locked away * thunderclan patrol

( ) When Flycatcher had assigned her to the Riverclan border to patrol, she had been less than thrilled. There were two things she severely disliked right now...dawn patrols, and Riverclan. She wondered if they would be trespassing already this early in the morning...she wouldn't be surprised. If they were, she wouldn't hesitate to tear into them. Even though Sunfreckle had started the last skirmish, they had still injured her friend. He was expecting kits, and who knows what could have happened to them during that fight. He was already in rough shape...if she hadn't shown up when she had...if Riverclan hadn't retreated when they did...she couldn't bring herself to think about it. She didn't dare speak a word either, not when the kit's father was also here with her.

As they arrived along the border, she would nod to Stagstrike and Rabbitnose. "I want our scent so strong that they can smell it from their camp." Not that it matters, they'll just come over as they please. Bunch of rogues. "Keep your claws in your paws...unless they step foot over here, then we will give them something to remember us by." Her gaze drifted across the river, wondering when the river rats would show their faces. They were close, no doubt.

The lead warrior dismissed the patrol members with a flick of her tail, and then found a nearby bush to mark.

@Tybalt [Stagstrike] @Rabbitnose @Cloudypaw @Patchpaw

Claws in. Keep them in and behave yourself.

Rabbitnose had to recite this mantra in his mind repeatedly as they arrived at Sunningrocks. He was always well behaved on patrols. Polite, kind, cheerful. But not this time. Perhaps not ever again, at this border. Rabbitnose had respected Riverclan for helping them during the fire. He'd always given the brightest smiles to them, forever grateful for their help. When the dogs took up residence on these rocks, he was conflicted on how to feel about his neighbors refusal to assist in defending their now former territory.

But not anymore.

He did not respect them anymore.

His mate, and possibly his unborn kits, had been hurt by their reluctance to accept that they had lost, and he was livid. He was furious. He wasn't sure if he was a good choice for this patrol.

But he kept his gaze forward. He had a job to do here.

"Oh, I'll give them something to remember us by...."
He replied to Flamewhisker. He'd never craved battle before, but now? He shared his sister's lust for blood.

He set to work rubbing himself on the rocks that they had shed blood for, his gaze wandering across the river.

Claws in. Keep them in and behave yourself.

ThunderClan and RiverClan have made it no secret that they now dislike each other. Funny how a hungry belly will do that to even the best of friends eh? One moment, you're saving someone's sorry hide from the river and the next you're tryna drown them in that very same one. Tallwave is no stranger to how these things went and she agreed whole-heartedly with her clan, of course. Those rocks belonged to them. But it could be difficult sometimes, to forget that you had once shared tongues with someone. Had once maybe even called them friend. It was like that for Tallwave and any cat from the Pine Group that now resided in different clans. She had lived with them, cared about them. It was sometimes hard to just throw all that away.

She spots them from across the river, marking their borders. Once she would have given them a warm greeting, but ThunderClan had proved to her that they were selfish creatures. Taking and taking and taking. Who was to say they would be satisfied with Sunningrocks? Who was to say that one day they wouldn't want more? She eyes them from her place among the reeds, debating whether or not to show herself. RiverClan needs to appear strong. She reminds herself. They need to see that we guard these borders just as much.

So she steps out of her place, into the open by the shoreline. "ThunderClan." she says simply, dipping her head in greeting, though her blue eyes never leave their pelts. Her voice is even, cool as the frozen river. She would not give them ammunition to use against her, a reason to come over here and brandish claws and teeth. She hopes any of her clanmates that happened to join her would follow suite.

When Thunderclan's scent hits him, he stills. There is a war within at the mention of the clan because he can't hate them, yet he is furious at the memory of his bloody clanmates. Had he known who Rabbitleap's mate was or known they were expecting, he would argue that his mate was fish-brained because who in their right mind would fight knowing they were expecting? How could they blame Riverclan if anything happened? He knows his clanmates well enough to know that they wouldn't have touched Rabbitleap's mate had they known or became aware of the fact, because lets face it. In the midst of battle the forefront of your mind only thinks about surviving.

However, he didn't know. What he did know was that his friend Tallwave is looking in their direction, the slight rustle from the reeds indicating it so. He had joined her mostly to keep his mind away from Petalnose and Wolfglade's wounds. In truth, he didn't want to see Thunderclan. However, the ugliness was creeping in again. He abhored fighting, preferring to talk things out. It was plain to see his assumptions were right. Whatever this was with Thunderclan, there was going to be another battle in the future. Or who knows? Who was to say that Thunderclan's leader wouldn't try to demand Cicadastar's presence. Not that Thunderclan's leader had the right to demand them anything on their land.

Wordlessly he follows Tallwave. He'll be damned if something happened to her too. Although he does take in a deep breath before slipping away from the reeds alongside her. Tallwave speaking in this manner is not typical and he almost wonders where his friend is at the moment, but he feels a sense of pride knowing that this is his friend. It's enough to empower him to follow her suite and bore his green eyes onto the Thunderclanner's forms. As far as he was concerned Tallwave had done all the talking. There was nothing to be happy about on both sides, why pretend? All he offers to the Thunderclanners is a slight dip of his head in greeting.
The brown and white tom approaches with a scowl already settled upon his muzzle, trotting up to stand beside Tallwave and Pike. His clanmates don’t seem excited to see the other clan, and he isn’t either. ThunderClan is no better than the dogs who had roamed the rocks before them, taking and spilling blood in the name of… of what? Of nothing. There is no excuse; their leader is just greedy.

He thinks of Lakemoon, of the way she’d snapped at him last time he’d said something. Lakemoon can shove it, he thinks, and levels a glare at the ThunderClanners across the river. "Hope you dogs are having fun on RiverClan territory," he sneers, though his tone is carefully neutral, as though he’s discussing the weather.

He would cross the river right now, attack them head-on, finish what he started with Rabbitnose, shove the tom’s head beneath the water and keep him there—but Cicada still hasn’t given the go-ahead to take back their territory. He’s limited to nightly visits, checking anxiously over his shoulders for the other clan. Limited to leaving rocks and stones in a place that meant too much to himself and his mate, a place that he’s no longer allowed to touch.
Cloudypaw stayed close to her mentor all through the patrol.

Part of her wished that she could have gotten any other border for patrol, walking the Riverclan border always put her on edge. It felt like another skirmish could break out any moment and she had to hold her breath the entire time until she was safe back in camp. Still, she was determined to do her part.

At Flamewhisker's signal, she reluctantly left her side and slinked over to a nearby bush to mark it. Over and over she reminded herself, this was to keep the clan safe. To keep her friends and family safe. She needed to do it, despite her anxieties.

The sight of Riverclan made her jump to attention. She stood still and rigid, watching them. Her heart leapt into her throat. Even as they called out to the Thunderclan patrol she didn't say anything back, just stared with wide eyes,​

Following Rabbitnose along in the patrol was no arduous task, for Patchpaw had done it many times before. She was eerily silent, however, giving no indication that she had ever been here before at all, nor did the troubles still weighing heavily upon her mind give themselves away in her eyes. Instead, she watched carefully as the rest of her clanmates set about to marking around the territory, before she hops up further onto the rocks to rub her fur against them.
For a second, she swore she could still pick up Wildheart's faint scent...

However, the scathing voice of a RiverClan tom distracts her away from the scent, and she stands up straight to look past the river and towards the opposing clan's patrol. Clayfur, a particularly unhappy-looking tom, was making a scathing insult towards them--comparing them to the very dogs they had fought off so long ago. Her eyes narrow, but she says nothing; for there was nothing to be said to him. It was completely immature of him to stoop so low as to throw insults around like an apprentice throwing a fit, but the thought remained: how long would it be until RiverClan decided enough was enough, and came to take back the rocks?

If they were brave enough to hurl insults over a river and trespass when they could, who knows how long it would be until this escalates...

Patchpaw takes a step away, allowing herself to turn her back to them and continue on, back down her path from the steep pile of rocks.