camp LOCK THE DOOR [ ✦ ] prey scraps

Hunting patrols in leaf-fall were something else entirely. Now that he was free to come and go as he pleased, no more mentors telling him to wait for them to accompany him, he would leave as often as he could. Whether that be in the company of friends or by himself there was hardly a moment where he was not doing something. He had always been that way though, standing still just never really was his thing. His shadowed paws lead him through the forest he had lived in his entire life, weaving through foliage, ducking under low hanging branches, jumping over fallen trees, golden eyes set on some distant point, all his senses alert for any sign or scent of prey. The Clan needed all the capable paws they could get to keep them from going under and he had no plans of being dead weight.

Something strange catches his attention though, makes him veer off his predetermined path with his nose to the air, jaw slightly parted to take in the weird scent. It smelled like prey but also cat. Not Thunderlan scent but also not the scent of any of the other clans that surrounded them. No, this was something different. It does not take him long to reach his new destination, a small clearing just within their border. It is clear to him the second he lays eyes on it what has occurred. There, on the outskirts of the clearing he finds the remains of what was once a squirrel. But the scents that intertwine with the forest around him are not of his clan. His back fur bristles and he lets out a low growl, golden eyes flickering side to side in case this is a trap meant to lure him here. He does not scent anything fresh though and after a few long moments of hearing nothing he figures he is in the clear and lets his guard down a little bit. "Mouse dung" he grumbles. This was a problem.

He leans down and takes the remains in his mouth before turning and heading back the way he came.

When he arrives back at camp he drops his findings in the center and, to the nearest cat he says "Has anyone seen Howlingstar or Flycatcher, there's something I need to show them" and then he indicates to the strange smelling pile of bones at his feet.

Flycatcher had not gone on the recently departed hunting patrol, knowing he had a dusk patrol along the ShadowClan and WindClan border to prepare for. The deputy had been passing the time in camp when he hears a cat approaching the entrance, lifting his head at the sound, and blinking in surprise when he sees Burnstorm reappear. He sees something in his mouth but doesn't see what it is exactly until he approaches himself. "Burnstorm I'm here what-" Flycatcher began to speak, before his green eyes shift down and look at the strange scraps and bones Burnstorm had brought back with him. "What is this?" He asks, more to himself rather than Burnstorm. "Where did you find this?"
Ears flicked back on Leopardtongue's head as she moved closer to Burnstorm and Flycatcher, curiosity getting the better of her as she moved closer to see what it was the coal-coated warrior had to speak about. Face twist in confusion as she looked over to it, her own questions stirring in her head though they were quieted when Flycatcher spoke his own. Where did you find this? It was the first thing that echoed in her mind. Burnstorm had no reason to show off scraps that he had eaten, so these must have come from the territory somewhere. "Do you think another clan did it?" So soon after they had all tried to leave each other on good terms, sending out their healthiest and most willing to go on this journey together?

  • "speaking" // thinking // action
    Leopardtongue - 35 moons - she/her - ThunderClan - warrior
    MEDIUM physically // MEDIUM mentally


ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
what is this?
While not exactly an exclamation from her former mentor, the emphasized question is enough to catch Roeflames attention from where she’s stationed, patching up minor wear and tear around the nursery. Finishing up her last weave, the silver-tinged tabby draws closer, eyes lighting up when she realizes he’s talking to Burnstorm.
The light does not last though, even as she comes up from behind the small group, giving her raven-furred friend a nudge with her shoulder in silent greeting.
"What happened?" The small warrior chimes on the tail of Leopardtongue’s question, brows furrowing slightly. Though, it doesn’t take Roeflame long to answer her own question as verdant optics land on the scraps, her nose lightly scrunching with distaste of another clan so brazenly disrespecting their territory. Roeflame instinctively leans forward, maw parted as she searches for the scent of marsh, peat, sap, or even fish. "I don’t… recognize a scent" she finally has to admit, withdrawing her head with the same disgusted look that contorted her round features.


He doesn't have to wait for very long for Flycatcher to show and for that he is grateful. Other cats begin to gather as well and as much as he hates to have an audience, this was important and it was better that the news got out sooner rather than later. "I was out hunting near the WindClan border when I smelled a strange scent. I followed it to a clearing in our territory and found this" while he speaks his eyes are on the gray furred deputy but he is aware of the other cats around him, their soft murmuring voices and their eyes burning a hole in his skin. Leopardtongue in particular asks a question and his ear flicks before he shakes his head 'no' "It does not smell like any clan I have ever smelled" Not River or Wind or Sky.

"That's exactly it" he says, eyes flashing to Roeflame "I don't either, and in the clearing where I found it it smelled as if there were multiple strange cats. All hunting on our territory." the last sentence is accentuated by a growl. If he caught another cat hunting on ThunderClan land he would ensure they knew not to do it again. "I could take you to where I found this if you would like" he says, turning his attention back to the deputy but out of the corner of his eye he glances at Roeflame.

Not long after Flycatcher appears, more cats gather to look at what Burnstorm had brought back with him. Like himself, they seem just as baffled by it as he is. Leopardtongue asks if they think another clan did it, and Flycatcher shares Burnstorm and Roeflame's opinion. "I doubt any clan would waste prey like this," Flycatcher mused, still pondering over the strange scraps.

He listens intently as Burnstorm explains where he had found it and the strange mixture of scents that lingered in the area with it. Flycatcher frowns a little at this but does not interrupt. When his former apprentice offers to take him there, Flycatcher swiftly nods. "I would appreciate that, Burnstorm," He mewed. "It would be a good idea for me to see the area with my own eyes."