At first, Burnpaw had been excited to be named Emberstars apprentice, but as more time passed in the day he had begun to get nervous. Would this mean more would be expected of him? Would he be held to a higher standard? He is almost certain of it. She had told him in the morning to be up early, to wait for her by the gorse tunnel that led out of camp and he had obliged. Even now, nerves claw at his insides, making it impossible to eat breakfast and so he skips, choosing instead to wait. His yellow eyes apprehensively scan every single cat that goes about their business adn he wonders, how did cats ever learn anything before mentors were a thing? He ought to ask his ma or his grandmother. They would know, they were both so old.

He wonders how old Emberstar is. She had to be ancient if she had already gone through a whole life like his ma had said. Perhaps he could ask when he saw her?

// @emberstar sorry this is lame and short starters my beloathed, next post will be longer

It had been so long since she had gotten to do any real teaching. Between her duties and all the recent crises, it felt like leadership had taken up her every waking moment. The last time she had even tried to teach anyone had been that disastrous group training session when Thunderclan was just getting started, before mentorship was even an idea in her head. Now though, it was time for her to take up the tradition that she had begun only a few moons ago. She was eager to get started.

There was a skip in her step and a twinkle in her eye as she made her way though camp.

"Right, so," Emberstar began abruptly, breezing past her apprentice and ducking into the gorse tunnel behind him. She gestured for him to follow behind with a flick of her tail. "I talked to Howling WInd and she said she could take care of things while I'm gone, so all I have to worry about today is you!" As they emerged from the camp, she shot him a wide grin over her shoulder. "Hope you're ready because we've got a long day ahead!"

Her pace was quick as she lead the way toward Sandy Hollow, too quick. She kept forgetting how short her apprentice's legs were, he was still barely more than a kit. Time and time again she had to stop in order to let him catch up. Eventually though, they made it there.

"To start, I wanna get a sense of what you can do." She explained, in the same reassuring tone her mother had said it to her. As she did, she turned to face him. "Just try your best to hit me. Don't worry about hurting me, I can take much worse than you can dish out. Don't worry about me hitting you back either, for now just focus on landing a hit."

Burnpaw wasn't going to hit her, she was certain of that. Though she appeared relaxed and carefree, all the right muscles were tensed to let her dart out of the way the moment he moved. It was the same thing her mother had done to her. Him hitting her wasn't what mattered though, she wanted to see his technique. Unlike her, the kits of Thunderclan had spent plenty of time playing at being hunters and fighters before they were ever apprenticed. Their fun had probably made them at least better than she had been when she started out, and they were older than she had been when she started too.

Once she got a sense for what he already knew, she could go from there.

//you're fine!
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