locked away ~ KITTYPET AU THREAD

( ) Soft paws stretched outwards as sunlight bathed her pelt. She lifted her head to yawn, then lay it back down on the rim of the fluffy bed. This was the life...the hardest part of her mornings was getting out of their warm bed. She could hear the peaceful breathing from her mate beside her. Her eyelids began to slowly droop shut once more, but she heard noise coming from the kitchen. Oh! Their owners were awake! "Fly! Fly wake up, it's breakfast time!" She poked him with her paw, before trotting to the kitchen. Her belly swayed back and forth as she hurried towards their owners. "Good morning! I didn't think you were coming!" she would exclaim, weaving back and forth between their legs. The owner with long hair made a noise, and bent down and picked her up. As she was held, the red tabby let out a loud purr, and rubbed against the human's face. While she was being held, the other human bent down and poured their wet food in her bowl, and another can in Fly's.

After she was set down, she hurried over to her bowl, and gobbled down her breakfast. Her throat rumbled as she purred loudly. "This is so good." she said in between bites..."I couldn't imagine going hungry like my siblings do. They are so skinny...they really need an owner to take care of them." she would say to Fly if he were nearby to hear. CLICK Flame's head shot up, and she gobbled her food down faster. "Theb cabfoor they opened ith" she exclaimed, the food in her mouth muffling her words. Gulp "Hurry! We need to catch up on the gossip!"

She ran to the automatic water fountain, and took a few quick drinks of water before squeezing her way through the cat flap. The fence seemed farther away every morning she came through the yard. Birds splashed in the bird bath as she trotted past them. The stone path that lead towards the fence felt rough on her paws, but it was better than running through the grass. She wasn't a fan of touching the grass, but if she wanted to feel wild sometimes she would stalk through it.

There were a couple of boxes stacked up along the fence, and she would hop from box to box until she reached the highest one. She put her paws on the top of the fence, looking out to see if anyone else had been let outside this morning. "Good moooorrnniinngg!" she would howl out, hoping her friends would come out to chat.

tagging @Flycatcher because he was mentioned but feel free to post before him!
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ ————————————

Lily was still laying in her bed, paws up in the air and her belly exposed as a sign that she felt totally safe within her two-legs' nest. Slowly the clutches of sleep would release her, and as she stretched she would jolt as Flame muffled howl of morning greeting touched her ears. Oh shit, she was late!

A jumble of curses would fall from her mouth as she scrambled from the bed, weaving through her two-legs legs almost causing them to trip before she leaped up onto the windowsill and pawed at it while mewing. Her two-leg would make a noise of annoyance but simply scratch against her cheek before opening the window just enough for her to slip through. Lily would hurry towards the fence and her small head would just barely pop over the top as she scrambled and clawed her way atop it.

"Morning Flame!" She would call in a pant from the effort and she looked around to see if anyone else had arrived before her, "How are you and Fly doing? Sorry, I overslept."

[penned by zaeya - ]
The morning sun was the enemy here as those wretched twolegs pushed open the curtains to let in the rising heat. The young cat rolled over with an annoyed noise before a hand ran along their side and they gave a trill in acknowledgement; yeah yeah time to get up. Still, they took their time in stretching in their soft, warm bed and yawning largely with a shake of a chocolate tabby coat. Then trotted off with a head lowered for a good drink of water, the tongue felt so dry, and then looked up as the door was opened a crack. The fresh scents of the outside wifted by whiskers and they twitched with the warm morning breeze. A content sigh left a nose before heading out of the den, grabbing a mouthful of food for a second before slipping through the crack.

Young Golden stood on the back porch with a twitch of a tail for a moment before voices drew the attention away from the blue sky above. A head tilt came from the young cat before moving down the porch steps silently and over to the fence. It was Flame, a cat that lived down the street with a fiery pelt, and then there was of course Lily whom Golden knew very well. They never seemed to get along, but also got along rather well at the same time. Like shes stupid and all that, but she has a good heart or something like that.

"You guys are gonna wake the whole neighborhood with your yapping," He spoke rather harshly with a twitch of his whiskers, before hopping up onto the fence and balanced carefully on the edge of it. Then found a solid spot to settle down into a sitting position upon.

Sergeant Mustache had every intent on slumbering the day away. With the warm seasons rolling in the sun began to come out at all hours of the day, except for, of course, night. The heat on his pelt was enough to put him into a deep sleep in heartbeats, loud snores would gurgle in his throat and vocalize out his maw.

Yet the loud yapping of his friends kept him up… and he thought it’d be the dogs!

Groggily he hops onto the fence, ”Already did! I was havin’ the most pleasant dream too… chasing birds.” It was always the good dreams Sergeant Mustache was woken up from. He visibly grovels over this for a few moments.
