living with myself; RTA ; nothing but lies

Jan 5, 2023
Everything hurt.

The cold was creeping in and it felt like the bones in their body had frozen along with the world around them. How long had they been there? Yesterday had proved to be difficult with dogs chasing them for nearly half a block and the scrape form the fence they bolted under stung. Though it couldn’t compare to the numbness in their paws, the dryness of their throat nor the loneliness that seeped further in their fur.

Eight moons.

It had been at least eight moons- or well was it seven? The concept of the moon in the sky wasn’t the most they worried about. Did they keep track of how long? Not anymore as it felt so hopeless. It felt like everything they knew and cared for had just slipped through their toes like sand.

Sure at the start it was hopeful. They’d get cat-napped by humans on a patrol through the forest. It was fine, until the ride from the forest was several moments longer than anything they had been use to. The plan of getting there and getting out futile the more the forest disappeared into the distance.

Twolegs had been kind, but they craved their home. The wind in their fur, the fresh taste of prey and the ones they loved in Skyclan. Everyday they waited by the window for someone to come find them like they had before in the shelter. Someone had to come, had to care- right?

A moon had passed and the feeling of being found had been squished like a berry under a paw. They had to get back themselves and it was fine- until they got out of the twoleg den and realized how deep into this foreign place they were.

Buildings and twolegs for miles with no sight of another cat for another two moons. Wondering, taking wrong turns, asking for directions- for any sort of help. Though the only one willing to help was Shadow; a large Maine coon Tom that had told them to head for the setting sun.

Of course it wasn’t easy going towards the setting sun. There was dogs, raccoons, twolegs with things that burned and sparked with light, and rogues. Lots of rogues. Fighting had become such a standard to them that it was terrifying. Blood had stained their paws more than once as they had to defend against rogue after rogue. Some seemed kind and welcoming of them into their group, others outright hated them for being a forest cat. Though rogues could be manipulative to a scary amount and they touched their chest with a front paw.

They had tried to patch it up the best they could, but it was painful and the claw marks were deep in their white chest fur. The last rogue group they had joined had been promising. They would teach them to hunt and they would show them to the forest- simple right? No. Not at all. The lead she-cat, Millie, had only wanted access to food and nothing more. They chased them off shortly after they got what they wanted and they felt lucky to be alive.

It had been a moon and a half since then. They felt like nothing mattered anymore. The forest was long gone and they would never return to it. Hope was but a dim firefly in the darkness of their mind as they forced themselves up. Taking cover in a small box in an alleyway, they had been tending to their wounds from Millies group and by that- licking them and putting cobwebs on cause that’s all they could recall was good for it.

The young cream and white cat limped forward as their back leg stung from the tussle with Millies group. A tom named Crow had grabbed them by the leg and there had been a snapping noise, and now they couldn’t walk on it. It was just what they needed to add to the hopelessness of this world. A heavy sigh left lips as their shoulders sagged. Their stomach growled with hunger but they had to bite it back. They hadn’t eaten decent in moons and it showed in their poking out ribs, thinning fur and sorrowful mossy green hues.

They weren’t sure where they were going anymore. It was important that they get out of there though as they couldn’t stay in one spot for too long. That was just asking for someone to ambush them or worse. So they walked down the alleyway slowly, limping along with their head low. The numbness in their paws tingled slightly as the cold was sucking heat from their pads, and their tail dragged across dirt stone ground.

It was a couple of hours of walking before they decided to take a rest. They couldn’t hunt due to their leg so no food but maybe they could scavange for something? That usually was the best bet but rogues took everything they could. Tired, dark eyes moved from the ground and they then felt themselves freeze in place.


Just down the alleyway there was long grass, long dead and covered with a layer of snow, but it was grass! They lifted their head and found something pull them forward, their paws moved a bit quicker despite the coldness in their bones. They refused to let hope blossom though as this has happened before and it turned out to be someone’s yard without a fence. They had false hope before and they wouldn’t be crushed again.

White paws shuffled along at a more rapid pace before they came to the edged of where they alleyway met- the forest.

Lifting their nose, a hungered belly searched for it. That one thing that could solidify things for them and maybe put the endless torture of the last few moons to rest. A familiar scent, a familiar face- something. Then, hinting behind the freshly fallen snow, they could smell it- Skyclan.

The border between the clans and the twolegplace- they had reached it. They felt a stinging behind their eyes as tears threatened but the hardened cat forced them down. They stepped onto the snow with a soft crunching sound, looking around as if this was another dream to play tricks on them. Though as they stood there they could hear squeaks of prey, smell the border scent strong as they crossed over it and then- it all went dark.

Their body crumbled to the ground as their wounds and hunger made them submit. Though breathing and very much alive, young Honeysplash was passed out cold.


living in a world so cold

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    orangeblossom | tags
    — she/her ; deputy of skyclan. mentoring springpaw.
    — scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes.
    "speech" ; thoughts
    — chibi by waluigipinball
    — penned by mercibun. @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots.
"We find most of our hopeful joiners on this border." Orangeblossom explains to @Springpaw as they pad alongside the Twolegplace border markers, the deputy pausing every so often to brush against trees and stray fenceposts. She gestures for her new apprentice to copy her every so often, offering small corrections here and there on which places would lose cat-scent the fastest and which ones wouldn't. She's hopeful, for the most part, that the black-and-white molly would pick these up quickly. Springpaw certainly seems eager enough to learn.

Orangeblossom's pelt fluffs up defensively as she parts her maw to speak and the wind changes, expecting a fight. Had the rogues encroached on this side of the woods as well? However, casting her eyes around, she sees nothing but a bloodied lump of cream-and-white fur just over the scent markers. A familiar lump of cream-and-white fur.

Without a heartbeat of hesitation Orangeblossom darts forward towards her younger sibling. Honeysplash does not stir beneath the shadow that looms over her, but her flank rises and falls in slow, very much asleep breaths. StarClan above, of all the times to visit this specific border-

"Applefrost! @APPLEFROST !" She yowls, an edge of panic to her meow, uncaring of who else might be close at paw but knowing that her littermate wouldn't have wandered too far. Suddenly she's glad for the ginger point's insistence to come on this patrol. Were it not for the fact that Applefrost had an uncanny knack for being around when these things were happening, she would call it a coincidence. Weird.

"Springpaw," she turns ochre eyes on her apprentice with an urgency the young cat likely had yet to see from her. Orangeblossom can nearly feel herself vibrating with the intensity of it, breaths shallow as if inhaling the scent of blood would do her harm. "Run back to camp as fast as you can, do you remember the way? I need you to find Dawnglare. This is one of our warriors. We're- we're going to try and carry her back to camp."

*+:。.。 Orchidpaw had uncovered a new habit as of late, choosing his sleeping spots in the boughs of the trees by the Skyclan border, towards two-leg place. Out of all the places in Skyclan's territory, this spot was where Daylight warriors trod in and out of the clan's land, jumbling up the scents and securing Orchidpaw in anonymity - at least more so than any random spot within the forest.

But also, he found his gaze lingering towards the unnatural peaks and arches of the two-leg nests far in the distance. Hazel eyes glowed as he wondered about the daylight warriors' travels. What it must be like to get to leave behind the cold and the hunger - the nagging and the training - and go home to one of those dens.

His attention would break at the sound of his mother's voice, however. Quickly scurrying to his paws, he'd press against the trunk of his tree, hoping with bated breath that she hadn't personally come out to search for his absent ass. No way, she had to be too busy with her oh-so-important duties to bother coming out looking for him! Cursing under his breath, he searched the forest floor for a good place to hide once he touched the grass only-

Only to pause, spotting a limping from doing their best to get to the border in clumsy, galloping steps only to - Orchidpaw winced in sympathy as the poor creature collapsed. Before he can confirm with his nose if this is a friend or foe (not that it mattered as they were hurt, and the idea that they required assistance had Orchidpaw already coiling into a crouch, ready to spring forward) Orangeblossom beat him to it.

'Chid let out a gasp, fear for his mother making his fur fluff up (and ruin all his styling! Bummer!) But he knew he could hesitate no further in case Orangeblossom was ambushed. Kicking against the branch, the apprentice would land with a hard thump before bolting to his mother's side. "What can I do to help" Orchidpaw would ask, voice low and serious as his gaze flitted from the downed cat to his mother. As much as he longed to take charge and grab the feline, drag them back to camp for treatment, they knew there was so much more to healing and injuries than how fast you can bring a patient to their healer. Something something about neck injuries and shock - it all just boiled down to not be rash when someone's life is at risk. So they'd wait for their mother's orders, although he wasn't sure he could follow them if she told him to run back to camp with Springpaw. No way! He may not be a warrior, but he was plenty big enough to carry them back home!

    DFAB— He/Him — Unsure
    9 moons — Ages 1 moon every month 28th
    Skyclan — Apprentice
    Son of Orangeblossom and Ashenclaw
    Brother to Cherrypaw, Eggpaw, Glimmerpaw

    Physically medium | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #bf8924
    injuries: None currently

The pointed molly isn't too far off, as she normally kept herself rather close whenever on a patrol with Orangeblossom. She and her Bear had seen this border perhaps a hundred times over by now, while Springpaw would need the moment to breathe in the strange scents beyond their borderline, focusing on key marks to determine which border it was at all. The burly tom was making great progress, she thought, in his adaptation to Clan life. Where she kept herself a foxtail's length of investing much hope and praise in the beginning of their assignment, she had begun to find herself comfortable with the expectation he would become a true warrior like herself and Dogbite.

"A shame we won't see these bloom for a few more moons. They have the sweetest petals I've ever-" Her monotone speech was interrupted by her littermates caterwaul, lifting her chin from the brittle stems she was looking at to turn her head. Her tail fluffed upon instinct, Orangeblossom did not panic. The both of them did not lose their nerve easily.

Applefrost gestured for @BEAR to follow her as they rejoined the patrol. The scent of oncoming infection and filth greeted her senses and her maw pulled down into a visible frown until at last she could see the crumpled form of Honeysplash, flat against the cold earth.

"Great StarClan how-" All this time Applefrost had believed the molly had simply turned to a twoleg home and shut herself in. She hadn't the faintest idea, this whole time she was out there trying to find her way back. She still wasn't too sure but these wounds were certainly old enough to know she wasn't residing in any twoleg nest recently. "Honeysplash? Can you hear me?" A wide pale stare looked to Orangeblossom in shock.
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Twolegplace. A lot of cats came from here, specifically she thinks of the ones that came here to SkyClan during the day but at night went back to other homes. It was strange to her, the idea that someone would want to live anywhere than under the pines. But it was not her place to judge, Roseblaze had told her the daylight warriors could be just as good as regular ones. Orangeblossom, too, seems okay with it so she does not think much of it. She simply nods at her mentor's words, rubbing herself against a tree the way she had been taught, though its obvious from her unsure movements, from the way she stumbles over her own paws, that she's a novice.

When the smell of blood hits her, her nose wrinkles in disgust instantly but it is not until she sees her mentor's reaction that she realizes that the smell is something bad. When she follows Orangeblossom's gaze, her own eyes go wide, her breathing deepens and her heart hammers in her chest. Blood. She does not think she's ever seen so much of it, not on a cat at least. She knew she could bleed, that she could get hurt, but the cat in front of her looks like prey, crumpled and broken.

She is broken from the trance she had found herself in by her name uttered by her mentor. Her eyes still wild she looks up at her. Does she know the way back? "I uh uhm.. Y-yes" she squeaks, her voice jittery, scared. What if whatever had attacked this cat came after her too? She thinks she knows the way home but what if she gets lost? Tears spring to her eyes and stubbornly, she tries to wipe them away but they just keep coming. Still, she turns away and starts running in the direction that she thinks camp is in and luckily her guess was right.

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The half white, half golden furred warrior was not one Shrewflight remembered well. Vague short bursts of memories as the brown tabby came across the scene on the patrol. Long distant and gone from when he first came. He had heard not much of her but his clans talk here and there, how she was likely nested safely in a twolegs den.

Olive eyes was momentarily stunned as everyone was quick on their toes- knowing what to do, yet he didn't. No, he had no idea, even though this situation was so obvious. She was hurt, she needed Dawnglare- that's what orange blossom had made so clear.

The blood scent was stunning as well to the young warrior, and small as ever- he knew he wasn't going to be much help carrying the other. So instead, he'd look to orangeblossom. "I'll g-g-go with Springpaw," he said quickly, casting a glance towards the apprentice, before back to the deputy. "Just- in case." With the recent dog attack, and now... this, he didn't necessarily want to leave the apprentice alone. So he'd follow a little ways behind as the other already had darted off. If orangeblossom needed Shrewflight, he'd stop in his tracks, but he highly doubted it.

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Dawnglare is dredged onto frozen grounds at a certain insistence, panicked mewls from both a warrior and apprentice. Honeysplash collapsed at the border. At first— it does not ring any bells, but duty is beacon enough. Enough to drag him out into the forest with cobweb swathed around a paw.

When he comes across them— ah. A star flickering to brightness. It's a visage he recognizes, beneath the thin skin and bloodied fur. " I remember... " he remarks to no one but himself, a low muttering as he gazes upon the pitiful heap. Past the smatterings of red, there is a telltale sun - brightness matched by the likes of Orangeblossom and Applefrost both. A kittypet. Hadn't she been one, once? What had happened, he wonders?

He supposes it does not matter. Her condition was a critical one, and lying achingly in the snow would do no favors for her wounds. " Fireflypaw, " his apprentice is assumedly not far behind, and he would look to them with a note of urgency. " Prepare a nest for her, please. "

Orangeblossom is not fool enough to crowd his space. He presses forward, the sting of blood nothing new— but something that has only become less comfortable, the longer he's gone on like this. These were wounds made by other cats, no vicious maulings of a predator, but... vicious in their own way. Dawnglare would set about winding her wounds in cobweb. It is not the cleanest— to later be peeled away for more proper treatment, but he needed to cull the loss of blood. She may not have the chance to make it to camp, otherwise.

He labors a heavy sigh once he is finished. Pale paws are not as efficient within the cold, but he works as quickly as he can. " Bring her to camp, quickly, " he says tersely, eyes flitting to any cats who are able around them. He ponders over what she would need... Perhaps a meal, most of all.

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  • ( I'M AS ALIVE AS HER BEARD IS LONG ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    𓆩♡𓆪 He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    𓆩♡𓆪 Currently 60 moons old as of 1.1.24. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads
  • Love
Reactions: Honeysplash

How often has this happened now? A normal patrol gone awry with a discovery, with shouts to gather the attention of others?

The lead warrior takes up the back of the border patrol with @falconpaw! nearby when it happens. Orangeblossom’s yowls break through the air before the scent of blood can reach his nose. With claws unsheathing, urgent malachite eyes search for his apprentice’s gaze. " Come on — quickly! " Greeneyes doesn’t want it to come to this, to urge Falconpaw into a fight, but they may need all the help they can get.

White paws bound forward, weaving through pine tree obstacles toward the source of the deputy’s cry. “ Stay down, “ he instructs the pointed tom as they near, " Don’t get close until I tell you — "

A slow approach is made then, heart beating out of his chest as others zoom past. It is not a band of rogues he sees upon his arrival, but a fallen form. One of cream and white fur, muddied with crimson. Twists he’d recognize from anywhere — even still, even now.

" Nan? " he croaks out in disbelief.

She’d disappeared so long ago now — what happened for her to leave? What happened for her to return? A crooked flick of the tail beckons Falconpaw forward from the shelter of safety, though a fear-bound uncertainty arises in his friend’s return. He keeps his distance as Dawnglare moves to repair wounds, his gaze dropping in silent plea to the stars. It is only when the medic orders her transfer does the lead warrior move to aid in retrieving her.

" Welcome home… " he quietly offers. He’s unsure if Honeysplash is listening, but he hopes she’ll stick around for longer, this time, under the safety of the camp’s confines.​
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    ── Lead Warrior of SkyClan

    ── Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ── "Speech"; Attack
STATUES AND EMPIRES✧°.☀ ————————————
Falconpaw had been delirious during the rogue attacks, and even more so when they had returned to the Skyclan camp, during the sickness last year. Blood, he had known- it had come in the form off of his face, during his falcon attack. He had known it since he was a small kit, the taste of blood on the air of the sewers. His ears flattened at the yowl, eyes flicking towards Greeneyes. His head dipped in response to his mentor's wishes, head ducking down as he ran just a half second behind him.

"Okay." He had breathed out, ducking behind a tree when his mentor split to the side and slowed. Blue eyes peeked around the tree, and the tone of Greeneyes's voice croaking... something ached deep inside of him. A frown twisted on his face. He arppoached slower now, apprehension blocking up his throat. Quietly, the apprentice pressed his flank against Greeneyes in attempt to prove him some comfort, head dipping quietly. "Are you okay? Who is that?" Falconpaw questioned quietly, vision lifting up towards his mentor.

In all honestly, Falconpaw wasn't... too weirded out by the fact a cat collapsed at their border- he had danced with visions of death, and this seemed to be where the stranger would have to decide for themselves whether to live or let go. His ears lowered quietly, in silent respect of the struggle they faced ahead. He did not envy them.

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ ALL AT YOUR PAWS