Applekit has gone out of her way to find something. It's about as good as you could find within this swamp, much less within these walls. You could even argue it was extraordinary: an oak leaf blown in from somewhere, still green despite its journey to ShadowClan's camp. Applekit has managed to swipe it before anyone else could, and a treasure like this should be used for something grand.

Her paws take her to Ferndance, the lead warrior who, after the other day, Applekit has learned is as weird as she's heard. Putting a face to her helps her understand her silliness better. Lead warriors weren't supposed to pretend to be snails, were they? Applekit has mulled over how she found herself in such a position, and concludes that it must be one of two things. Either Chilledstar was stupid, or Ferndance had given them some kind of amazing gift. That was the only way.

Applekit decides to test the latter theory first. She toddles to the lead warrior with a leaf in her jaws. " Thish is for you, " she tells her, laying the leaf in front of her paws. She spares a glance to the side before saying bluntly," I want to be lead warrior. "

( ooc: please wait for @FERNDANCE <3 )
Ferndance liked to pretend there was a secret third option for her promotion to Lead Warrior, and that was that she was really, really cool. She'd always been her biggest believer, only a few things could shake the she-cat's confidence in herself and one such thing hadn't occurred since ShadowClan's last raid. Her mind elsewhere, she jumped slightly as a bundle of blues and oranges suddenly appeared in front of her, carrying something. She swiped at it without a second thought, pinning the lobes between her claws and bringing it up to her maw. Eyes widened and crossed as they settled on the leaf, in one swift motion, she chomped down on the gift. Open-mouthed and avoiding dwelling on the avant-garde flavours of her new snack, she eventually swallowed it with a gulp. "Thank you... I was really hungry," she smiled down at the tortie, bits of the leaf still caught between her teeth. Ferndance had little clue of the abdominal hell she had just made for herself, and with Applekit desiring to be a Lead Warrior, it wouldn't be something that crossed her mind for a while. The cinnamon tabby leaned forward, her ruddy pink nose wrinkling as she assessed the little creature before her.

"Sure, why not?" She mewed softly, accentuated by a shoulder shrug. Her tone told a dangerous sincerity, she wasn't sure of how binding her words were or if anyone would take them seriously, but the longer she dwelled, the more humorous it seemed that a child could have such authority. Besides, when said kitten had gotten her food, it was hardly fair of her to say no - an important rank was a fair exchange for an oak leaf. Rising back to her full height, the tabby cleared her throat. "Do you promise to do right by ShadowClan, to do your duty as a Lead Warrior and serve our clan from this day until your last? Then, through StarClan's eyes, I announce you to be my peer. Welcome to ShadowClan's small council, Appledance, may the sun forever reach your back - oh wait we're ShadowClan, hmmm.... may the fur never fall from your ears." She swung her head away from Applekit and began whispering, "Appledance! Appledance!" In various tones, she pretended an audience had gathered to witness the totally legitimate coronation of a two-moon-old child. The corners of her muzzle began to crease as she struggled to suppress her mischief.

  • Wow
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Applekit waits expenctantly. She wonders if Ferndance has a secret den full of treasures that she would take Applekit's gift to. The kit watchers her scoop it up and she– eats it?

Applekit cannot stop her tiny maw from parting in pure shock. You're not supposed to eat leaves. Or at least, she didn't think you were. " Um. " Was she supposed to say you're welcome? She wasn't trying to give Ferndance a snack, but she guesses that's what she ended up doing anyways. That leaf had been worth thinking about, Applekit thinks.

But maybe she shouldn't feel bad, not when Ferndance says she'll make her a Lead Warrior. Applekit perks instantly, standing straighter, her ears sharp points atop her head. Right here, right now, isn't something she expects, though. The words sounded official enough, but the setting... didn't. Applekit narrows her eyes. " Doesn't Chilledstar have to be here? "
can we leave it behind? Now that they had a gotten a taste for outside the nursery, returning to camp had been a game of watch-for-tails. It felt like any given moment there was always a kitten or two darting across camp, specifically aiming to get under the paws of the warriors too. Sabletuft had felt exasperated the last time he came from his hunt, most of his vision obscured by splayed feathers of a bittern he had caught, when he felt the gust of a kitten speeding underneath him.

Now he was careful about navigating his way about, which caught his attention to Ferndance and Applekit. His eyes narrowed while he watched the patrol, exhaling a mildly indignant sigh. "Not for Lead Kittens, no." He reassured Applekit, flicking his tail over his paws as he sat. "Ferndance must have left that part out, but that's about as big a promotion you can get kiddo." — tags