she does not face her fragility. it lingers at the back of her mind like a coiled viper, untouched and ever staring, a presence that prickles the skin beneath alabaster curls that she never quite shakes despite how desperately she looks away. it coils around her neck and steals the breath from her nose, and still, she does not look at it. not even when it’s restrictions gaunts her bones, keeps her petite and dull - coated, leaves her mother to the dogs.. reality was belief, and if shellpaw didn’t think about it, maybe her body would get the memo — maybe it would catch up, grow, toughen. maybe if she pretends, whispers it to the babbling brooks and wills it hard into existence, she could be.. like cicadaflight, or claythorn. or iciclefang, when not tempered by the nursery’s milkscent.

she is not as tall and spry as cicadaflight. she is not as broad or powerful as claythorn. she falters behind even her brother in the few precious moons in which a cats body is supposed to shape, still too low to the ground, still held upon delicate paws that shift and tilt inward upon a bodyworn crouch. petalwoven coat does not conceal the frailty of her to a soul — cinnamon - toned eyes drawn dark at deep, obvious sockets and what little expression drawn to lifeless feature are as quick to go as they come. eyes linger in camp, at gatherings, upon marking the fading border scent ; pity. disgust - twisted, in some. even through the rheum of her eyes, she could tell when they were looking, pondering on her ever dribbling nose and downtilted ears.

she doesn’t know what was wrong with her, so she imagines nothing is. she was released from the medicine den things were fine, everything was fine. the stars ease sickly pink pads into apprenticeship only for her to hit another wall — to stumble over paws that do not take, over limbs that tremble upon a back - forth walk to skyclan’s border. she does not mention it, not negatively, even through the broken pinwhistle of her breath when those eyes find her and ask you okay? she was. she had to be. moonbeam had said she was okay, and she didn’t feel any different. at least, not any worse than she had in her early moons ; not any worse than usual. her day - by - day patter of weariness slowed paws and awkward puffs of air from a maw always hanging half open. it was becoming clear to her that her usual, though, seemed to be.. not enough.

improvement had been slow, fractional, even — some will simper it’s only been two moons, but shellpaw still wakes up with a fluttering breath, wobbles on soft paws, ducks and run at the sight of her mentor hitting the ground, ribboning blood into the grassy meadowlands. her mind turns the picture like prey in its paws, razorclawed grip that keeps her awake and wondering if she would ever be able to do what cicadaflight had done — if she could ever run an enemy with fangs drawn, tilt her skull upwards into the eyes of sure death. but then images of a too - wide mouth, brimming uglily yellowed teeth and thick, lulling tongue flashes behind paperthin lids and, and..

she could. she.. could. she had to.

she can still taste the iron on her tongue when she finds @MIDNIGHTPAW at smoldering midday, fur mussed and dappled with a smattering of old, wilting flowers that does little to help her pitiful image — feels her own breath grown hot when she asks for a spar, fuzzy ears tipped low at either side of her head. she was not fragile. she wasnt, and she could prove it. pelt still clinging to the thick scent of moonbeam’s medicinal honey, she finds her way after the leggy apprentice once she agrees to an offshot part of camp ; lets the molly guide her, lets the beginnings of a warbling confidence begin to grow in the pit of her chest. she could do this, she just.. had to get over her mind. the fear, the paralyzing, whale - eyed fear. then, she wouldn’t have to see her mother, her mentor, die like that again. they could keep their lives, live long, happy..

she tries to remember the last time she’d seen lichenstar happy.

a sharp word brings her out of dazed thoughts, blinking suddenly towards the femme’s ember - streaked face as she shrunk into an assumed battle position, ” suh — sorry, i’m ready. “ she says despite not hearing a word beyond the bubble of her all encompassing daydreams and red - stained memories. lilac capped paws flex against the dirt, claws firmly sheathed. her combat training had been sparse ( nonexistent, really ), but shellpaw only figured it was pretty instinctual, fighting.. she just had to do it. so she does. the girl tucks her head, pushing off her hind legs with a visible tremble and aims to hurl directly at midnightpaw’s exposed chest. that was what claythorn had done when robinheart was attacked, it had to work.

  • i.

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    frail alabaster molly with lilac striping and watery amber eyes.
    she is pallid ; platinum splotched with ribbons of dovey lilac curls, wisped ends like memories of a distant shore and plush enough to conceal the juts of malnutrition beneath. tufted elderdown fur conceals a body worn fragile by tumultuous youth, too thin in some places and round with baby fat in others. her face is short - muzzled, framed half mast by eyes coined rheumy, rosen amber. the anemic cold pink - purple at tender paws and nose tell a lifetime of sickness, further made obvious by the feathering weakness in half - whispered tones.
    CHRONICALLY ILL ; prone to wheezing, nose at a constant drip from longterm illness - induced nasal polyps. not contagious.

જ➶ There is a sharp resonance of surprise in her when Shellpaw asks her of all the cats within the clan to spar. She is not sure rather it is some strange trap or simply done to try and help the other with their skills. She frowns lightly but slowly her maw parts on her andwer. A simply and even toned yes breathes from her throat as she watches the paler feline before her. It's just a spar and she allows her suspicions to drop from her shoulders like rain through the feathers of a duck. It's not like she needs to hold such a thing for her clanmates. Shaking her head she sighs and allows her pitch colored body to push up. Stretching her body and arching her back before she allows herself to follow after the other. The midday sun casts her in flaming light as she focuses on Shellpaw and she tilts her head slightly. Shellpaw doesn't seem to focused and her maw snaps slightly. "Be ready!" This seems to bring the other back into focuse and she watches as she pulls herself into a battle stance. The older girl also takes one and she just shakes her head.

"Don't be sorry, just show me what you got." Dangerous ambers gleam as she watches the shaky push off. The way she comes in headlong and her brow furrows a little. One needs to catch their opponent off guard right? Yet she is attacking straight at her. Midnight shifts her stsnce just slightly and aims to dogde to the left of the other apprentice. A quick turn shifts her body and then her paw raises up. There is no hesitation nor drawback as she aims a swift blow against the other's face with claws sheathed before she aims to suddenly dip her head to try and ram it against her side to knock her down.

she was not at all prepared for it — the blow to her face stuns her so much it would have been enough on its own, a startled sound leaving her maw at the intensity of it. midnightpaw’s claws are sheathed and still packed with power, whipping her skull to the side ( unprepared, untensed, not ready to take any sort of retaliation ) and causing her to find the ground on unsteady paws. she lands awkwardly on twisted limbs, and in no time at all she is blown to the side — a blunt force at her flank that punches the air from her lungs with a pitiful wheeze that anyone nearby could surely hear. for the briefest second, she feels almost airborn, lifted off of her staggering feet by the older apprentice’s pretend blow.

she hits the ground still reeling, heavy eyed startled wide maw gaped with the effort of gasping her lungs full again. she twists half onto her back to lift four paws defensively, flinching preemptively at the blow she expects to come, ears pinned when she drags a hoarse,” o — oku, okauh— “ out to end the spar. it is embarrassingly easy, flattened with a paw swipe and in plain sight for any wandering eyes. shame - pricked tears fill her eyes and for all her burning ears, she is not angry at midnightpaw. it was fair and square and shellpaw’s fault that she’d skidded an indent into the damp soil, soiling pale fur a dirty and clump - ridden brown.

the fight mercifully ends, quicker than it had started. her head slumps against the ground while she attempts to catch her breath, squeezing her eyes tight as not to show the gleam that pricks at their watering edges, ” yuh.. you’re r’ey.. strong.. “ she mews, pretending no one can tell the shake of humiliation that laces whispersoft tones — it wasn’t midnightpaw’s fault. she told her to not be sorry, but all too suddenly, feels as though she’d only wasted the apprentices time.

  • i.

  • 84241097_QQbCg8eRrSlAAa4.png

    frail alabaster molly with lilac striping and watery amber eyes.
    she is pallid ; platinum splotched with ribbons of dovey lilac curls, wisped ends like memories of a distant shore and plush enough to conceal the juts of malnutrition beneath. tufted elderdown fur conceals a body worn fragile by tumultuous youth, too thin in some places and round with baby fat in others. her face is short - muzzled, framed half mast by eyes coined rheumy, rosen amber. the anemic cold pink - purple at tender paws and nose tell a lifetime of sickness, further made obvious by the feathering weakness in half - whispered tones.
    CHRONICALLY ILL ; prone to wheezing, nose at a constant drip from longterm illness - induced nasal polyps. not contagious.

જ➶ The impact that the younger molly takes even makes her wince. She is unsure and so takes a step back as she watches Shellpaw take in labored breathes. Did she hit too hard? Her maw deepens in its frown as she watches over the other apprentice a bit of panic lacing her heart. As she speaks Midnight finds her ears pulling back and just as quickly as the spar began it is over. Shellpaw's words signal an end to it and she also does not wish to continue after seeing how her attacks have struck the other. Tentative paws step closer and she narrows her eyes before she tries to think of what the other said to her. Did Shellpaw always sound like that? Lifting her eyes she doesn't want to think about how this is perceived. What if they think she did this on purpose? Anxiety claws it's way into her chest but she quickly shakes her head and focuses on her clanmate instead. She knows she didn't mean to do anything but spar and thus she reaches a paw out gently. "Thanks but are you okay? You...sound kind of funny right now."

Concern laces her words and drifts in and out of her vocals as she slowly sits down. Her tail tip twitches as she tries to discern what could possibly be wrong in the first place. Shellpaw's head did hit the ground relatively hard and she glances to the medicine cat den. Perhaps she should get Moonbeam.
Mothpaw watched from a distance as Shellpaw approached Midnightpaw, small rounded ears flicking. She would cheer for both of them, but she wanted to allow for both of them to focus on the spar! Her hazel eyes twinkle similar to a diamond as she watches intentionally similar to a squirrel with finding a giant acorn. A colored tail swifts across the ground as a blow against Shellpaw's face before she gets rammed by Midnightpaw with the passion of an angry goat finding a trespasser on its' territory. Her face scrunches up with cringe at the sight of the poor sickly girl getting demolished by her denmate. Mothpaw quickly moves to her paws as she brushes against Midnightpaw in the process to help ease her crippling anxiety as she's heard the rumors of Midnightpaw's reputation.

”Do you need me to get Moonbeam?” The chocolate and ivory feline questions, concern evident in wide hazel eyes. She didn't want Midnightpaw to get in trouble nor Shellpaw to be hurt either. Though it was most likely that either of them would be hurt nor in trouble, she was just worried about the two of them. A small smile creases her lips as she gently pats Shellpaw's shoulder and attempts to help her to a sitting position to allow for a better airflow to her chest. ”Can you breathe better?” Mothpaw coos softly as she glances at her friend to see how she was handling the situation.
Iciclefang remembers a day seasons ago, in the sweltering heat of greenleaf, when her leader's life had flashed before her three moon old eyes. He had saved her, blood-splashed and ruffled with fear, suspended in a Twoleg trap that left the gathered patrol no choice but to flee the scene. She had carried that memory with her, guarded it carefully, pebble-round and smooth in her heart. Shellpaw will not forget it, either. The determination in the pale girl's amber gaze is admirable, even if her attempts at sparring Midnightpaw are lacking. Her blows are feeble and slow, her breath wispy in her chest, and she collapses into the mud after a short while, beaten and frazzled.

The tortoiseshell strays closer to the apprentices, her blue eyes pinpricks in her brindled face. "Shellpaw, you fought hard." Her gaze flicks from the dazed expression on her mud-clotted face to the wobble of her paws, the tremble in her voice. "You're really strong," she squeaks to Midnightpaw. Iciclefang's mouth twitches. "Mothpaw, why don't you walk with Shellpaw to Moonbeam's den? Just to make sure everything's alright."

She remembers being in Midnightpaw's position, fire in her limbs, flexing her claws in her Clanmates' faces. She remembers those embers being stoked by Smokestar himself. Shellpaw will need battle training, once Lichenstar is healed, Iciclefang thinks to herself, a frown quivering across her whiskered face. She shouldn't be so far behind still.

  • ooc:
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  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 24 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored Cicadaflight
    — riverclan lead warrior & queen. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.


-ˋˏ ༻ ❆༺ ˎˊ- There was a countdown clicking somewhere, it was invisible, but Pinekit could feel it. The girl was more than ready for apprenticeship. Kitten fur had long begun to shed, sun-dappled ears brushed against her mothers cheek when she walked too close, and Pinekit had no doubt in her abilities, her legacy-laden crown still remained perfectly upright.
As glimmering hues watched Shellpaw trail after Midnightpaw on frail limbs, her curiosity is caught, her ears twitch with the near-foreign feeling of uncertainty as she gravitates towards her mothers flank from where the tortoiseshell queen draws nearer to the duo, a natural place to watch. Air turns cold as it sucks betweens the girls' teeth, watching ginger make contact with lilac. It’s nearly painful to watch, but Pinekit knows this is not a game she can shoulder her way into on her friends behalf- Shellpaw was an apprentice, two moons Pinekit’s senior, the patchwork kitten stays put, thinking of the recent evening they had spent curled up in the grass, whispering sweet-breathed dreams of greatness together. On Iciclefang’s cue, she approaches at the lead warriors heel, honeyed optics steady on the twisted way Shellpaw’s flank moved with her whistling breath. Strangely, the thought that Shellpaw would never be the warrior Pinekit would be has grown into more of a fear than anything, an uneasy pit growing in the back of the kittens mind. Iciclefang turns to Mothpaw who’s drawn nearby from concern, mismatched brow bones contort for a moment when her friends denmate is the one that comes to comfort her, rendering Pinekit’s friendship useless here, just as it had been when the apprentices patrol had returned reeking of dogs breath. “No, let me.” Pinekit steps away from her mothers side, finding her rightful place on Shellpaw’s other side, golden optics finally straying from pale fur to stare at Mothpaw, who for once wore no smile. The eye contact is brief, “she just needs’a sec, no need t’gawk.” It’s an unnecessary remark, borne from the sudden urge to turn all the worrisome stares away from Shellpaw. She’s fine.
A white muzzle would aim to nudge at her friends temple, still intending to help the other to Moonbeams den, if she’d allow. “C’mon, Shellpaw. You should’ve seen how cool that first move you did was.”
It was an uneasy thing, offering fake encouragement like this, without a gain from either party, it just felt like a troubling lie. Still, Shellpaw was her friend to lie to, lie for. Even if it was fruitlessly blatant.

  • PINEKIT she/her, kit of riverclan, 5 moons.
    plush-furred tortoiseshell she-kit with white dipped forepaws, tail tip, and muzzle and round, honey hued optics.
    daughter of Iciclefang && Stormywing ࿏ sister to Cragkit && Crabkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.