. But what’s worse, he tips himself over a bit too far as he leans, and nearly topples right over onto his face in the river! He catches himself just barely, lifting his head to glance around, seeing how the others are faring.

Maybe he should just sit this one out.
She's finally settling into the depths, letting the current pool around her limbs and belly whilst her tail floats aimlessly along the water's surface. Everyone had been aligned to their positions, each one almost vibrating with the excitement of a competition, including the shadowed molly as well. She keeps still, eyes trained onto the water for any sign of movement —a flash of silver or a slick surface bumping into her legs. Movement in her peripheral catches her eye, watching as Clayfur strikes at the water. Her eyes widen as his paws came up empty, but was rewarded by him nearly falling off the banks. Her heart stuttered for a moment, knowing if he toppled over than it'd be over. The warrior rights himself and she stifles a hiss as that same fish flies her way.
Cindershade settles herself, muscles tensing and rippling under her dampened coat as she readies herself to strike. What Clayfur lost was her gain, and she'd be in the lead luckily. The sizable fish darts between her legs, clearly frightened and disoriented. A giddy smile pulls at her lips, stretching back to reveal teeth ready to strike. Cindershade dives in as quick as a poised viper, teeth gnashing under the surface in hopes to grab a hold of the familiar scaly flesh. The fish suddenly doubles back and makes a sharp left, her incisors barely scraping by its tail but grasping onto something else before she can think of what it is. She throws her head up with something clasped between her jaws, only for it not to be a fish. The lead warrior seized a sizable water-logged stick in her jaws. Hot flares of embarrassment washes over her like a tidal wave, fueling the kindling flame of rage that blooms in her chest. Her jaws tense, applying pressure onto the sift bark of the stick until it splinters under her molars and she spits it out. Velveteen ears flattened against her broad skull, fanning out to the sides. Fierce eyes lingered on the few warrior who possibly saw her own failure of a catch. "Don't. Say. Anything." Tne molly hisses lowly to the group that surrounds her, eyes especially trained upon Snakeblink.
//she failed;_;
  • Haha
Reactions: Kangoo

"W-Wait for me..!"

The apprentice bounds after the patrol of cats, a rush of excitement running through him. A fishing competition is set to happen, and Gillpaw wants in. How fun would it be - how exciting - if he wins! He could show off the skills Clearsight has taught him through the course of his apprenticeship! Gillpaw's been working hard, so, he should be able to catch something right?

With big expectations, the black and white tom settles along the river's edge, a golden gaze locked onto the water. Quietly he waits, but it isn't too long before a fish swims within his reach. He crouches down further, raising a paw in preparation. Swiftly he strikes, however, before his paw can even hit the water, Clayfur and Cindershade do. Their splashing startles his fish, causing it to dart away. A failed catch.

"Oh..." Gillpaw's ears flatten as he lifts his empty paw out of the water, embarrassment growing, though he isn't the only one to fail.

Maybe he isn't going to win the completion, after all.

Everyone is eager to join the fishing competition. Usually they only come together so wholeheartedly in life-or-death circumstances, so it’s nice to see enthusiasm for such a lighthearted pursuit for once — even if they’re not very good at it. It seems three moons of a frozen river have left Riverclan a little rusty: Snakeblink feels a smirk tugging at his lips as he watches Clayfur nearly fall headfirst into the river, and Gillpaw doesn’t fare much better. ”Nice form,” he drawls at the apprentice, aiming to sound encouraging. ”Better be quicker next time, hm?”

Cindershade’s own failed attempt to grasp Clayfur’s fish is a little more dramatic. She wrenches her head back, bearing a large stick as her prize, and her eyes flare as she nearly bites through the waterlogged wood. Wisely — and encouraged by the glare she aims his way — he doesn’t say anything, ducking his head underwater.

He’s a little way downriver from her and Clayfur, far enough that their splashing hasn’t disturbed the water around him too much, and the fish they were aiming for darts his way in an effort to escape their hunting grasp. He feels the water it displaces in its frantic movements, ripples brushing against his whiskers as he crouches in the shallows. He waits until he thinks it’s close, lungs starting to burn from holding his breath—

Head snapping forward, he closes his teeth around the slippery body of the fish just as it swims past him. Tiny air bubbles surround him as he kicks against the muddy ground and he inhales deeply through his nose as soon as he breaks the surface. The fish is heavy and swimming back to the riverbank is awkward while holding it in his mouth, so he’s glad to drop it at Cindershade’s paws as soon as he reaches her.

”Here,” he says, smiling in what he hopes is a pleasant manner. ”This one is for you!” After all, she’s the one who chased it his way, so it’s only fair she get to eat it.
——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 37 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo